What's the best thing to say when you break up with someone over text? Like can I have some examples

What's the best thing to say when you break up with someone over text? Like can I have some examples.

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Depends on the situation, but honestly you're better off doing it in person, or at least via phone call.

Don’t break up with them over text, asshole. At least have the decency to call, but it’s best to do in person

"Be thankful you're rid of me because I'm such an asshole I'd break up with you in text"

I would've done it over call but it could get messy

You owe your partner the decency of letting it get messy. A text shows that you don’t give a shit about them as a human being and that they don’t deserve respect

>I'm a massive piece of shit and a coward. You should leave me.
This also works.

Does it matter? I've been broken up over text as well and all it showed to me is that they were cowardly and didn't respect me enough to do it to my face.

So don't think about how you're going to phrase it because you're going to look like a dick either way

Welcome to fucking adulthood.
But you owe it to her and to yourself to make our clear that your relationship isn't working out anymore. Be a man.

Just say "we're done". You lack any decency and balls, i'm sure that if you tried to face her you would piss youself. You're a dick.

Wanna know how I know you’re a woman? OP, you absolutely have a right to avoid conflict. As a man, you are taking an enormous risk by engaging with a female in an emotionally heated situation.

To clear up: I can't break up in person because it's a long distance relationship

Don't do it over a message. Be a man and do it in person, explain how you're feeling and that you don't feel like shes the one. Or just ghost her if you don't have the nads to break up in person.

Welcome to Dumpsville.
Population: You.


>What's the best thing to say when you break up with someone over text?
Say exactly this
>I'm sorry, this isn't going to work anymore, I'm a massive fucking faggot and can't even afford the time or effort to call you at this point and break up, so this text'll have to do. Fuck off bitch, you'll do better than me by hitting up recently on probation inmates, trust me.

Attached: can you respect me.jpg (445x520, 134K)

>I would've done it over call but it could get messy

Attached: 7t1MzhP.jpg (480x360, 28K)

If you want to be an actual bitch then just start randomly ghosting your partner
Works real fucking well

>break up with someone over text?


user isn't a woman, but you're certainly not a man, maybe a kid. What fucking risk is he taking by engaging with a female in a fonecall? Passing out? Real man thing to do.

If you're looking for way to bitch out of telling them in person or via a call at least, your only option is to be a gag and ghost them. A text is somehow worse, you come of as a massive faggot instead of a regular faggot.