Reality hurts

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>by the anti-goyim league

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>source: ADL

Let me guess only breitbart and dailywire are accurate sources migapede?

>Not considering gang violence "left wing extremism" because black don't vote.

Check the source. That's a discredited hate group.

Now ask for the list of all the individual incidents compiled for this with sources on their identity, ideology, and supposed motivations.

To honestly create a graphic like this, one would have to have access to the compiled information that this represents.

I guarantee you that you cant get it from them.

Boy you guys sure are scared aren't you? I guess we'll just keep pushing, because if Jews are scared, we are headed in the right direction.

Ah, but you see goyim, when a muslim kills the infidel, it is not extremism, he is merely doing what Allah commands.

by what percentage of the population?

Doesn't the ADL consider black nationalists shooting cops to be "right-wing extremism?" They're a bunch of dishonest, politically-motivated shills.

Now include the year 2001 and subsequently 9/11 attacks that conveniently were left out of your chart.

>Any crime committed by white person is right wing extremism.


Yeah sure, let’s just exclude 9/11 because that would increase Islamic fatalities by about 4000% and dwarf all other categories
>imagine my complete lack of suprise

>domestic terrorists
So what does that mean, that they dont count people that are from other places and technically werent "domestic"? Like a lot of islamic terror?
Or what about all the islamic motivated terror that was classed "mental illness", does that contribute to this? Why would it when its not classed terrorism? Does this take nothing but numbers killed? Show me an equivalent of white terrorism that shows this many attacks, pic related-

disingenuous faggots this is not the way to calm the situation, pure fucking lies, do you think people will just forget? This is the reason you have lone wolves going crazy and killing people, non stop lies meant to make you accept that you're to be replaced

this 10000000x

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They probably labeled the Pulse nightclub shooting "right-wing extremism" because it was done to homosexuals.

Nice fake statistics faggot

>Antidefamation league
>dosnt say which country
when a muslim kills a jew in germany, it gets put in as "antisemitic crime" and will be put in as "right wing criminality"

never trust statistics you didnt changed yourself

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Numbers don’t lie

That chart counts gang violence as right wing murder

Numbers can be presented as something they are not :

I wonder who put the numbers there. and if they ever lie. If the numbers put themselves up on the screen I will accept the numbers' conclusion.

>Murders committed by domestic extremists
>Domestic extremists
Wow they really framed that well for themselves to manipulate thought

seems legit

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>statistics should always be taken at face value
Not going to make it.

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wikipedia > "terrorist incidents in *month here* *year here*"


>stats start at 2007
>no per capita stats

Now post black murders

>Domestic extremists
Not just domestic
They added an adjective that allowed them to frame the numbers however they wanted based on THEIR definition of "domestic extremist"

Cant stormniggers fucking use google?

Can they read reports? Can they trace it back to the original sources? Let's find out...

Muslims are like 2% of people. Right wingers are 50% or more


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Also I'm pretty sure there's some serious statistic-fuding going on there. Doesn't mention a country, nor gives any soret of credible categories. They could easily lump Muslims killing jews as "right wing."

nice source faggot, might as well ask a zionist

>taking anything the ADL says seriously

Op is a tranny

Methinks efficiency is improperly weighted in these stats, i.e, number of separate incidents and deaths per incident tells a different story.

FTN I believe did a deep dive on the ADL stats, it was nonsense, any crime committed by someone who might have had right wing ideas was included. Bank robbery, meth heads abusing their children, prison gang violence etc. The numbers are completely manipulated to be misleading. The ADL is not a credible organization, they label Christian pro life groups as hate groups for fucks sake.

I bet they put all the tyrone and jose gang banging into the right wing category. Fucking communist kikes.

so muslims are over proportionally represented. good to know

They are using individual murders between acquaintances and labeling the perps as extremists as they see fit. There's no telling how many thousands of murders they went through to cherry pick these, while leaving out untold numbers of others.

Their stats would be the same exact pie chart but with right wing replaced with whites, considering shapiro's hatred of whites.

It's almost like some kind of race war is starting or something.
Expect more casualties.

>Source: ADL

try harder

robbed a bank and had a confederate flag sticker on your car? right wing extremism. had a gadsden cap/shirt on? right wing extremism.
shouted allah u akbhar and drove through pedestrians in nyc? mental illness

that's hate speech

You'd better check out the meaning of

There aren't many Muslims in America in the first place but they are still responsible for a quarter of all murders.

Your logic is quite like
> whites commit slightly more crimes than blacks
> whites are more violent

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Whites percentage usa:68%
Muslim percentage usa:1%

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Let me guess, this ends the day before the pulse shooting in 2016.

Nope that's right wing extremism because a bunch of faggots got shot

>domestic terrorists
ofc its going to be more white people...
reminder that the US is not an islam state yet

Try again OP.

Inner-city gang violence falls under Terrorist definitions, because they use threat of violence to control territory for socio-economic gain. Narco Terrorists and Islamic terrorists do the same shit, as well as the FARC in Latin America.

Drive-by-shootings are a prime example of partisan guerrilla tactics, and straight out of the guerrilla warfare textbook.

