Confirmed Blue Socks and Blanks: Shills Imagining Things Edition

Imbeciles lying about the blanks fired into the windsheild scum sucking retard types deniers of reality

time to eat a big old helping pile of shit...(broke 3 windows in my life in vehicles glass everywhere)
(480p can't pick that up in front windshield but can in side window...that shill logic)

BTW reflection confirmed and light glare after the blanks are fired

Attached: shotgunbackblastthroughwindshield.jpg (1035x821, 92K)

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It's almost like different rounds passing through different mediums, at different angles, and at different distances, will have different effects.

Oh Btw, Shotgun Blanks contain powder what you see on the clearly still visible glass that is entirely *unshattered* is the dust in the probably original windshield of 2005 Subaru

In fact the same streaks are visible throughout the rest of the ride

Attached: powderonglass.jpg (625x407, 26K)

Remember that if you question anything you are a scitzo

too bad the same pattern of blank powder is seen throughout the rest of his drive despite the scenery changing....and no fool a cruiser's windshield is made of heavy duty tempered glass meant to stop Uncle worked for City PD forever getting the vehicles up in line...front windshields get destroyed its safety glass not the good stuff bulletproof/etc the cops get...its a 2005 subaru fool

how many rounds did you hear ricochet?
Yeah none. aiming down onto asphalt or cement like that would have made some zingers.
You can see the ejected brass are blanks, thats why they got edited out mostly.

you know that bullets contain powder as well right? Did you see OPs image? Powder comes shooting back you stupid fucking retard

Attached: 1524162221042.jpg (1012x1800, 276K)

windshields are generally made of laminated safety glass not bulletproof glass which means that autistic fuck had morre than wagie income and for some reason only wanted the front windshield made up Uber non spiderwebbing super bullet proof glass...Sloppy Job Mossad

Sloppy Job

BTW the closer the two shotgun blasts the more likely hood of total breakage

Attached: safetyfirst.jpg (1236x716, 213K)

Reminder that if you debunk OP almost instantly, your posts will be ignored, and other retarded sandniggers, will keep posting more retarded shit. >and no fool a cruiser's windshield is made of heavy duty tempered glass meant to stop bullets
>Rounds clearly go right through the windshield
Not all car windows are built the same dumbass, and what part of a pane of glass a round hits can have a massive impact on whether is shatters, or the round goes right though. Hell, even temperature can have a massive affect.

t. fmr infantryman who's used a fuck ton of cars as target practice.

>You can see the ejected brass are blanks, thats why they got edited out mostly.
It's very difficult to distinguish between an expended blank, and an expended live round. This, and you need a BFA for a blank round to even cycle a weapon properly.
>how many rounds did you hear ricochet?
This isn't the fucking movies, ricochets almost never make much sound, and even when they do, if the round ricochets close to the person firing, you're not going to hear it over the sound of the weapon firing.

Attached: 556blank.jpg (1155x1155, 43K)