Only 4% of Chinese People Disagree with Brenton Tarrant

A poll of over 2000 Chinese people was done on WeChat, the most popular Chinese social media app, and found that after reading the manifesto, 76% sympathized with Brenton Tarrant.

>Do you have sympathy after reading the gunman’s essay?
>Very much sympathy – 56%
>A little sympathy – 25%
>No strong feelings – 13%
>I hate him – 4%

Any guesses on the number of people who will be arrested for sympathizing with Brenton Tarrant in China? Because in the West, they’re rounding people up left and right for that.


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That’s useless it’s like a twitter poll

Why are we not forming the based white and east asian alliance??

Could be colonizing space already desu

coulda been colonizing space years ago but the MOSSAD Zionist Satanic Kikes decided to go fuck up the planet for the hell of it

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Well, he did say he liked them the most.

>white and east asian alliance
I hate this fucking LARP. It makes people think Asians in the west are anything but turbocancer.

Because they are npc bug people, they even don't care for their people.

>Sad white boi jealous he doesn't have qt3.14 asian waifu.

White women are garbage. Start over with Euroasian master race. Clearly something is wrong with the maternal linage of white women, we need to replace it, and then rebleach it. Sometimes the best thing to do when a system is crashing is give it a hard reset.

Based and yellowpilled

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They will kill to ensure they can continue killing their own race. Don't underestimate bug people