
Using definitions given by the APA, we know that those who identify as transgender have gender dysphoria; a mental disorder. How is gender dysphoria being left untreated, and becoming normalized, crippling society? Or do you believe it is proof of society progressing into a new, better era?

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lol 99% of "transgenders" are either transtrenders or have other undiagnosed mental issues (autism, schizophrenia, etc) and latch on to transgenderism as a coping mechanism.

They're being used a human shields to advance the globohomo agenda and suppress opposition

That's intriguing. I feel that is definitely a result of normalizing being transgender, making it acceptable and trendy. Though people claiming to be things they are not in the name of being trendy doesn't seem like a new concept.

If it means more Femboi's and Ladyboy's for the picking then I'm all for it. We just gotta wait for the old creepy 60 year old transvestites to die out!

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Who cares, it lessons their ability to pollute the gene pool with their fagged up genes.

Lmfao wouldn't that just mean the younger generation would become the older generation when the older generation dies off?

I do not like that trannies are influencing laws to change. The laws that are supposed to protect women from mentally ill men. Women being raped in female prisons by trannies proves that society is regressing.

>assuming they'll make it past 40 before offing themselves

Feed em the lovely Hormone Pills and they would look no different from 60 year old women!

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Watch the 2020 olympics. If that doesn’t put the tranny question to rest NOTHING will.

you're the worst kind. obsessed with inducting teenagers into the cult and then sending them on the purity spiral to suicide. die faggot.

It doesn't really stop them from dominating sociality and raping our culture normalizing pedophilia and all that other shit that the faggots are doing to ruin everything.

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Just enjoy the shitshow, worlds ending in 30 years max anyway.

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I didn't assume. I was talking about the few stragglers that make it past 40

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I believe there are other sport tournaments where this has been made clear as well.

Yeah it’s just entertaining a mental disorder. Pretty messed up that tax dollars are going to reassignment surgeries, too

>Muh Tax Dollers.

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Pills, surgery, lingerie, and cosmetics sales are very profitable business!

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Kill yourself degenerate

transtrenders make gender dysphoric kids feel more confident so they encorauge themselves into transition and 2-3 years later they are just another digit on the 43%

hrt is pure bullshit because if you were to replace the hormones you would haave to take the original one out first, plus god knows what else Big Pharmastein put in the shots but teen are so desperate they dont even care

kys fag

>How is gender dysphoria being left untreated
It's not, there's operations for that

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I'm a transgender person and was diagnosed with dysphoria at 14. Now in my 20s, I realize that the whole physical transition was a meme. I hated my lack of a male identity and latching onto a female one seemed like the better route, especially because I was attracted to men. It's a sign of the end times.

If it can't be treated with current medical technology, then the only humane thing to do is to try to be as accommodating as possible. Of course there are stumbling blocks when it comes to transgender people because major life decisions will potentially have to be made by minors. But the least we can do is not act like it's a crime for people with disorders to exist and demonize them until they off themselves.

Pretty much. Tech and medicine is nowhere near the ability to really change someone's gender .

But to allow it? To let it seem ok and even good?

It's body dismorphia and this pandering to the mental illness by telling them they can be men or women when they're not is harmful to society.
If I go to my doctor tomorrow and tell him I'm Napolean, will he see to it that I'm crowned emperor of France? There's no difference between that and transgender mental illness

So did you stop and just live as a gay man?

INCEL Alert!

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>major life decisions will potentially have to be made by minors
Yes because given minors the capability to make drastic life altering decisions is a good idea. You have to be fucking retarded m8

doing that is what is causing this problem in the first place that's why

#1 this thread exists

2# they will take more and more intill they fucking bleed us dry.

and plus the only humane thing to do is to find an actual fucking cure instead of genital mutilation and hormone pills.

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Nice projection

>live as a gay man
why the fuck are you retards so accepting of men who torture and rape teenagers but hate the other ones who torture and rape teenagers?
because you watched too much TV? do you really think the 'totally cool and based' faggot exists in real life? thats a faggot trying to drug and fuck you.

