How can you find a submissive wife that you can trust in modern whorish America? Don't want to 1488 with whores

How can you find a submissive wife that you can trust in modern whorish America? Don't want to 1488 with whores.

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Church, with some stiupations
Most protestant churches are shit, if the priest wears jeans on sunday, drop it
Most catholic churches in North America are shit, latin mass or bust
Orthodox churches are alright but you won't find second gen girls there so brush up on your serbian/russian/polish etc.

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There are more and more Orthodox churches that have a lot of converts and services in English, I started going recently to one that is affiliated with OCA - Orthodox Church of America. Check it out user. The women are all very conservative there and it's a very nice environment. Most (of course) are partnered up but not all.

I found mine on Tumblr 8 years ago.

You won't ever find a girl to show interest in you

I want to be dominated by an anime girl


This, or a Trad Catholic Church or good Southern Baptist Church.

No more of this "Religion is great for keeping the masses in line but me, I'm a higher being who doesn't need to follow the rules and am elevated beyond such considerations."

Start walking the walk or STFU

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I'm aware, however, I rarely see the daughters/sons of families going, first gen migrants are always very nice and devout, but their assimilated kids don't care anymore

t. speak Russian

I have taken up religion lately. Just broke up with someone who wasn't religious, but I wasn't sure how much dating a religious girl would help.