ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

Attached: 4GJFyHn.jpg (449x381, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys and girls,

how are you REALLY doing today?

I told her friends that I like her when I was drunk yesterday. We all work together. How fucked am I? Is it going to be awkward and embarrassing for me at lunch sitting with them now?

Guys who have been in a relationship, do you think having a girlfriend could stop you from performing well academically ? I need very high grades this semester and for the next year so I wouldn't want to ruin my future because of a girl

If it becomes awkward you can always brush it off as
"I was drunk, I didn't know what I was talking about, haha ha"

I talk to a bunch of people at school and I have a group of friends there, but as I soon as I leave school I'm entirely alone. no one texts me unless I initiate it, and even then it's not passionate discussions at all. is there a reason for that ?

I've been missing my boyfriend a lot. Beside that, good. You, user?

Yes and no. Fit has the concept of gainz goblins because having a gf WILL take time out of your life to some degree. How much really depends on the girl but i wouldnt gamble on it.

I'm not having panic attacks, so that's good. Other than that I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I fail at life.

I'm doing alright today. Having a shitty semester, and one of my close friends is physically avoiding me without really giving me a reason why, but I'm getting through it.

But her friends said they already knew I liked her. They said they knew because of the way I look at her at work. What does that mean?

After having spent the night on Friday and most of the day on Saturday, then being invited and spending Sunday with her yet again, I kind of... didn't want to meet her tomorrow, Tuesday, again. Now I feel bad for it. Is this a bad sign?

Did you ever try to lead passionate discussions with them?
Some people just really suck at conversations online.
It may be because usually you all talk in groups but online it's one on one.
I can't say for sure that's what's happening in your case but it might be!

Male here, Need Female advice.

Im a good looking guy but autistic as hell when it comes to understanding what girls want and if they're flirting or not.
I have two issues id love some female advice on since I don't actually have any female friends (woe is me)

Recently a girl at work e-mailed my work e-mail account off of hers to apologise for not being able to speak to me earlier in the day (this is odd as its a personal matter and probably shouldn't be used to ask that question)
She then went and messaged me on facebook and asked for a friend request but hasn't messaged me since.

A girl i was seeing about 5 years ago for a short time during college added me on social media, which I find odd since we have had NO contact since then.

Whats that all about ? Am I just miss-reading friendly gestures or being a weird creep ?
Help would be very good
Feel free to ask me any Q's
Thanks in advance.

Depends on a lot of factors. A major one affecting the decision would be whether you actually could perform at full capacity knowing you passed up the chance at a gf; I think that would've fucked me up at your age.

I usually have great discussions in person with some people I know. I'm good at getting to the point where you talk to people when you see them, but I think my problem is that I can never get to the point where you hang out outside of school and text each other without a direct reason to do so, you now ? I always fail to go from acquaintance to friends

1. It's nothing. Using work e-mail for socialization isn't a best practice but it's not a crime. The friend request is just friendly and normal.
2. It's nothing. It's not even odd.

Depends on the girl. Find one who also succeeds academically.
A lot of girls can be needy. But, some of them are perfectly fine with not seeing their bf all the time. Explain this to the girl. If she knows and is perfectly fine with it, that's a keeper. Also she could be the reason you try even harder in your studies. It all depends. Try it out.

Awh, make sure to let him know how much you miss him!
I'm sure he would really appreciate that.
I'm doing pretty alright myself, I can't complain :D

Don't be so harsh on yourself! All of us sometimes feel like we are failing at life
but in fact we are all probably doing pretty average and there is nothing wrong with that.

I'm sorry to hear that, have you tried talking to her online? I wish you best of luck with your semester though!

You shouldn't feel bad about it, it's normal not to be in the mood for hanging out with the same person 24/7, it can be exhausting. You should probably let her know how you feel though, don't force yourself to be in situations you don't want to be in.

>have you tried talking to her online?
She blocked me, so I can't. But thanks user!

Yeah I'm afraid of that, focusing on school and missing out on everything else. But I have people who depend on me so if that's what I have to do I'll do it.

