I guess coming off as angry and depressed, and negative all the time pushes people away from me? I don't mean to be like that, I'm just not a happy person and am starting to get that may be a reason why I'm so alone.
I guess coming off as angry and depressed, and negative all the time pushes people away from me...
It is very likely the reason why, yea.
I haven't seen a lot of happiness in my life, or been around people who were. More so with my upbringing.
>I don't mean to be like that,
>I'm just not a happy person and am starting to get that may be a reason why I'm so alone.
You have every capability to knock your shit off, stop being pessimistic and unlikeable. Being a sour sally is not a permanent personality trait, it is a way of thinking that can be changed in anyone.
What if I can't, and have been diagnosed with serious depression and anxiety issues? What's the best way then? I'm not saying I can't change, just looking for ideas
Well, if you feel like shit you know how that is. Would you want other people to feel like that:no
Then fucking do something that doesnt make people feel like shit or rather makes them feel good and they will szop isolating you.
Yeah, but It's just my mindset that I've tried to battle against. Being happy, and sociable makes me feel like I'm forcing it and being in-genuine. Like it's against my nature, but I'm tired of being so fucking alone.
You can have depression and anxiety, and still not let it effect your outward behavior. There are people out there that lift and selfcare that still want to kill themselves. If you really have no control over your behavior you should probably check in to a hospice care facility or a mental ward.
You need to focus on yourself more.
Once you are confident and feel deserving, you will want to be happy and share your happiness with other people.
Another thing I can tell people pick up on it, and probably think "Yeah, he's forcing it". It just doesn't feel right.
>You can have depression and anxiety, and still not let it effect your outward behavior. There are people out there that lift and selfcare that still want to kill themselves.
True but I kind of disagree.
>If you really have no control over your behavior you should probably check in to a hospice care facility or a mental ward.
Stop obsessing over negative thoughts.
For the next 24 hours you may only think about what is great in that moment, and what can go RIGHT in the future.
At least fucking try, i dont give a single shit about any of your excuses.
hes aware of his problems and aware how people can pick up of fakeness, i dont see that as an excuse
Look, dude, there are only a few options that society provides for mental ailmented people currently:
>Continue as you are
>Seek therapy to change behaviors with or without medication
>Or check into a ward/hospice care if you are a danger/risk to the rest of us
What is it going to be?
im not a danger to anyone
Stop thinking of them as problems that are owned. Focus on your own joys in life.
If you're stuck in pessemistic ways of thought, what is stopping you from making a long term goal to shoot up a school or church? It's a slippery slope, but usually untreated mental illness only continues to degrade thought unless you are actively pushing against those types of behavior with self therapy.
If you are incapable of holding out to be your own hero, you should submit to a higher medicalized authority to ensure you recieve adequate care.
If you are not permanently fixated into being pessimistic, you are fully capable of modifying your outward behaviors so that you are not an asshole or grouch to people in your vacinity so that you can gain friendships instead.
yeah thats it, im a bummer to be around
You are definitely European
I come off that way unintentionally, and have noticed a pattern. I guess it's me just trying to protect myself from getting into shitty stations again. I just don't want to be alone anymore.
At least you know this is probably a pattern you can adjust in yourself. Take a little more time to analyze if those situations are actually shitty or not, perhaps? Maybe even take calculatable risks where you can do something, but only if you can establish a safe cutoff point for yourself?