True. But none of them have been as historic and widespread as the olympics. For the first time all will witness this foolishness for what it is.

because the faggots are starting to dominate our lives no matter if we like it or fucking hate it!

>> Danke

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Maybe some people are transgender and some have gender dysphoria.

Why are you so scared of them! What the fuck do you really think is going to happen!

A mandatory "Trap to man anal penetration service"

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>If trans man = man
>trans woman = woman
>why are they included with lesbian, gay and bisexual?

LBGT, three are a sexual preference - the other is gender ...

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>because the faggots are starting to dominate our lives
in what way. dominate them intellectually without using 'bad words' and they fall apart (not hard given their abuse of drugs like meth and nitrous oxide)

No, unfortunately I didn't. I started my transition at 14 and live stealthily as a woman. Dysphoria, in my opinion, is just a symptom of a much greater issue at hand. I was severely sensitive and exoticized myself from other males, and I truly believe the dysphoria was just a symptom of my discomfort with myself. I still have dysphoria to this day, but I realize that I sterilized myself with the help of doctors.

for the same reason NAMBLA ISNT included:
there was a plan made by serious academics and it was designed to be as effective and destructive as possible without allowing any room for resistance.

>I truly believe the dysphoria was just a symptom of my discomfort with myself
no shit, you realized that there is no way to be loved by a man with a mans body, but you still want a mans love. im sure you realize by now that sodomy is not 'making love'.

we have to figure out how to pull the emergency stop on the ludicrous speed that these faggots are controlling the media and overwriting our culture.

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The problem is that its not doctors telling them this most of the time. If your look at most individuals who transition its usually due to low self-esteem mixed with social pressure from peers who they view as accepting. Just take a look at those tranny discords that were making the rounds on Jow Forums which would find lonely neets (a lot who were underage) and convince them to transition. A lot of these people don't have a mental illness they are simply convinced they do by the people around them who have already been indoctrinated.

They're not scared. They're annoyed, rightfully so.
It's like the difference between honeybees outside pollinating flowers and houseflies.
Start acting like bees, not flies. Pests are not endearing.

t. shotacon(somewhat)

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I fucking hate this notion that If I hate something That I automatically fear it


I hate them because of what they are doing to our society and our future children!

Very few of them have actual gender dysphoria. Most of them have just taken a fetish to the extreme. First ones require medical assistance, while second ones do it on their own volition and a big number later regrets it. While there is nothing that can be done apart from psychiatric treatment for actual sufferers of gender dysphoria, there is a solution for the rest. The media and activist groups need to stop enabling fake transgenders. Problem is that countries in which transgenders thrive are extremely inclusive and don't want to deal with their mental or other types of conditions.

lets be honest macho men and soiboys arent doing this, there is a section of males invisible to other males because they pose no threat and i am certain this is a fault of xenoestrogens.

It is simply mental illness that has somehow been enabled and is intentionally propagated to youths who have no real sense of self admidst the confusion of hormonal changes.

Transgenders are simply liars and deceivers who became so engrossed in their fantasy that it's become part of their identity. There is nothing "progressive" about them. Their struggle for social acceptance is about wanting the right to deceive others and not be called out on it.

It just seem odd now that I’ve thought about it. I mean trans woman consider and are treated under law as women. And same with trans man. They are allowed to compete athletically as such, are invited to use services for such, but they are under the lbgt umbrella... and then the lbgt umbrella included genderqueer, 2spirt, Xim, xir etc etc... and all of those are supposed to be new genders, ok, I got it - but what they all have to do with Lesbian Gay and Bisexual?! I mean... I mean, even polyamorous is just a sexual preference too so maybe they could belong LGBP - but again, that’s redundant bc that’s just the same as being bisexual. Unless you want to consider the poly on other genders which are now established...

I dunno.. I think I am more confused than ever about it... there was a need for gay rights for some things, sure. But transrights?! That’s just normal man or women rights no? If not than trans is it’s own gender and not male or female - how do people whom identify as such make logic of it? Curious not bigoted

I fully support weak-minded followers willingly castrating themselves.