I'm 18, and I'll focus on school until I get in the program I want, hopefully by the time I'm 20. Does avoiding relationships until I'm 20 sound weird/difficult to you ? I also know that grades depend a lot on whether you have a balanced social life, so idk if being alone would fuck up my grades more than being with someone.

Well if they already knew how you feel about her not much will change from this point on.
Just own it, tell her how you feel and see where things go from there :D

But what did they mean? How could they tell I liked her just from how I looked at her at work?

You look at her longer than others, you try to make eye contact with her more often, you listen to what she says with more interest, when you enter the room you instantly look at her and forget the others, when you see a group of people you look around to see if she's there... It shows.

Sometimes you can just tell such things,
there isn't really a good way of explaining it,
not that I can think of at least.

Turns out there was a good way of explaining it and this was it!

Is a girl being obsessed with instagram a red flag?

Oh right! I probably shouldn't be giving an advice on this since I literally don't have any friends but I think you should try to conect to them more on a personal level. Have more personal conversations with them and share personal things about yourself, even if they're embarassing, so that way you can build that trust between you. Maybe you should try being the first one to suggest you hang out... just because. Maybe they too would like that.

It honestly depends on what your level of need is for a relationship. When I was your age I felt like I needed to be in a relationship and not meeting someone in college felt like failure to me (I put a lot of pressure on myself I suspect because my parents met in college). So, while it would've been a good idea to focus on my studies, I don't think I could have done it at the time.

In my opinion, yes.
If shes obsessed with any social media it's kinda a red flag.

How obsessed are we talking, and if she's an influencer does she make any money from that?
i remember when i was really depressed and having problems, i'd go on instagram a lot to see pictures of my friends looking happy. not a great sign but i think it depends on what you mean by obsessed

>How obsessed are we talking, and if she's an influencer does she make any money from that?
This. My ex made ASSLOADS of money on Twitter managing people's and businesses' accounts. If she's just obsessively doing nothing it's a problem, but if she's like "good at it" she can absolutely turn it into a livelihood.

Ouch, there there, user :(

You can always discuss this with the girl and if she isn't okay with it, move on. But if there's someone you'd pursue then go for it. I'm good in school and haven't had issues because I know how to manage my time well.

I think you should try it out if you're actually interested in someone. Don't let the thought of academics ruin something that could've been done. And if it doesn't work, you literally just break up. Just work on your time management

I'm fine. I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot of great things going on in my life, I'm dating this girl I really like and I crave more time with her, but she's busy. I worry about "messing up" with her because I like her so much.

I moved to a new city recently and it was a challenge at first but I'm really getting settled in now. Super optimistic about my future.

I spent the day today with a new friend. She's from australia and I like her a lot. She's smart and made me think.

I think a part of me feels kinda 'bad' right now, but I honestly don't know why.I have so much going on for me.

It depends on the girl. She will either make you better or make your worse. You want one that'll make you better, obviously, and only life experience will teach you how to tell them apart. But one litmus test you can use is to see if she is jealous of you.... Discuss your grades and tell how well you've done in school. Really talk about it, be yourself, be happy. She will either ride your happiness and be like "omg that's so cool! well done you've clearly been working hard on this!" or... she'll say anything that resembles jealousy or ambiguity. That is my advice to you, see how she reacts to your accomplishments and dreams.


Typical Jow Forums guy here. Serious hygiene problems stemming from mental illness. You know what kinds of infections you can get from not cleaning yourself? I've got 'em all. I'm suicidal, depressed, miserable, and lonely.

I'm right in assuming that, if I ever managed to fix myself up and enter a relationship someday, I take this shit to the grave, right? This period of my life stays between me and the Internet?

Yeah don't mention that stuff in details, but you should be honest and say that you had a rough time in your past, while keeping the focus on how you turned your life around.

Also it's good to see you have a vision for the future. Keep that hope and better yourself, and that ''If I ever managed to fix myself'' will turn into a ''When I'm finally fixed'', and finally into a ''I'm fixed''. You can do it

Cool, gotcha. I've got OCD and a big part of OCD is guilt, and one of my "things" is the burning desire to reveal every little detail about my life so I definitely need to get that sorted.

