Please post here if you've gotten over depression and suicidal ideation and have, for an amount of time spanning several months that includes the present time, not been back to that place. Actually, post here if you were just depressed and thought about death and said you wanted to die, but weren't really suicidal and managed to get over it and have, for an amount of time spanning several months that includes the present time, not been back to that place.
I don't care about the issue or anything, just post here. I'm not suicidal, it's just... I'm getting worried. Maybe I'm using too many resources... I don't like this. Someone, please tell me they got over their shit because this is probably the fourth or fifth time I've used some kind of crisis resource...
I'm just sitting here waiting for a counselor because most of the therapists in my are backed up...
James Price
Yeah man I hit bottom and kept dragging my ass even after hitting bottom for a while but I picked my ass up eventually and clawed tooth and nail back into the real world
Ive been wanting to kill myself for the last 2 years I lost everything my career my home all my friends ive never had a girl friend I am very serious about killing myself but I read alot of scary shit of people that survive and there life gets worse after the painful experience i tried killing myself 4 times 3 of them i ended up in the hospital lucky no permanent damage i am fully healthy now and too scared to kill myself because how hard it is I just wish I can have a time machine so I can go back and fix my mistakes
Andrew Torres
you can't change the past. but you can chip away at a decent future dude
Chase Cruz
i was in the hospital a little over a year ago, psychotically depressed. it does get better. gets worse sometimes, too, but it gets better at other times. probably more stable right now, though. focus on therapy and things that will help you grow (exercise, reading, hobbies). we'll get through this or die trying.
Jacob Long
To be clear, I'm not suicidal... I think perhaps suicidal ideatioin is a confusion of feeling and thought. I don't think I'm suicidal or really want to die, but I've felt close to death a little. I've thought of it before. I make this thread simply because to be truly depressive and suicidal or whatever.... like really depressed to that kind of extreme extant... I feel like that's a really deep hole for someone to get out of and that's why I want to hear about that because I don't know how deep I'm going to be dug before I can get trained help.
Elijah Roberts
*close to death meaning thinking about death etc. not "about to die*
Oliver Flores
I feel like there's a thing inside of me that's hunting me. It isn't me or the current me that's doing it. At least, it feels as if its someone or something else which is pretty disturbing not gonna lie.
Kayden Nelson
Yes, I got over it. 6 years, 10 hospitalizations. Started self harming at 11. Suicidal ideation started around 17 or 18. Had my first psychotic episode around 22. I Am 24 now. Been stable for six months.
Weekly therapy and medication (antidepressants and antipsychotics) helped, as well as stopping smoking pot (I miss it, but it really was making things worse).
I hope you feel better soon.
Jeremiah Moore
I get suicidal from time to time, I've been extremely depressed for years but it got better. Now when I feel like dying I look at my son and I get that idea out of my head, because he needs me.
Aaron Mitchell
I had one moment in life where I'd consider myself to have been genuinely suicidal and I still haven't quite recovered from the shock and confusion. Making headway and was feeling good for a while but I'm starting to fear that I might be overpushing myself and leading myself down the same path again.
Connor Gomez
you'll get through depression.
i was depressed for 3 years, 2 suicide attempts, was on meds. At that time I thought that this is the end of me. But with time it went away.
Hang in here OP. Will pray for you.
Thomas Ross
I thought about but didn’t go through with it. If I’m supposed to leave advice, i guess I’d say focus on your future. You can’t change shit that happened in the past.
Adrian Kelly
I pulled the gun on myself and it didn't go off. A friend came by and saved my life a few minutes later (was going to try again.) That was around two years ago.
I was in a shit situation at the time. It's laughable, kind of like a guy Cinderella who never knew I could leave my family and not be a slave to them. My childhood could be a filler ep of Law and Order SVU.
How I got out of it was changing my environment. For me, my environment was bringing me down. Don't know what your situation is like it could be external or internal, but if it's like mine then a change of scenery will help. I got out, pursued work I was passionate about, met a great girl along the way. She's very supportive and is a big part of that 'things are better now' not going to lie. I saw a therapist once or twice and she was stellar.
I get suicidal very rarely these days, only from ptsd flare ups at night. I'm not promising it gets better, but I can promise you that you have a chance of things getting better. Having horrible downs is a part of life. You may not deserve it at all, and it'll still happen. You're heard and understood and there are a lot of people who have beaten what you're going through now. I don't mean that in a negating way to what you're going through, more that it shows proof that you have a good chance to beat it. Don't know how yet and that's fine but you have it.
Zachary Anderson
I was suicidal back in my uni days. There was this one night when I was putting my jacket on and starting to head towards a train track next to my apartment building. There was a train at the exact same time every night that I could hear to my place and I had been thinking about it for a long while. I started to walk there, but I was a bit too early and had like 15 minutes to hang about there and think about it. All I could think about was the poor sod who was operating the train. I had read some statistics about how many train operators deal with depression and PTSD due to suicidal assholes killing themselves by jumping in front of trains. I thought about it for the 15 minutes and decided that as depressed jackass as I was, I wouldn't do it to another person. I was gonna head for a bridge next, but I was tired and my fingers were freezing, so I went home instead. Next morning I called my doctor who referred me on to a shrink. I only went to therapy like 7 times, but admitting my problems and lack of direction aloud sort of solidified my desire to improve. I didn't want to die exactly, I just didn't want to live either. I stopped the therapy and just worked hard to restart my life. Basically changed everything from sleeping schedule to friends to career and the place I lived in. Pretty much had to break every bone I had build my life on to set them right. This was like 6 years ago and I'm doing okay now. I have depressive episodes sometimes, but I haven't actively thought about suicide in years. I made a decision back then that if it ever gets that bad again, I'll scam a lot of money and fly to far East to buy cheap whores and cocaine rather than kill myself any other way. At least for me depression and the suicidal thoughts it brought were brought on by the sense that I couldn't do anything or change anything. It was sort of a cage I had imagined for myself, breaking the cycle was the key. If you're suicidal, you have nothing to lose, so might as well.