People in these groups were more likely to be male, Christian and unemployed, to watch more TV than average...

>People in these groups were more likely to be male, Christian and unemployed, to watch more TV than average, and to have a higher lifetime experience of violence.

>researchers found that those who'd watched at least part of a video had higher levels of distress and a greater fear of future negative events compared with those that hadn't watched one. These relationships held after controlling for prior distress, lifetime exposure to violence and prior fear of negative events.

>conclusion: that "watching graphic coverage may exacerbate preexisting fears and increase psychological symptomatology, demonstrating the negative psychological impact of viewing graphic media produced by terrorists."

>findings also imply that "watching such coverage may assist terrorists in achieving their goal of instilling fear."
>the first study to explore not only what percentage of people in the general population choose to watch videos of graphic real-life violence, but also why – and what the psychological effects might be

>many people – especially those with pre-existing fears – to want to see the full footage for themselves, potentially worsening their anxiety, which, the researchers suggest, may have had the ironic effect of making them more likely to seek out other, similar kinds of distressing footage in future. Understanding how to prevent such a "spiral of fear" will be an important topic for further research

Are we radicalising ourselves online?

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Other urls found in this thread:

When a foreign people are killing your people, it's correct to focus on it.

Ignoring reality is what your masters want you to do because that is how they control you.

The fact that the terrorists want you to take notice of their actions does not imply that you should bury your head in the sand. To say otherwise is the ideology of an idiot.

It's a choice between confirming your biases or ignoring the problem altogether.

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I've seen my fair share of this shit. Before that I watched tons of gore shit back in the day.

I can tell you seeing the beheading videos did cause a rise in me. I only sought out the next video that became the topic of news though, not just trying to find anything. It made me angry and I didn't understand other people that didn't care about dealing with Islamic terrorism.

>people who watch the normal violence in Muslim majority countries become worried that it could happen to them
it's all so fucking tiresome.

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>may assist terrorists in achieving their goal of instilling fear

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Fear is a legitimate emotion

none of the isis videos are too big of a deal. the Mexican cartel torture videos are the ones that are hard to watch. Isis vids are merciful and humane compared to them

>Understanding how to prevent such a "spiral of fear" will be an important topic for further research.
So basically lefties are trying to figure out how we can dig our head sand even further.

>findings also imply that watching such coverage may assist terrorists in achieving their goal of instilling fear
no shit sherlock

Also, I'm not sure why they keep using the word 'fear'. It's more about hatred and disgust. Nobody is afraid of trannies, gays and muslims.

>Are we radicalising ourselves

maybe the real dangerous radicalised are not the one who has watched the ISIS videos, but the ones who have done the ISIS videos.

Just my 2cents.

>People who view reality are more likely to be concerned regarding realistic threats to their civilization.

I don't really feel anything after watching gore videos anymore. The only vid to ever made me feel anything is that one where the family is driving down the highway and a brick goes through the their window and kills the wife, and you don't even see any of it.

I always avoid gore have never watched any of the notorious vids on the internet.

I watched the Christchurch video though and felt nothing didn't even increase my pulse rate just pop pop and subhumans dropping over.

well they are shocking in the high definition montage and scenes they set up. but the mexican cartel videos are so disgusting my brain forces me to avert my eyes.

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>Being aware and prepared for a bad thing is bad

it instills not fear but hatred
is something wrong with me ?

>owning a TV

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>knowing is now bad
they've done it.. dark times are now unavoidable. based!

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yes just desensitize yourself user and be a good goy

>may help the goal of terrorists spreading fear

You really think that's what's going on here? What we are trying to accomplish? Personally, I'd wager you wouldn't be able to find anyone to fight your wars, legitimately, if you didn't have people like us thanklessly reminding everyone that our nations are at war with savages.

All our enemies, particularly radical Islam, have a multitude of systems in place to ensure they have a constant stream of fresh meat for the grinder... what do we have??? Advertisements of teenage Swede lads holding dildos, saying gays and women are welcome to combat!? Have you labcoats no concept the type of the mentality required to wage a war? The current plan has *barely* won the hearts and minds of our enemies, yet totally sacrificed the hearts and minds of legitimate citizens... for what??

Make Jow Forums your boogeyman or whatever bullshit you need to do to keep that grant money flowing, just know it is you- the spineless cowards and hypocrites of this world- who really prop up terrorists all in all.

>made me angry and I didn't understand other people that didn't care about dealing with Islamic terrorism.

do you think it applies to other types of videos, like there are often Chinese or black hate threads, so we watch those vids too and it has the same effect.
Like it makes us think, yes they are insect people or are violent or whatever.

We are intentionally seeking out these videos and radicalising our views on these people?

I can confirm that watching Shoveldog.mp4 when I was 12 made me a worse person.

isn't that wild tho? look at how much suppression on the Christchurch vid contrasted with the showing of high def, slickly produced ISIS vids. this shit doesn't add up.

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>watching graphic coverage may exacerbate preexisting fears
>of an actual war crime happening right now
>its just a fear
Yeah guys. Nothing to see here. The world isn't falling apart. Move along. Now those damn nazis i tell you what.

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So by implication the researchers promote denial as the healthy response to terrorism?