I don't actually plan to enter a relationship - at this point I can't imagine it. It's a fap fantasy at best. I still wanna fix myself up and get a job and my own place someday, though. That's the dream.


I'm happy to hear you're doing well in life!
Don't worry too much about messing up, worrying never helps and I'm sure the two of you will work out just fine as long as you love each other.
Maybe you feel bad because you're expecting something to go wrong since your life right now seems too good to be true.
Keep up the good work, I wish you the best!

Hello there, malebot! Why are you miserable, do you want to talk about it?
Once you find a girl that you love and are truly comfortable with you won't mind sharing this part of your life with her, I'm sure she would understand too

Has anyone here ever actually gathered up the courage to ask out a longtime crush (and had it work out)?

>do you want to talk about it?
I do enough complaining already but thank you.

>I'm sure she would understand too
It's possible. I met a girl on Jow Forums I was open about this stuff with but she was a medical student so she's seen far worse. Unfortunately I pissed her off by going AWOL for a few days so she doesn't talk to me any more. But I think most normal women would find it disgusting (>implying I know shit about women). It would be like if you told some guy you once had a variety of really nasty STDs. You might not have them any more, but...

I'll just do what the other girl said above. No details, focus on the positive aspects of the story. If I ever share, that is.

I almost never meet a girl that I have chemistry with.
I meet lots of girls through my active social life, but almost none of them make me want to invest any energy into chasing them.
In the very very rare cases where I meet someone I actually could like and click with, I either screw it up, or they have a BF already etc.
Then I have to wait a year or so for another candidate to show up most of the time.
It just never works with the girls that interest me for one reason or another. I that very fact maybe what makes them interesting to me in the first place?
What should I do?

Yup. I took a chance and walked up to a girl in my class and asked her out. She said yes. Two dates. Tons of fucking, but over time realized we wanted different things in life. End.
Does that count as working out?
It was a great experience so I’ll take it as a win

She's not really good at school, but she doesn't seem too needy. I think I'll tell her that if I go for it

I usually have no problems sharing personal info, but it's true that I sometimes don't invest myself into other people. I'll try doing that more

Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out really. I'm seeing people around starting to get girlfriends so it kinda feels like there's pressure if that makes sense. Also I don't talk to girls much except for the girl in question, so I guess I'm afraid on missing my chance

I'm not there yet, but if it does happen I'll make sure to talk about that with her. And yeah I know a few people with gfs who have really good grades so it's definitely possible. But I have family issues and a part-time job on the side, so a gf might be too much

I would hate to get into a relationship just to break up because of time management. I don't like playing with people like that, I'd rather be sure before going in. But you,re right, I probably should go for it and see what happens

No she's not jealous or anything. She knows I get good grades and she says things like ''wow i could never do that''. She's not a girl who causes trouble at all so that's cool

Thanks for your advice guys, I have no one to talk with on these kinds of subjects so it helps

Had sex with girl I'm seeing. If she doesn't pee after sex she gets sick and starts to sweat. etc. Says her bladder hurts.

any reason for this?

You know, I don't think it would be too bad of an idea to try and get a fembot girlfriend.
These past few years there has been plenty of them, you can easily find them on discord I think.
If anyone would understand, it would be another autist.

It's totally up to you how much detail you want to share. I just know I'm so comfortable with my bf that I could tell him anything, even that I had nasty STDs in the past, and I hope you'll find someone you'll be just as comfortable with!

That's great user. As long as you got a dream, nothing can stop you.

I think I know what you mean by wanting to tell everything about yourself. To avoid that, try asking questions to others rather than talking about yourself. Ask them about their life, how their day went or what they like, people always like talking about themselves.

Sex related question, skip if you dont want to read this.
>Anyone basically with basic biological knowing of the female body (which i lack):
I had a discussion today with a friend about tall and small women and the size of their vaginal canal (dont know the right word for it in english, basically how much space there is inside before you hit the wall while having sex). We know that, for example, penis size is not in correlation with height with men. Also, i think, breast size is also not in correlation with height in women (but i dont have statistics on this, just anecdotal impressions).
What about vaginas? Do tall women need a large dick to be satisfied?

