Weeks 4-6: White Phase The White Phase is more advanced training, teaching the art of living the army values...

>Weeks 4-6: White Phase The White Phase is more advanced training, teaching the art of living the army values. There is an emphasis on personal courage and digging deep in order to complete the mission. Most injuries are a result of Warriors not being physically fit. Many injuries can be prevented through an individual PT program. One in four ARNG Warriors have difficulty meeting the Physical Training (PT) Assessment Standards. Warriors may be recycled for not meeting PT assessment standards. Requirements are, males; 13 push-ups,17 sit-ups and 8:30 one mile. Females; 3 push-ups, 17 sit-ups and 10:30 one mile.

>13 push-ups,17 sit-ups
>One in four ARNG Warriors have difficulty meeting the Physical Training (PT) Assessment Standards

How can we even pretend that we can defend ourselves when 1/4 of our soldiers are fat fucks? How has it come to this? How is this allowed?

Attached: fat soldier.jpg (394x604, 39K)

nobody is giving shit about fatness of the cats purring while in the military. What is interesting is that it's not possible for cats to be rainbow. Yet US military is the leader of tar budgets. at this point US military is treated as main culprit orchestrating 9/11 attacks. Any given US military member is treated as member of al-queda.

Attached: Kazam_screenshot_00151.png (1129x1021, 541K)

Absolute unit, if he passed his physicals what makes you think he is unfit?? He would twist your twink body in two and then probably eat you.

The hard part is the mile not the pushups and situps.


Be marine run 3 miles see this run 8 miles in boots see this

Mossad did 911

>Requirements are, males; 13 push-ups,17 sit-ups and 8:30 one mile
Are you retarded? Did you not google the actual requirements to pass the army PT test?
Do some research first
>in all fields


Btw, in case you arent a faggot like OP and want to know the actual requirements, the requirements for men aged 17-21 are as follows:
42 pushups in 2 minutes
53 situps in 2 minutes
2 miles in 15:54

>Requirements are, males; 13 push-ups,17 sit-ups and 8:30 one mile

And zero pullups

The wars need to be bloody, the US troops were never good anyways so might as well fatten them up for the corpse black market.

kek jsut repeating "warrior" won't change the fact that all soliders are just slaves, trained ones, but can't realistically can't leave, refuse order , or do anything besides following order. beeing solider is antythesis of beeing a man, and is the most degenerate thing human can do

Nigger has to lean on a car door to stand...

yeah also, the requirements are age specific as well as gender specific. the reqs for a 25 year old are different than for an 18 year old etc. I think OP's photo says what he wanted to say tho

predictable euros

Thanks Pole. I'm glad somebody said it. Also, the recruiting division isn't even trying anymore: Army Strong, duuurrr

Dude he can do 150kg pullups. He can literally break you. Being fat makes some exercises much more difficult and if he can do it with that much weight then he is a beast.

varies branch to branch but this is more accurate. thank you.

OP is faggot.

>13 pushups
>17 sit-ups
>8:30 mile
What the fuck? Even at my fattest weight of 270lbs I would do 15+ push-ups and 20+ situps and run an 8 minute mile. That's not even a hard standard. The women's one is also ridiculously easy considering how light women are.

Somebody else posted the actual requirements earlier in the thread. Even air force was 33 push-ups in 1 minute, 42 sit-ups in 1 minute, and 13:36 1.5 mile, but if you only hit all the minimums your composite would be under 75 and still be a fail.

Fat fucks like OP stay in because they're on a revolving door of ""injuries"" and profiles that let you skip most components because "muh shoulder muh knees". I still don't see how they pass waist measurements, though.

This is an extreme example. In my time in the Army, I only ever saw one other guy who was this big, a Colonel who was a dentist.

I was probably one of the fattest guys in my unit, top 5 for sure, and I was barely over on the BMI chart, like 5 pounds.