Sure, why not? If a boy wants to wear a dress, who is harmed by that? Pills and surgery for minors, maybe not. But if we can improve the situation for transgender adults so that they can feel accepted by society even if they don't look like a man or a woman, perhaps there wouldn't be a need for children to make that sort of decision about their bodies before puberty.

Read what I wrote again. I didn't advocate for that, I merely acknowledged that it is a problem that will have to be addressed.

>they will take more and more
How does a man taking hormone pills or turning his penis into a vagina through surgery affect you personally, beyond offending your sensibilities?

can you fucking discord trannies fuck off?
if you think there are 'based gay men' and 'real trannies' you are part of the problem.

i fully support social darwinist incels being involuntarily institutionalized for posting on 'violent white supremacist' forums.

I'd rather see them all dead, but I can acknowledge that weird mental illnesses exist in small numbers.

>But if we can improve the situation for transgender adults so that they can feel accepted by society even if they don't look like a man or a woman

They are accepted, in most circumstances even as their desired gender. But I don't think they will be accepted as romantic partners by straight members of the same sex. They will always be a "special kind" of women.

nah buddy you have a fundamentally incorrect conception of how human bodies and minds work. dysphoria is a hormonal dysfunction that can be caused by both receptors and producers of sex hormones.
the only difference is that one can be fixed with testosterone supplementation, and one is pretty much impossible to fix as of now.

Why do these discord trannies insist on shitting up Jow Forums anyway? Being here can't be good for their fragile mental stability.
Apologies. Forgive me for being a dumb burger. But I don't understand how it got to the point where they would even bring up allowing children to make these decisions. Awkward teenage years are common and allowing such a decision at an early point of life makes no sense. So I wonder why the media is pushing it.

God I can't wait until someone goes full Christchurch on a tranny convention.

>how does it effect me personally?

because I get bullied by these people and further more I hate it when I can't tell intill it's too late.

another thing I hate is the word that I would be identified as "homophobic" It's stupid because I Don't Fear Faggots I hate them there's a differance!

A lot of societies have fluid gender roles and social institutions to deal with this. It's nothing new, and nothing to be upset about.

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It's not a medical problem, it's a social one. Masculine women and feminine men feel they can't live up to the standards of society for their gender and as a coping mechanism they start believing that they were "born in the wrong body" and need to emulate every aspect of the opposite sex to in order to be their "true selves".

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Tell me about your childhood and your father figures?

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if you think xenoestrogens arent affecting children you are wrong.

Still doesn't change the fact that overwhelming majority of trannies, if not all of them as you say, are just insane fetishists who have taken their gender bender fetish to an another level and are being enabled by media and cancerous activist groups.

A lot of societies practiced pedophilia, human sacrifices and cannibalism.

Maybe, but that just makes men feminine. It takes an extra leap of twisted logic to then go "oh I must actually be a girl".

they hate my opinion on queerfags

>just insane fetishists
so you think teenagers are insane fetishists? when did you start sexualizing children this way? or is your only conception of trannies the 30 year old former neckbeard morons you see posting pictures of themselves on the internet and the teenagers who were given the hormones of the opposite sex by abusive adults at a young age?

When it's left untreated the person is suicidal due to hormonal imbalance and unresolved mental issues.
Much like with fierce schizophrenia, a person needs help or they grow more unstable until they harm themselves or others.

How is that comparable?

All of them are being enabled by media and the governments allow that. Anyone can be an insane fetishist. Those young kids are obviously not because they are enabled by their parents which in turn are enabled by the government who again allows that shit and doesn't sanction it as child abuse.

that Is true but how do you treat these "people"
and not with genital multiatons and hormones

he's just saying that other societies practiced stuff that isn't right and damn wrong

Transgenders are possessed by demons. That's why every family with a "trans" child will tell you that the child's personality changed completely from the previous selves.