Now for anecdotal evidence, i have a thing for tall women (175cm above) and thus i enjoyed the company with some of those. Now, recently i had sex with a really small girl, like 160cm, and she was batshit insane in bed, screaming just when i entered, and i hit the "wall" very easily with regular intercourse. I think girls like this, feels good. Can somebody tell me about this?

It's a nice idea but I don't think it would ever happen. I've met lots of girls from Jow Forums over the years and they're almost always very attractive. But I guess that's because it's easier to talk to attractive girls because they're more likely to be social. And, of course, attractive girls could do a lot better than me, even after I fixed myself up. I don't know how you'd go about finding the "bot"-heavy kind of "fembot" if that makes sense. I've described it poorly. I can try again if you don't understand what I mean. I'm aware that it's not all about looks but looks are very important.

They also tend to be quite submissive. I'm not very dominant.

I don't talk to many people any more. I have a very small selection of online friends from Jow Forums I know but that's my only social contact beyond my parents. I do ask questions. Luckily they're mostly robot guys so I can share how much of a fucking mess I am and we all have a good chuckle at how much we hate ourselves.

Thank you both for the (You)s.

Yes. Got rejected the first time and asked her out again later and she went out with me, presumably out of pity. Didn't go well. My best advice to you is to get it over with ASAP, the more you build a person up in your mind the more anxious you'll be and the worse you'll feel if she rejects you.

>I that very fact maybe what makes them interesting to me in the first place?
From the information you've given, no. A lot of girls suck right now, no sugarcoating it. It's up to you if you want to settle for the average instathot or if you want to hold out for one that's a cut above.

Strange symptoms, but she should pee anyway to reduce the chances of a UTI.

I'm 177cm or so (5'10) and I don't think theres a correlation? My lover was above average but not huge but he always left me very satisfied and if he went in without stimulating me enough beforehand it would be painful

i'm a virgin but i'm hot as fuck and really sexual
i have lots of women trying to fuck me but i want a serious relationship
i've tried using my virginity to lure women into a relationship before and it worked, but she eventually told me she's married so i fucked off
how do i find a girl who wants a relationship and doesn't just want to fuck me
being attractive is frustrating

How do you guys get over "freezing up" when you see your crush? I understand that you need to practice exposing yourself to girls, but how do you get over the "freezing up" part? For me, whenever I see my crush, I freeze up and can't think of anything to say. After the opportunity to talk to her passes, I think of fifty million things I could have said to her.

Try changing social circles. More lowkey, traditionally raised girls want relationships, modern thots want to fuck.

>being attractive is frustrating
stop. be grateful for what you have and dont rub it in people's faces, that just screams insecurity

I know it's hard, but stop holding her as some kind of God. Try seeing her as an option, a possibility, rather than an imperative. Build a relation with her and if you have chemistry together, go for it. If it doesn't work, there's still plenty of girls out there

do you live in new england
i'll give you my virginity

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Why are we still virgins, just to suffer? Every night I feel my dick and my balls, even my nipples. The sex I've never had, the gfs I've never had won't stop hurting. You feel it too don't you?

How often do you see her? How many classes do you have together? Try sitting next to her. Also if she's ugly up close and not from far away that's bad. When you fuck her you will be very close so take that into consideration. sounds like a butter face.

Sadly I'm a man, and I have no idea where New England is.

Btw I hope you're memeing here lmao. You should lose it to someone special, not some random person. Unless you're 30 or something there's no hurry

>lure women into a relationship
get help

>Unless you're 30 or something there's no hurry
i'm 30

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I draw suggestive things and cute girls for a living.
I've always been insecure that girls would find that weird, and that I should look for an artist gf who's not shy of kinky/nsfw artwork.
Am I right in thinking that or do women in general don't get too bothered by that?

I'll try that. Like I saw her today, and I thought she looked really pretty, and was so entranced by her physical appearance that I could only just stand there looking in her general direction. Then when she left, I realized I could have asked her about this job interview she said she had last Wednesday, and just got mad at myself for not saying anything.