Blacks overwhelmingly associate with Left-wing politics, and making these attacks are Defacto Left-wing terrorist attacks.

The fact that OP doesn't count Black crime as Terror is a testament to the reality that Leftists truly are the real racists, because they refuse to acknowledge that Blacks are capable of being terrorists, and instead just discount them as lowly thugs.

what are left wing extremists fight for? colored hair?

fairly sure that communism is left wing


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>Choose a country with 0,1% Muslims and make generalities

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Sourse the fucking Anti-Goyim League

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>uses migapede
>shills for ADL
I don't even know who is Jewing who anymore, Rabbi

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lmao, how about a credible source

Also, this reminds me of how german media like to lie through statistics. Our largest """right wing""" extremist group is literally turks.

They forgot to put all the suicides, murders, and deaths associated with liberalism. Such statistics would include, but are not limited to:

>LGBT Transgender suicide
>Youth suicide due to parental liberal brainwashing
>Death through degeneracy via drugs, sex etc.
>Destruction of the family

and so on. When news outlets start reporting that as well, I might turn them back on. Until them, fuck em'

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I found no mention of 9/11 or Las Vegas, though I think we know they either lumped it in with domestic extremism, or excluded it entirely for not fitting their narrative.

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we’re the best!

Wasnt like 90% of antisemitic threats from a single jew in israel one year?

Only the "right wing" (Un-domesticated whites) are considered radical.
A nigger killing another nigger over drugs is just petty crime.

To add to that, arrests and convictions.

Yeah, exactly... Afterall all of those people deathly affraid of doing anything other than conforming and shuning to death anyone who doesnt (which is 99.99999999% of non-jewish white men) are commiting 3/4s of the terrorist activities that happen.. It couldnt be those people who commit dozens of felonies on a daily basis.. Oh no..

But hey, dont you go questioning any of this.. youll get arrested.. Its the truth, how dar you think rich people are crooked.. We trulky arent.. we just want whats best for you.


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Isnt that still officially classified as a hate crime against fags and not terrorism?

They do when you fudge them.

Why did they call Parkland right-wing?

They claimed Cruz was part of internet groups that hated black people and Jews, had made racist comments to classmates, hated his birth mother who was Jewish, and that he drew swastikas on his weopons, despite his killing indiscriminately.

to be fair, why the fuck would you wear military fatigues if you were gonna shoot up some place.

>Source: anti-defamation league

Look at all those right wing niggers

>insults with migapede while posting Jew garbage

Oy vey...

It's fucking humiliating that people are shown this and still believe that one group is the source of problems.


Get out of this group mentality, learn to think for yourself, don't be a fucking sheep.

If you honestly think that your political view, religion or race is the cause for heinous crimes, you're mistaken. Shitty human beings are the cause of heinous crimes. If you want to see less violence, start by bettering yourself and the people around you. Dividing into tribes and reinforcing this "us" vs "them" mentality will only end up separate people more.

lol I wish

Except when you obfuscate reality to the point where it's no longer real.

You don't think there is overlap between 'right wing extremism' and 'Islamic extremism'?

Are Islamic extremists NOT radical, religious, fundamentalist, zealots & martyrs? Hz donut?

Shitty b8 is shitty

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Would you kindly share your data sources you dirty kike baby raping demons? You can't tell me the comped guy was a right wing extremist because we still don't know his motives.


Fake and gay. Nice try though.

The facts explain that some groups are worse than others. Stop ignoring the truth infront of your face and go back to plebbit. Nigger.

Yeah it really does. Islam is cancer.

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Using that exact phrase allows them to exclude a large portion from one group and not the other. It's textbook jewry.

>be sad that you're winning

The ADL is not a credible source, you fucking tard.

>checks source

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In what ways is black nationalism not right wing?

>Domestic extremists

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Since you've read the report, do you have any examples of that? Just curious. From the eight years I've spent on Jow Forums nothing has at any time given me any sign that anyone on Jow Forums save myself even has the ability to follow sources to the base data, read it and understand it.

Why do you spread bullshit? His latest video literally quotes the study of Islamic terrorism.

Concerned Americans aren’t pulling examples of Muslim brutality from the US. They pull them from numerous online videos and accounts of people being dismembered, lit on fire, thrown from rooftops, beheaded, stoned etc in Muslim countries. It was never argued that Islamic attacks in the US occur often - it’s exactly what is trying to be prevented.

Muslims aren’t stupid, they literaly have a tactic of subversion and dissidence inside a host country (taqiya). They know they need to walk on eggshells for now but when don’t feel they need to - that’s what the informed are apprehensive of.

>2007 - 2016
hmmmmm wonder why they chose that timeframe hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

why isnt stephen paddock under left wing extremist for wanting to gun down white people at that concert, like the police report said at the end about the women saying fuck white people?
oh right the ADL was created the same time the FBI IRS and FED were. Huh. The more you know i guess.

Now do 2000 to 2019

>per capita

aaand there goes your argument

They labeled the parkland shooting as right wing terror. These people are retarded.