Christianity or White Shinto?

How do I reconcile, on the one hand, my desire to honor the traditions of my ancestors be embracing Christianity; and on the other, the desire to emulate the ethnofaith of the Japanese whose civilization I so admire?

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By becoming something new.

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You stop being a snowflake faggot.

>white shinto

anime is not a religion you weeb

This I've also considered. I don't think a slavish devotion to our past culture is the right way to go; commies have a point in denouncing "reaction" as being ill-suited to and doomed to fail in the modern world, which would require those traditions to evolve and adapt dramatically to remain relevant and applicable. But I do think those traditions can be used as raw materials in the construction of something new. The Renaissance after all took the learning of Greece and Rome and constructed something totally new from them - why not do the same thing again, drawing not only on those original sources but also on the modern canon that we used them to develop?

No, but it does provide insight into a belief system that has endured the spirituality-obliterating force of modernity, preserves a link to the past of their nation, and remains relevant in the lives of their citizens. We can hardly say the same for Christianity, which in any case has become so universalized and disconnected from European context as to be effectively anti-white at this point. Why not explore what lies at the confluence of worshipping kami and Sol Invictus?

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That's a pretty based and redpilled opinion my friend, do you have a more articulate counter?

He's right

Would you care to explain why?

all of shinto "gods" and spirits come from local things
you cant be shinto but you can worship what ever spirits you have around you i guess
Meme Worship Best Worship
Merry Kekmas

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Ah yes, white Shinto

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Why not “paganism” or an indo aryan religion like hindu or Buddhism?

Someone’s been reading Evola


This addresses the OP


This means to cease


This addresses how OP is behaving

a snowflake

This adjective addresses what the OP is


This noun addresses further what the OP is


>all of shinto "gods" and spirits come from local things
Yes. Such that a white adaptation of it would presumably involve e.g. appeasing the spirit of the river near my house, and venerating first and foremost those of my ancestors buried nearby. But again, this doesn't have to be a rote translation of what the Japanese believe, it could also take elements from classical paganism, Norse and Celtic mythology, whatever seems profitable. Perhaps it could even intersect with Christianity, given that we're already in completely heretical territory.

I would like to construct a belief system that is unselfconsciously white. Shinto neatly combines spirituality, the current and living [ethno-]nationalism of the Japanese, and a connection to one's kin from the immediate family all the way into the obscure past (which, given your 2^n ancestors at the nth generation, blends into ethnonationalism as n -> ∞). If I were to take Hinduism or Buddhism as a starting point, it would be a constant effort to disentangle it from its universalist principals (not to mention Indian nationalist ones); I do not want there to be any half-measures or compromises on the ethnocentric aspect.

I would also like to note these auspicious dual trips.

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Get baptized you fucking weeb

Hinduism is just that though, not only does it require you to be born into the higher caste, but spiritually you must be aryan also

wouldn't becoming druidic be becoming something old tho