During the early dating phase, definitely keep it to yourself. But it's possible to talk about it once you're very serious and you trust the girl.

Things you'd take to the grave would be having gotten away with a violent felony or sex crime, having tortured animals, having masturbated to traps, having lost your virginity to a prostitute, and or had any sexual contact with another man. Past mental illness or having been so slovenly it affected your health at a point in your life isn't nearly that bad.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm actually a bit like this with a girl in one of my classes, but I never even talked to her.

I think you take it so seriously because you like her so much that if you fuck up it feels like your life is over. Just be cool, appear interested but not needy, and you should be fine. Good luck with that user, and even if you don't get her, at least you'll have felt these strong feelings. I think that's a good thing in itself

Thanks. I hear some good things about her, like she's cute, she's a fast learner, etc, so that makes me view her as some perfect deity with zero flaws. I doubt she is "the one" for me, so I'm looking at this half as practice and half as I'd like to get to know her more personally.

No one is perfect, so you'll probably find some flaws when you get to know her, but there certainly are some people who are really good people and don't have serious flaws. Those are the ones you want to be with, so definitely go for it.

>I'm looking at this half as practice and half as I'd like to get to know her more personally.

That's a winning mentality. Good luck

>Things you'd take to the grave would be having gotten away with a violent felony or sex crime, having tortured animals, having masturbated to traps, having lost your virginity to a prostitute, and or had any sexual contact with another man.
Really? Fapping to traps or fooling around with another guy is something you never, ever tell a girl? I don't know why but that surprises me. I'm actually considering hiring an escort eventually. Do I just never tell no matter what? Even if she were to ask outright for some reason?

What are some similar things you plan to take to the grave (or women in general are likely to not tell under any circumstances)? Like, what's the female equivalent of this list?

Thanks for this, I really appreciate it.

I mean I know she definitely has flaws. There was an event I went to before that both she and I had signed up for before. She didn't show up though, and she didn't let the person hosting the event know she wouldn't come. I just feel so entranced by her when I see her that I don't even think about that. I feel she could murder someone in front of my eyes and I wouldn't really be bothered.
>That's a winning mentality
Yeah, I've been rejected before by a girl I didn't know but thought was "the one" and managed to get over her, so I'm not too worried about getting rejected. I just need to get to the "talking to" part.

Is it normal for a girl who likes you to initiate small talk and freeze and stare at you like she afraid you might bite her neck while you answer to her question/s?

Do most girls prefer when a guy has a beard?

girls- would you date a foreigner? Not necessarily of a different race but from a different country, has slightly different culture (although western, but no north american) and a non english accent?

I don't think any girls have a crush on me.
If I initiate contact, I am usually met with either slight annoyment or friendly indifference, like, they will answer and make superficial conversation but wont really engage that much.
Girls do rarely if ever initiate contact themselves with me, even if I talked to them in the past, wrote them, so that makes me think nobody is interested right now and I usually give up after the initial interaction went fruitless and she never reaches out herself.
Am I right to think that girls?

As a guy in a foreign country, I can tell you yes, they are happy to ;)

But maybe depends on what country you're from. White girls are by far the most loyal to their race. And the ones who aren't are usually the lowest beings, unwanted by other white men.

Never, get the fuck back to your shithole you smelly foreigner.

>White girls are by far the most loyal to their race. And the ones who aren't are usually the lowest beings, unwanted by other white men

Straight up basement dweller talk lmao.

Is posting a pic and asking if its tinder worthy or attractive applicable to this thread?

>guy I've been introduced to before can't stop staring at me when I see him on a night out
>he touched by waist before and would maintain prolonged eye contact, all smiles
>look him up online, has a gf

Was he just being friendly then? The way he was looking at me made me think he's into me but finding this out makes me wonder if I just read too much into people's behaviour? He also tried talking to me more deeply but seemed nervous and gave up.

Dunno, what do you guys think? It did feel like he was flirting with me.

