Redpill me on the Yang’s value added tax...

Redpill me on the Yang’s value added tax. Would it prevent his dividends from devaluing the dollar/raising the cost of living? Would the $1000 even mean anything if it just raises nationwide demand? I can see this helping those far beneath the poverty line but that’s about it.

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If you vote trang, he will chain your ass to a cow and pout you to work in the rice paddies dodging mines and pandas.

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Shigeru Miyamoto

Yang wants to give amnesty to all illegal migrants.

He wants to pretend like UBI will only be given to citizens. Then he wants to expand the citizen pool by 50 million through amnesty.

UBI is just bait for a deeper agenda.

American jobs are safe if you close off the country from foreign interference.

Check his website he has a FAQ and there’s plenty of ubi books available

It should occur to you that taxing people’s purchases to fund their next purchase is fundamentally unsound. It will lead to inflation. Will the economy be able to handle it? Probably.

I admire the way he explained the options of immigration. Saying that it isn’t feasible to just mass deport undocumented people, and doing so would collapse certain regional industries. He still said we need a strong border, just that people should come here legally and expect to pay taxes and follow our laws

No matter what retard comes in here saying, such as hyperinflation to everything will be fine and dandy - they are basing their assumption on data which is loosely correlated to the United States (currently largest economy in the world). Economics is a social science or as I like to call it, a "pseudoscience". The range of possibilities are endless, none of them guaranteed, and that is what makes him such a meme worthy candidate, hence the shilling/shitposting.

>read book
>something that is not bite size and digestible to average American
This is why he won't even get close in the first primaries, the first sensational attack from a Democrat in the debate about inflation or some other alarmist statement will immediately destroy him. I can already imagine after he goes on his long autistic rant about UBI and explanation, having Beto or Harris saying, "Wow, and I thought SANDERS was bad at economics!" *long laughter from crowd as Yang gets BTFO*

This won’t help anyone, and in fact will hurt the poorest of us most of all. Taxes will go up (even the taxes that already exist, not just the brand new VAT tax) as will inflation and by the time it’s all said and done that $1,000 will have a true, actual value of about $100.

But that doesn’t just apply to the (((freedom dividend))) money (the free money) but it would apply to all money so if you earn $4000 a month you’d have an actual value of about $500 including the (((freedom dividend))), and if you’re a NEET/nigger/some other deadbeat who earns nothing, your actual value is about $100. Everybody is poorer, and the economically disadvantaged person isn’t any further ahead.

TLDR socialism doesn’t work