Wow, so glad Brenton Tarrant killed this evil, raping, muslim IT entrepreneur. So brave!

Wow, so glad Brenton Tarrant killed this evil, raping, muslim IT entrepreneur. So brave!

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Other urls found in this thread: say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/ attack seems to be trying to enrage/

Nobody died. It was all a mossad hoax. OP is a faggot.

i feel bad for the murders but muslims are legit trash and so are christians.

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Notice how the media today has downplayed the #NetherlandsShooting . Now imagine the hoopla if the shooter was a white supremacist rather than a Turkish Muslim! #FakeNews doesn’t just refer to made-up stories but also to the slanted way in which news is covered

Our jewish and non-jewish elite are terrified of copycats so they're spamming this shit everywhere. The schizos that you see in every thread are paid posters larping as stormfags, it's their job to convince you this was an anti-white 'Mossad plot' and that 'accelerationism' doesn't work. Mudshits and paranoid boomer stormniggers are helping them out unwittingly. say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/ attack seems to be trying to enrage/

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They deserved to die for housing extremists. This should be a message for every Muslim: Get rid of your trash, or get removed alongside them.

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fake psyop go away

He was going to die anyways, whats the big deal.