The only webm that shocked me was a bunch of faggots playing with their prolapse anuses. That was fucking disgusting honestly

the ones where they get kids to do it are quite bad

>it instills not fear but hatred
is something wrong with me

it's disgust for me. It's like after I see any of those types of videos I feel we can't let any of those people near us

aztec know how, they've perfected their skills over thousands of years

Yes. I've seen enough.

yeah that one strangely gets me more than other more gruesome videos. I think it's the normality and randomness of the situation, like it could happen to anyone at anytime

>muslims kill people
>but watching them do it is WORSE!

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The act isn't evil but the effect on you is.

the car hitting a pedestrian type vids make me paranoid when I'm walking outside.
Accidents can happen at anytime very quickly.
Often it won't be the pedestrian's fault at all.

Because that's the reality we live in
>it's effect
Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city :)

If videos of Muslim fanatics committing acts of terrorism and beheading people could be suppressed, beheadings and terrorism wouldn't exist.

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>no source
>50 replies
you troglodytes are the reason they're co-opting this board

just obey, stay passive and you'll be happy and content with your life. ignore your brothers and sisters being beheaded...

>The work raises some important questions, not least: how should news programmes handle coverage of such horrific events? Running the beheading footage in full on a mainstream news channel would have been unthinkable. But was the storm of coverage alluding to the content really necessary?

these things aren't shown on TV.

I know a handful of people who watched that shit and they don't fit any of those categories

Meanwhile I fit into those categories and have no interest in any of it maybe I'm trapped in Bizarre world

As if it's a bad thing to be alert and aware

lol this is so retarded

"pre existing fear" and "spiral of fear" LOL I LOVE HOW THEY USE FEAR


you start out with 2+2 then you keep running down the rabbit hole of figuring out that a below replacement birthrate + migration = no more whites AND THEN OH GOD

did it ever occur to them that these beheading videos are... REAL? that they ACTUALLY HAPPENED? that someone DID THAT TO ONE OF US?

have they studied the effects of watching schindler's list?

your study implicated people who watch more TV than average
i seriously hope i don't share a board with them

>Being aware of things that happen in the world makes you less naive.
>Being less naive is negative.

What a world we live in.

>unemployed men are getting angry
well color me fucking shocked
doesnt help when said men get a job and they tax them to give their money away to other NON citizens.
color me fucking shocked.
>what is economics

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that does seem to be the implication

>how should news programmes handle coverage of such horrific events?
>was the storm of coverage alluding to the content really necessary?

It seems to be the approach. If we look at terrorist events, like the one in Holland yesterday for example, if they don't label it as terrorism and they just say he's mad then people won't react or get scared.

>watch more TV than average
You know this study is bullshit.

when does rage come into it?

To be honest everything looks like a false flag compared to that cartel shit, more gore than a slaughter house film

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oh i dont know about that user

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calm down lad


Redmond, S., Jones, N. M., Holman, E. A., & Silver, R. C. (2019). Who watches an ISIS beheading—and why.American Psychologist.Advance online publication.

Because isis vids is produced by a studio. If you have any minor experience with film and video editing it's clear as day that the isis vids are bullshit. All of those camera angles, cuts, and other effects take a lot of time to edit and cut together. Not something you can easily do while fighting a war right?

Not an emotion ive felt watching any mudshit videos. Though after years of careful study and analysis ive concluded id rather be captured by any islamic group that a cartel. Also i love crusader vids though too few and far between.

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This is common knowledge, though you don't see shills posting Europeans committing inhumane acts on the regular because we happen not to do such things outside of state sanctioned war operations. You would think that if political opponents wanted to quell racism they would flood the internet with white people acting like niggers to make other white people come to the fear based conclusion that every human ever is senselessly violent but OOPS this doesn't seem to be happening even at such a late stage in the social decline we're witnessing. I wonder if perhaps that's because white people aren't animals that often break out into violent rampages without fair provocation. Who would've thunk it.

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>And Buddhists willing do this to themselves

Fuck that shit

They are not aztec, aztek were wiped out, they are mayan.

I understand what you are saying, but lots of normies don't think like this. They don't seek out these videos and are oblivious to ideas about race and birth rates. They care about sport or TV shows or whatever.
I asked a girl the other day what she thought about what happend in new Zealand she had no idea about until her friend prompted her with "somebody shot up a school or church". She had no opinion on it.


lots of people, especially women don't think like this at all

When its you behind the camera.

That makes absolutely zero sense; most ISIS videos are muslims.

>the truth is scary
Whooda thunk it?

who do think is the target for these videos. They keep saying Muslims are being radicalised by these videos but it turns out it's us.

As one of these persons i can tell you they are somewhat correct

> Christian
no im between Agnostic an Atheist i dont believe in a God more so Engineers

I'v seen many terrorist videos
>did it instilling fear
NO it had the opposite effect, it showed me what people are capable of , an made me more alert to my surroundings when i go out in public .

Jow Forums is a containment site for newfags. All the oldfags are on jibjab

>Watching ISIS videos exacerbates preexisting fears
>Videos create a negative psychological impact
>Ignore the ideology and immigration of people who make the videos
It's not the people who make the videos fault. It is your fault for watching them.

>oh no this is what to expect for our future
>I wish I didn't watch this

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This. I watched the entire video of him killing those muslims and by far it was the tamest thing i've seen.
>no blood
>barely any fightback
>screaming was barely audible
It felt less like a murder seen and more like a bizarre "found-footage" movie. Christ, half the old rekt threads on /gif/ were more gruesome than that fucking video.