Beto wants 9 month babies to be murdered

and female lib shits cheer at the thought of killing 9 month old babies.

Attached: Abortion-Procedures-DE-Levatino-forceps-NAF-672x372.jpg (659x403, 79K)

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Just let it end. The societies we grew up in are figuratively and literally suicidal, there's no hope of repairing our liberal institutions.

I think I might follow in the lead of the NZ shooter and fix these evil problems myself

>Some physicians argue that late in a pregnancy, killing a healthy fetus is never required to save a mother’s life; that delivery of the fetus via Cesarean section is both faster and safer. “During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of [high-risk] cases by ‘terminating’ pregnancies to save mother’s lives,” the former abortion provider Anthony Levatino testified to Congress in 2012. “In all those hundreds of cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.”

>In cases of third-trimester abortion for “fetal viability” exceptions, meanwhile, it should be obvious that no fetal deformity or disease is cured by killing the afflicted unborn child. Consider this testimony from Omar Hamada: “I want to clear something up so that there is absolutely no doubt. I’m a Board Certified OB/GYN who has delivered over 2,500 babies. There’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third trimester abortion. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no.”

alex jones is right they just want the babies organs and its risky the mother also she may die also so they get her organs too.

The governor of virgina was given 2 million dollars before he started calling for post birth abortion. There's no way this isn't about money and the dumb cunts that think they're brave for this.

ITT: virgins who have no idea how life or politics work.

a perfect fate for niggers I say

oo00 you little sad faggot, you see if you look at national polls from the right and left the percentage is 15-18% in favour of late term abortions. the rest of the people say no later then 3 months. they are only pushing this because they will make bank on it for the organs.

pls kys thank you :)

niggers can not afford 15-20k it cost for the procedure so no its not.

so they know they are getting well taken care of organs. smart these evil fucks are.

What are the percentages of abortions in each trimester again? What is the expense? What's the motivation here?

Virgins: people who think women wait until the ninth month all like "Yup, not feelin' it no more"

Also virgins: people who think 'post-birth abortion' is an actual thing.

Beto is a tranny

>post-birth abortion
yaaaaaa you really need to go learn how this works. all they do is induce labour then haul the babies off and let them die by well i dont know i guess they do give it liquids and keep it in a coma. they do not fucking club the nine month babies over the head after its born.

no one gives a fuck about deformed freaks getting killed its the cunts that say ooo im depressed and just dont want it. might want to check up on how evil your medical system is also. all they care about is money.

fuck off cia

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You won't do shit

"well I don't know, I guess.."
Great facts bro.

>Also virgins: people who think 'post-birth abortion' is an actual thing.
It's not now, but it wasn't long ago that abortion was recognised as choosing to kill your own child and now it's seen as a fundamental right. This is the trajectory we're on.

remeber they are still going to a murder house to get rid of the baby. you think the doctor doing procedure really has a soul and cares when they haul the baby away then dies from dehydration 3 days later? pls use your brain idiot no one shes the fucking baby the mother does not get to hold the baby its alive and crying and they take it out of the room and send out to a organ harvesting facility if they baby is healthy.

Absolutely disgusting. I am so triggered. People will line up to help muslims pray but who will line up for those unborn babies

If you look into the reported reasons why women get abortions the cheers are even more revolting.

>for those unborn babies
You mean fetus.

Gives us your baby flesh goy!

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> believing nonsense
> I'm the idiot

OK CHAMP. Don't you got soccer practice in the morning? It's a bit late for you.

It's not a valid life until it votes democrat

How many of those are niggers?

Niggers get Medicaid.

very few they still want 15-20k for them to do the procedure. so more white genocide.

>pro life
>pro choice

Attached: legally kill blacks.png (1297x1093, 1.13M)

niggers don't wait till month 9 to get an abortion

I actually never knew that’s how its done. I thought it was vacuumed out or some shit. That’s legal murder

it is that.

There are various methods used at various stages. Vacuum method is used when it's smaller.

Our best estimates, based on a projection of the most recent data through the current period, is that the current cumulative number of abortions from 1967 through June of this year is 59.4 million, of which an estimated 20,350,000 are Black American abortions.

Considering that the total current Black American population is about 42,000,000, the 20,350,000 Black American abortions are equal to 48.45% of the total Black American population. If not for abortion, the total Black American population would be approximately 62,350,000, or 48% greater than it is today.

This is based on an analysis of data from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 64, No. 1 dated January 15, 2015. This analysis was done recently by Dennis Howard, President of the Movement for a Better America who has written extensively on abortion demographics.

In 2015, there were an estimated 9,168,000 Black American women in their childbearing years between age 15 and 44 which make up around 14% of all women in that age group in the United States of America.

Attached: aborted nig-nog.jpg (796x594, 77K)

These women experienced:

Births: 621,679
Abortions: 423,000
Pregnancies: 1,044,679
Resulting in:

Abortions as a % of all pregnancies: 40.5%
Abortion rate per 1,000 women: 46.3
The number of Black American births is a dramatic change from the earlier trend between 2000 and 2009, when births grew from 623,000 in 2000 to 671,000 in 2009. That’s a growth rate of 0.83% a year. If that trend had continued, Black American births in 2015 would have reached 705,000 in 2015, or 83,400 more than were actually born.

The Total Fertility Rate for Black American’s is 1.8, which is again below the replacement level fertility rate of 2.1 or the rate at which a generation can replace itself. Clearly, abortion is the biggest single negative force on Black American growth generally, including Black American economic and political power.

Keeping the Black American community smaller and less powerful reflects the racist, eugenic and genocidal mindset behind the abortion policies advanced by Planned Parenthood and the Democratic party under the guise of helping Black Americans. If “Black Lives Matter,” then the life of the human being inside the womb of his or her Black mother matters too.

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>implying using the vacuum somehow isn't also murder

they really are being genocided. its fucked up. a race used as political pieces and slowly genocided thru abortion and mixing with other races.

>Keeping the Black American community smaller and less powerful reflects the racist, eugenic and genocidal mindset behind the abortion policies advanced by Planned Parenthood and the Democratic party under the guise of helping Black Americans. If “Black Lives Matter,” then the life of the human being inside the womb of his or her Black mother matters too.
Fucking this.

Whenever someone says "it's a woman's right to choose" they are pretty much guaranteed to have never looked into why women "choose" abortion. It's financial pressure, and pressure from the man so so much for her choice. They just say the NPC line and rebut everything afterwards as misogynistic without ever feeling the need to investigate the issue further.

I wasn’t ready for this black pill. You can’t win this one. Its the most innocent being killed too. Not even a chance to prove they can lift their parents out of poverty or avoid the life of crime they’re statistically supposed to follow

We were born in hell and we will die here too

So? Offspring selection is natural and good for every species on earth. Humanity should not be an exception. It's a horribly depressing thought, killing one's own offspring. It's not fun to try to wrap your head around the idea, nor should it be. But if a woman's biological role is to bring life into the world, don't you think there's a pretty good chance that she's evolved some sort of instinct for offspring selection?

If uterus transplants became affordable we could destroy TERFs and transphobes once and for all

Unless abortion has been an option for all women for dozens of thousands of years, that seems unlikely.