Beating My Wife


>her and I met in college
>dated on and off for 3 years
>more serious relationship for 2 years after that
>get married
>been married for two years now
>I'm 25 she's 26

Was out with friends to grab something to eat and a few drinks last Friday, the conversation somehow turned to wife beating. I mentioned that on two occasions I'd physically assaulted my wife, the atmosphere at the table totally changed after that and everyone started talking to me like I was an asshole. I didn't even go into that much detail but somehow it was still enough to piss them off.

These are my friends that I've known for years, how cant they understand that if we're still happily married that clearly we've moved on and it isn't a problem? I've known this woman for almost 8 years and yet my relationship with her has to be defined by 20 minutes of interaction with her? I look after her, spend money on her and love her, but because I raised my hand to her a couple of times I'm a shitty husband? I tried to explain this to them but they were combative and changed the subject. I'm worried I've damaged my relationship with people I've called my friends since high school.

Am I in the wrong here?

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Because tons of people don't hit others to get their way, user.
You ARE an asshole.

no. you are not wrong.
dump your stupid friends and find other ones.

>I beat my wife and my friends didn't like that
>am I in the wrong here?

Wew lad

Yeah, because you admitted to it.

I've hit my fiancè once and I'm 100% sure she deserved it. She was picking a wound on my back while I was playing a game that needed focus. Fucking digging her nasty claw into an open wound while I told her to stop and recoiled several times. She would not stop so I told her I was going to hit her. She would not stop so I hit her (once in the ribs with the back of my hand,) and she ran into the bedroom and locked the door, crying.

I told this story twice irl: lost the friend I told it to and the other time branded me as an asshole to my mother/step father.

Even if it's reasonable people just don't want to hear that shit and you WILL be the bad guy.

Is this b8? No real man hits women.

If she deserved it then you are not an asshole.but you made a mistake by telling people about it since we live in a society where men are always wrong and it's ruled by feminist retards

Ya like those people who are against child beating, society is ruled by prochild retards, what’s wrong with smackin em around

>I told my long time friends that I did something amoral and probably tried to defend myself
>implying you didn't just invite all of your friends to fuck your wife purely because they know your secret now
jfc, inb4 OP gets put in a mental ward by his riteous friends and a gangbang version of sweeny todd begins.

>even if it’s reasonable

i’m not saying what she did was right because it was far from it, but a true man never lays his hands on a woman