There are at least FOUR discords dedicated to the Yang campaign, 2 of which were created explicitly by Jow Forums users to organize raiding on Jow Forums. ALL of the known discords are as follows: -"AndrewYang2020" - 'Official' Yang discord created by redditors. Some Jow Forums raiding but not much -"Yang Gang 2020" - Discord created by Jow Forums users, actively advertises their Yang threads for raiding -"YangGang" - Discord created by Jow Forums users, actively advertises their Yang threads for raiding -"Totally Yang 2020 Official Discord" - Unsure of origins, doesn't raid too much
I have access to all four discords, so I crea hited archives of all their major channels. Some of the channel archives (depending on which discord server) have saved chat logs from as far back as July of 2018. If you wanted to see obvious proof of raiding, take a look at the archives of: -"Yang Gang 2020" channels "Jow Forums-bread-factory" and "yangbux-general" -"YangGang" channels "Swimming-pool" and "Bakery" Do ctrl-f and search for "Jow Forums", they advertise the threads they make to eachother so they can comment and make it look like Yang has a lot of supporters.
Archive can be found here: Uncompressed Archive folder is 160mb in total.