Rehearsal before the false flag
Send it to the New Zealand Police
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uh oh
This was after dumbass.
Wasn't the carpet green
well it was a good shitpost then
that must be from the second mosque because it's not from the first one. different interior entirely
What the fuck
No seriously what the fuck
looks like they outsourced their crisis actors to india. their logic? "they all look the same, anyway" lol
If this was part of the plan then why would they let them film with their phones?
don't forget to call the cops first sheepfuckers
>random pauses throughout the video gives my claim credibility
bump suspect as all fuck
Way to fucking edit this shit, why does it cut off before the guy who has had his head shot gets sat up against the wall, or shows the bodies outside with blood in the puddles on the ground
Who is trying to push these bullshit fucking posts
OP Where did you find this footage??
this was the after math of the second mosque, people were filming because not everyone was dead at this one.
you fucks are pretty stupid
itès not that hard to find, i watched it the day it happened. this was footage taken shortly after the shooting at the 2nd mosque. dont be retarded
This was after. Shooting in the other mosque. Though If I recall correctly, the shooter was supposed to be chased off by someone with a gun.
it obviously is staged. does not look the least bit convincing. and the bullet casings in the other one were blatant CGI and in this one there are no bullet holes in the walls.
it looks fake. just exudes that energy.
damn dude you need to calm your farm mate
Looks like the aftermath of the second mosque shooting. Building looks different. Although it is interesting to see them sit up a guy who is laying in a pile of blood lol. And the guy laying in front of the car outside.
its the aftermath of the second shooting, that they edited down to the first few seconds, nothing new
there's a ton of these fake ass HURR IT WAS A FALSE FLAG posts going around by some white nationalist defense force trying to do damage control
This was at the second Mosque you Isrealite.
I wonder why all these shill threads started to come out only 3-4 days after the shooting? It was like some goverment agency or NGO was watching how the chans would react and realized that most of it was positive. Then they needed to get people doubting so that the Status Qoe is kept because Paranoid fags think everything is Mossad and nothing is real. If this shooting was mossad, why is so different then every other shooting which also is mossad?
>"The shooting happened and scitzo fags are helping glow niggers"
>"The shooting happened and scitzo fags are helping glow niggers"
>"The shooting happened and scitzo fags are helping glow niggers"
>"The shooting happened and scitzo fags are helping glow niggers"
To be fair, the second video of the second mosque has not been seen much, I saw it and it only had like 3k views at most on various profiles.
That’s the second mosque. The interior doesn’t even line up with the mosque of the live streams
So in your warped reality the people weren't really killed? What happened to them? Did they disappear? Were the bullets fake?
How do you even suppose they faked it?
>scitzo fags
Mossad shill
stop. this is partial footage of the aftermath. leave this board, OP, and stop listening to these liars, lads.
Mossad/MI6 shills are the ones pushing the 'nobody died crisis actors' narrative.
It was a false flag
does anyone have a link to the second video?
>support beam
>completely different carpet.
Thats the other mosque m8
the guy in 1:05 look blasted as fuck, and the black man whit the white dress is holding him.
The little kid in 1:25 seems like crying, and I cant see the face on the oldest one.
All schizos get the oven first.
You faggots glow in the dark
reminder that making disinfo posts like this one is actually within mossad/the cia's capabilities as opposed to faking an entire mass shooting with 50+ actors with squibs in public live on a first person camera
wasn't it the cia that invented the term conspiracy theory anyway
explain to me how the power structure benefits from people knowing its fake
The most useless fucks eat dinner? Maybe Jobs. He was the only one there that actually understands what he was doing.
>Blood packs
>Blood bottles
>Nobody knows any of the victims at all and they're probably on a plane back to the Middle East/Israel where nobody will find them ever again
this was the 2nd mosque faggot
this is the second mosque and not even a new video. It was out the same day it happened and you should hear it with the audio to really drive it home how fucking retarded OP and all his schitzo friends are.
Interesting shit. I'm going to have to open the Maker's and watch this thread now. So much for early to bed tonight - thanks, dick! (Carpet looks different though.)
why are they laying down in fake blood??????
holy fuck a wild caved head appears
thats not even the same carpet you get the rope too
your power of suggestion doesn't work here mama
Who says that?
>conspiracy theory
whats the name of this italian meme guy called?
that wasn't Jow Forums that was some reddit faggot
Tip-off word. You need updated instructions. Ask BJ, he's probably just not printed them out yet.
The stream got shoa’d while he was driving. I doubt their is any footage other than those of witnesses.
And Obama
Amazing, there are entire threads of shills answering one o another, funny
the video is of the aftermath
Was titled by some wiki fag. They gotta be pc Mr qiad
This is the second mosque attack, it wasn't a false flag but what we see here is how nonchalant muslims are off-camera. They look bored, walking around posing dead bodies and taking selfies. It's sickening.
The imam seen in the street photos has WAY less blood on his vest here and he is just dawdling.
