The Muslim female dress is actually pretty good

The origin of the Muslim female dress is not cultural, but to make them less seductive.

They can't show any skin except for their face and hands, and it should be loose fitting as well.

Look at all the thots we have strutting around. It has become completely "normal" for women to expose all of their thighs.

So the Muslim female dress actually seems pretty great! It's the best we can go with women, these fucking hoes.

Attached: muslim woman dress.jpg (750x750, 42K)

>but to make them less seductive
huh, seems to have the opposite effect on me

Clearly you've never been around such women. The lack of ventilation only makes them smell worse.

No, i live in literally one of the hottest countries in the world .But you can always imagine .

It has the complete opposite effect on me.
I have nothing but disgust for w*stern women so the muslim women who dress like this make my dick hard as diamonds.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (620x349, 24K)

Well, they did their best to combat thottery


Attached: MY DICK2.jpg (521x480, 23K)

So you want women to be thots?

thats not even competition in the slightest way

slide thread

Attached: aryan.jpg (771x1173, 324K)

then you are turning them into thots, which is what Mohamed wanted to avoid.