I would say that's because of things like
normalisation like teaching it in schools
youtube channels like

>But I don't understand how it got to the point where they would even bring up allowing children to make these decisions.
Because society responds so negatively to transgender adults, that there is immense pressure for transgender individuals to pass, and the best way to do that is to start before puberty.
Think about it if it were your own kid that started showing signs of being transgendered. If you don't want your kid to be the target of harassment as an adult, then of course the idea of starting them on pills would come up.
I'm not saying that's what is right, just that there's no transgender media conspiracy.

For starters, you could stop putting quotes around them.

the best way to make your child a success is to give them pills that will drive them to self-mutilation

>if it were your own kid that started showing signs of being transgendered
How about teaching them to accept themselves as they are and not aspire to be a mere imitation of something they can never fully become?

>Because society responds so negatively to transgender adults, that there is immense pressure for transgender individuals to pass,

People discriminate against them not because of how they look, but who they are. It is very difficult to keep the deception forever.

>How is gender dysphoria being left untreated, and becoming normalized, crippling society?

It begins with a J and ends with an s.

you see problem whether or not you can see it
is that these trannyfaggots are everywhere and they want to destroy anything to get what they want, what do they want you say coulden't tell you exactly because i'm not one of them my best guess is, that they want to indoctrinate our children with there faggotry, legalize pedophilia and spread literal incurable diseases (aids hiv whatever).

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I think the current rise in transgender nonsense in the millennial and younger generations has a direct relationship to growing up in western capitalist society's that promote the idea that anyone can be anything they want. Couple that with the availability of anything you want if your willing to pay that you find in a capitalist society and you have a whole generation that doesn't understand the limitations of biology because they have never been limited in anything else. Also its trendy rn and idiots always glom onto things deemed trendy no matter how retarded it is.

>It is very difficult to keep the deception forever.
Perhaps there are some that get off on the deception, but I suppose the vast majority of transgender individuals that deceive do it for fear of harassment.
At any rate, how many times have you ended up in bed with a transsexual person on accident? I'm guessing never. And if a transsexual person expresses interest in you, how should that be different than any other person you are not interested in? Just decline politely and go on with your day. You don't have to have a personal crisis just because someone you don't find attractive finds you attractive.

>Think about it if it were your own kid that started showing signs of being transgendered.
I would eliminate all tap water, pharmaceuticals, etc from use, and would possibly use low-dose test to nudge the imbalance the other way.

>You don't have to have a personal crisis just because someone you don't find attractive finds you attractive.

I wouldn't be offended if an unattractive real women hit on me. I would be angry if a mutilated faggot disguised as a women tried to trick me into sleeping with him.

>I would be angry if a mutilated faggot disguised as a women tried to trick me into sleeping with him.
Then try to be more accepting of transgender people so that they can feel more comfortable being honest about their condition before you end up in bed together.
Of course there will always be some chance of trickery, but that is down to the individual. We don't blame all men just because a few happen to be racists (well, some feminists do but that's besides the point).

Then stop being a tranny

Send them all to China and they won’t have the luxury and time to be a huge fucking faggot

>Then try to be more accepting of transgender people so that they can feel more comfortable being honest about their condition before you end up in bed together.

I am totally accepting, I just don't consider them viable sexual partners, no matter how much they pass. So I will never be able to treat them as real women and there will always be some discrimination.

I guess my point is that a lot of the aggression directed towards transgender people (and pedophiles, and gay people) is out of fear that these conditions are contagious. We don't want our kids to end up falling into one of these categories, so we attack and shun these people.
If instead we acknowledge that these are simply disorders that people are born with or develop, and that they are not contagious, then we can start to treat these groups of people better. If we treat them better, we won't have to fear for our children turning out that way. Without the fear there will be less hostility.
We need to break the negative feedback loop around these disorders. After that, we can simply allow nature to take its course.
Again, not saying we should let children go under the knife, or allow pedophiles to have sex with children, just saying that we should treat these individuals like human beings instead of monsters (while still working to remove the ones that harm others from society).

I've been thinking about pedos. So far the only cure seems to be to remove their sex drive entirely but that gets into forced sterilization territory. How about we start something like a leper colony for them? They get to live comfortable lives without being a threat to anyone until they die or a cure is found.

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.

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