>Be Jow Forums
>see world falling apart
>"Well shit nothing is being done guys, time to self distruct and YANG GANG"
>some Aussie goes ahead and shoots up a Mosque and livesstream it with us in mind
>his Manifesto inadvertently tells us to carry the momentium
>Most of Jow Forums and chan culture as a whole likes that it happened
>CIA and some other goverment agancies freak out thinking someone is gonna do the same thing
>start casting doubt as to stop those people from doing it
>If the shooter was a jew, then he'll be hated
>no matter what a jew does, he'll be hated
Basically it's to prevent other attacks and civil disorder which will lead to instability which leads to a shit ton of pressure on the goverment to do something when they are used to doing jack shit on behalf of lobbyist.
If anything, the powers that be don't want things to change because as long as nothing changes, they will remain in power which is all about.
Exactly, no 2nd video to be found anywhere, did it even happen? Most I've seen other than main footage was some clip here, that no one knows anything about.
Just schocked mudslime acting weird in the aftermath of mosque shooting #2
>scitzo fags are helping glow niggers
right...jewish people are helping paint this as real.
>not allowed to show vid ANYWHERE
but we can watch people get beheaded, blown up with rpgs, ran over with tanks, executed with anti aircraft guns etc
>not this video though
I bet its because people can pick it apart and show how bad the ff actually was.
Almost time for the big false flag! Everybody say cheese! Yeah I'm not buying it op.
That's actually a good point. "Shit, they aren't buying it...let's make up a quick follow-up and say it's the second one." Also, what happen to the two other dudes and chick supposedly got arrested at same time? That just fog of war, or John Doe #2 type shit?
so interesting! see:
Did the second group livestream? Or was that just TH?
It is, it also was filmed AFTER the attack and was online since day on
OP is on "holographic planes" lvls of tinfoil right now
>the CIA
Jews, actually, so that when you call them out for deception they can gaslight the goyim
this is the 2nd mousque
on the day of the shooting we could see this clearer and with sound
this one really did get scrubbed from the internet
>Man covered in blood
>casually sits down on chair
>Strange man with pony tail is yelling at a guy who is supposed to be dead on the ground
The Live Stream was 17 minutes then FB shut it down. He was on his way to the second Mosque when the Livestream was cut.
yeah, the other 3-4 people arrested part, fell right off the map in less than 24 hours.
idk if there was one or if there was, if they did.
Lol I am stupid holy fk nvm
bump why is that guy covered in blood casually sitting down?
Why is a man with a ponytail yelling at a dead guy who then responds to his shouting?
Wtf is this guys
There's no fixing them, they are retarded
When will these schizo (((false flag))) shills run out of meth?
that was the second mosque, he livestream in facebook the first mosque but then facebook stop the live stream ,there's no video of this mosque' shooting and this is after obviously.
he didnt kill everyone like in the first mosque because there was a muslim with a gun in the second.
Glowing cia nigger detected
>muslim with a gun in the second.
Are you saying BT stopped a terrorist attack?
that was from the second mosque lol
This... No really... THIS
No, he just encounter a civilian carrying a gun.
muslims usually use more like trucks, cars, bombs or airplanes in their terrorist attacks.
>wonder why all these shill threads started to come out only 3-4 days after the shooting
>> wonder why all these shill threads started using the term "schizo" only 3-4 days after the shooting
>>term "schizo"
Sloppy job, mossad
Yeah, I was just being a smartass. You do make a good point regarding preferred weapon.
It's like no one will read the plot to the Four Lions film
Schizo retards.
The guy with the blood spurting out of his head is in the newspaper photo leaving. Did you see it? Could be a guy that kinda looks alike tho
enserio te crees todo lo que ponen aquí ,ese vídeo es obviamente después y no es la primer mezquita ,es la segunda aparte en el vídeo con audio se escucha que no están ensayando nada ,hay mucho llanto y gritos de dolor para nada fingidos incluso se escuchan como monos aullando.
con razón Mexico esta como esta pura gente pendeja sin razonamiento.
why would you fucking go full madlad?
it doesn't help, it just makes it worse
the only way to fight is to play the long term game
educate yourself, have a family, pass your traditions and stop being a an edgelord
the only way to stop the degeneracy is stopping being degenerates
reject the kikes and niggers, embrace your people
Fuck off kike. Most of Jow Forums wasnt happy a bunch of randos were gunned down by some dumb ausfag. Was Jow Forums happy after the synogogue event? Dont talk bullshit you faggot kike. Jow Forums was discussing Omar, AIPAC, NORMIES WERE AWAKENING ON THE JQ.
Now the mossad asset accomplished his misson, distaction, subversion, confusion. Its whats for dinner when it comes to a kike intelligence agency. Whether the video gets suppressed or not doesnt matter two fucks you idiot, its just more misinfomation.
Because if you pissed your pants there's no reason to get upset for sitting in piss. Also probably adrenaline.
Ahahahaha. You’re actually serious, aren’t you. Oh fuck. My sides.
> being this willfully stupid
Life is a test, a test you have failed spectacularly.
That's Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos. Look him up on YouTube, He's a funny guy.