Oh he was flirting with you but the question is would he cheat on his gf. Guys definitely get touchy when they're interested.

How does an observation about race correlate to living in a basement?

FWIW, I live on the second floor of a building in the city-center. My building has a basement but I rarely go down there.

Attached: 66f975ea5d8a9558cff024984bdb094b20e0ae06422d072bd0decc3db298f366.png (734x1110, 222K)

>How does an observation about race correlate to living in a basement?
Because waxing poetic about white race loyalty on an infamous alt-right scandinavian hackey sack forum paints you as a genuinely shitty person disconnected from the most commonly accepted foundation of human decency, regardless of what floor of your building you live in. I think what user means is that if you don't live in a basement you certainly deserve to.

Well shit. I sort of feel attracted to him, but it's not fair on the gf

Good on you user for not ruining a relationship. Though hes gonna ruin his own one day so

This is actually really good advice and applies to 99% of the bullshit on this board

No, there is a board for that Look for the tinder advice thread

How do you turn a guy on through texts without looking like a dumb slut?

How can I ask my fwb to hang out to FUCK?

Her room mate is often home, and I can't ask "Hey do you wanna hang out when your roommate is out?"

She obviously likes to hang out without fucking, but I want to make it clear without being an ass

What do I say?

How do you smear feces on your face without looking like a dumb freak?

How is that related?

Maybe not the best example. It was to point out the contradictory nature of your question. Like...

How do I unlock a door without using the key?
How do I eat cake everyday without getting fat
How do I get a caffeine kick from decaf coffee?

The cake thing is easy - OMAD.

>"hey baby when are you coming back to [our city]? let's get together and i'll give you a back rub. ;)"
See? That would immediately scare him away, especially since I've met him in-person once and he most certainly doesn't remember me.

Wait - aren't you the guy from the previous thread who told me to be a tease and make my man "work" for me?

yes probably, that sounds like something I would say

Well other anons told me you give terrible advice and are probably schizo.

But seriously, what's the logic behind playing hard to get if I'm trying to get this guy, and he has plenty of other women he can turn to if he becomes uninterested in me or assumes I'm uninterested in him?

Yes there is a clique of posters in here that really don't like me or my advice; but I'm a success IRL so you can be your own judge.

>what's the logic behind playing hard to get
Men have a need to conquer. We feel sexual desire and emotional security differently than women. For us, we're attracted mainly by visual cues, that's why there's sexual content for men on magazine racks and sexual content for women on romance novel racks (hint hint -- that's why being sexy in text is a bad idea). Likewise we feel security by knowing our woman was hard to get. We all want the most beautiful woman (like supermodels), obviously, but we know we're not good enough for her. So we resign to inventorying ourself and deciding the best we can possibly attract. If that means, after working HARD to earn a 6/10 girlfriend, then we'll feel super secure with her, feel that 7/10 is out of our league.

But if a girl throws herself at us, we're happy to fuck her, you won't hear us complain!! But we'll never, no matter what you do after that, ever feel secure with you. That's because we ranked how beautiful you are and how hard we had to work to earn you. If we can date you for free, then why not spend a little effort and get a more beautiful girlfriend?

There is a threshold; like a sweet-spot, where we work JUST hard enough to earn a woman and we feel super secure and satisfied. If a woman is too hard (like supermodel) we don't even bother (pic related). Emotionally, deeply, we know it's impossible, and even if we got lucky she'd probably leave us for a better man anyway so there's no point.

So you need to be hard enough to get to feel like a "catch", because it'll make him stop searching for prettier women and satisfied he's done his best.

> he has plenty of other women he can turn to
If you nail this, and you're just hard enough to get, then he'll never leave. Men don't generally operate that way. Women often assume this because women do it.

Attached: male-messaging-curve.png (396x324, 13K)

Tired from not sleeping. This socialising and relationship shit is killing me man.

Thoughts on this video? Just jump forward to six minutes.

>crave more time with her, but she's busy. I worry about "messing up" with her because I like her so much.
Fuck this shitty feeling. I sympathise tripfag.

*eight minutes if you want to jump into it