To keep a long story short

I cheated on my girlfriend and she found out. It was an awkward dinner, I couldn’t bring myself to say it outright. yet I haven’t apologized or anything.

She says “it’s okay” but I know it isn’t. What do? (There is a greentext story available if you want it)

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Also, I left the house because I was uncomfortable and figured she would need space right now. It’s been about 3 hours now

This relationship is over and you know it my man. Listen very carefully, start tonight to think of a plan to ease out of this. You want to save this relationship but in the end you are at the mercy of your girlfriend who will hold a grudge and a relationship like that won't last.

If you two aren't living together it can be a quick and easy break but if you are then things get more complicated.

I have to ask, why did you cheat?

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She is 5 months pregnant. And we have things tieing us together. Like a car, and we are loving together.

Also, this is not an option... at least I don’t think so. It’s not what I want.

I cheated? Because. I dunno

All these details would’ve been great in the OP
>Also, this is not an option... at least I don’t think so. It’s not what I want.
Seriously? Fuck you, why does everyone on this shitty board ask for advice but then tell you it’s not the advice they want. If it’s not an option fucking explain yourself in the OP. Goddamn it’s like pulling teeth.

Forgive me, friend.

I suppose when I wrote “greentext available if wanted” what I should of really wrote was “please ask for greentext”. Because the reality is, I’m more focused on how proud I am about the green text story that I wrote about the situation after.

I mean, as we speak. I downloaded Instagram to hit up thots. Downloaded tinder again, to swipe at the whores that matched me to get back to mingling.

I left the house. To leave her alone... alone. So that she can cry, and deal with the heartbreak and pain by herself. While I sit here. Emotionless and with little regard.

I’m a piece of shit. What else can I say?

Okay you are retarded, the mentally challenged do also deserve advice.

Well her being pregnant and you living with her makes this exponentially harder than it is. Any rational adult female would most likely break up with you and put you on child support. Why would she want to raise a child with someone she can't trust? You know she told her friends and family about this in private.

So you being a stupid and cheating for no good reason is going to cost you 18 years and nice portion of your paycheck. I hope you have a decent job and some money saved up because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

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I don’t deserve her. I should say

She is too good for me. Too beautiful. Too honest, and kind and sweet to me.

I deserve “nothing”. Because it’s all I ever feel inside. “Nothing”

I have no savings. And a shit job

But, I did go to an interview early today for a second one. So there is that

Well it is a start, working two jobs i going to be bare minimum from now on user. Hopefully you get another job, build up some savings in the next couple of months and ease into father hood.

Age and education btw?

22, high school graduate.

The only options I can think of are information technology and programming but if you cheated on someone for no good reason, maybe you might have the discipline to pursue these careers....

You genius. Wait till she's 5 months pregnant to pull off the get caught cheating. How the hell did you get caught? Why is your gf pregnant?
You haven't been planning ahead OP. It is time that you start planning. Are you going to man up, take control of your shit life, and salvage this relationship and be a father and provider or not?

Hurray, somebody asked for the story. So here is the greentext

Greentext story:
>Me and Fiancé are out for dinner
>Everhthing is going so well. I can honestly say we were having an amazing day today.
>She waits until our drinks are served and calmly says “on December 25th, at 7:05pm you added a new name to your list. Why?”
>I INSTANTLY feel all of my organs sink to my feet. She doesn’t need to provide anymore detail. I already knew what she was talking about
>Because of my autism, I keep a list of all the girls I have fucked throughout my life in the notes of my iPhone. She is #18
>I cheated on her with an old fling from high school that I never got to fuck after we had a fight on Christmas Eve and didn’t speak for 3 days. At the time, what was a moment of thinking “Fuck it. She’ll never find out. I’ll just add this chicks name to the list as well” is now the single dumbest decision of my life (I had actually forgotten that I did this, I’m almost certain I also thought “I’ll delete it later just to be 100% safe” but must have forgotten as time went on)
>I consider myself a stoic-man. This means when faced with hardship and emotion, I choose to go the “firm & calm” route.
>I can’t help but feel my face make a look of distraught
>I hate in the moment how human I am.
>How I can hide my true feelings by keeping a calm tone of voice. How I can quickly think up intelligent explanations and reason way out of anything. How good of a liar I can be.
>But in that moment, I could not control the subconscious look of vulnerability on my face.
>thousands of thoughts flew through my mind. I curse myself for ever adding the name. I regret the action of cheating. I hate most of all how silent and shocked I am at this moment.
>she sits there. Observant. Drinking. She never averts her eyes, and makes a gesture with her eyebrows that says “Well?”
>I realize I’ve been silent for over 30 seconds.

>I blurt out the only thing I can think of. “I don’t know. What name? What are you even talking about?” I nervously smile.
>”How typical... of course. Play the role of the stupid man. Because that’s all you are. No matter how great you perceive yourself to be. How much better than the laymen you always told yourself you were. How stoic and in control you like to carry yourself through life. All you are is a stupid man” is what I think.
> my thoughts quickly begin a new set of tone. I focus on her. How observant she is. How... aware.
>I’ve heard the phrase “Women are master manipulators. Women are emotional creatures. Women are succubi; Demons that prey upon and feed on the emotions of men.” And I’ve always known this to be true to a degree.
>This one moment makes those phrases ever more real. I am lost inside the blacks of her eyes as I think “It was not coincidental. It was not something she just randomly thought to ask, because she had forgotten to ask before. She waited for this moment. She calculated, she planned. She knew that by asking at this exact moment it would have had the most effect on me. I am a mess. I am subconsciously oozing all the thoughts flowing through my head. And consciously (on the outside) playing the role of the stereotypical stupid man. She. Has. Won.”
>I look down at her hand, stroking her belly.
>”another calculated move”

She’s due in July. I was going to propose to her on the 31st. Already bought the ring. I’ve decided to postpone it now.
The rest of the dinner was silent. and awkward. I was starving when we got to the restaurant. I lost all appetite, took less than 3 bites. Had my entire plate packed to go. I now see the book and movie “Gone Girl” in a new light

Tell her to thank you.

Cut the melodramatic Bullshit writing, you have a fucking kid to worry about.

Get the 2nd Job.

Confess to this women you fucked up, tell her why you fucked up, and tell her you realized how much she means to you.

And for Christ Sakes Propose.

You found yourself a girl who is keeper and fucked it all up because you are an autistic "stupid man" as she claims. What a terrible way to fuck up an otherwise great relationship.

Get yourself another job, a car if you don't have won and drive for uber. You will be a work horse but you will man up and provide for your child and be a man.

Lol, your girl is texting every guy that she has the hots for and giving him the green light to put the moves on her. She’ll be swimming in cock and seamen by Friday and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

Tell me, was the pussy worth it? Was it some fat bitch and how drunk were you, you giant loser fuck up! Lol

You not only cheated, but you added her to a fucking list? Thats like keeping your victims fingers after you rape and murder and chop them into little pieces.

You never keep souvenirs of your crimes for any reason.

My advice is for your girl to abort the baby and to break up and go no contact with you, you’re a fuck up through and through.