Russki is laughing at the fall of Western Civilization

What a time to be alive, guys. We all are watching at The Great Fall of the Western Civilization. I guess some Romans had the same feelings...

Yuri the Prophet was right. He knew about the poison.
And now I'm watching the public reaction on NZ incident and I'm laughing out loud. I see the agony. I see people in authority who follow the will of the shooter. They're saying they against him, but do exactly what he wants. They are going to punish everyone exept him. They will take away your rights.
But it doesn't make me laugh. I'm laughing because all of them REALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE DOING RIGHT THINGS!
They all are poisoned. They all are turned into traitors of their own people. They are ready to demolish everything their ancestors had done. They are ready to demolish the basis of the Western Civilization.

I know how it goes. Because my own country and people are already dead. We are still exist as a bunch of hollow bodies, but the culture no longer exists, and the language degrade, and we lost even basic rights.

We've been poisoned a hundred years ago, and the society committed suicide. This is your future, and you won't change it. The Great Fall is just a matter of time.

Enjoy the moment.

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There's something truly wrong with modern society. And if it's true that modern society is the best society ever was, then humans were a mistake. Hopefully mother nature wins out and ends the human race

B-but white people were the good guys!

This rhetoric will let the Jews win. We are at a low point now so at this point as whites wake up it’s only gonna get better for us.

I’m optimistic bros.

Do you still have guns? Don't worry, they will take them away. You won't defend yourself.

I guess laugh is the only thing ruskis can do since you live in a oligarch ruled country with nigger tier crime rates, hiv/aids prevalence and now they can't even criticize it.

You are so naive. You guys are still far from the lowest point.

Its time to roll out New gold ruble and crash the world economy with no survivors

You get it right, my Polish friend.

You gave up.

JIDF/Ukri alliance doing the "pretend to be RU nationalist that has given up" anti-Russian routine

I have not given up, I just don't care.

It's only the beginning. And it has all been done, and will be done, to spare the rest of the west from a fate similar to Russia's. If you resist they won't be able to employ genocidal force. You forget that the enemy if feminized, weak, fearful but still full of hubris.

>We all are watching at The Great Fall of the Western Civilization
You useless fucks have been desperately trying to CAUSE the downfall of Western Civilization for 70 years now. The result? The West is far more happy, healthy and prosperous and Russia is twice the shithole and half as powerful as it was when it was the Soviet Union. Plus you're paying $500 billion per year in economic loss for stealing clay.

>What a time to be alive, guys.

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I follow a Russian blog about industry, defense industry, technology and infrastructure (sdelanounas dot ru) and every week 2-3 huge and top-of-the-line nurseries homes built (sometimes even 4 or 5) and once a month a fertility clinic. If you have given up the problem is on your side not the RU government side.

you know i kinda wish that all the fags and feminist get culturally enriched maybe we should not fight maybe we should take islam and punish all these cuckold and degenerates who did lead us into this mess they did already betrayed us maybe we should do the same

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>yea, thats right, goy, there is no hope, stop resisting

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>Wtf we based now

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Black pill

I thought Russians were our Based and Repilled allies....

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>This guy represents all russians on Jow Forums
cmon mate

It's bigger than that. The kali yuga is ending.

Some say it is only the beginning and we have like 400k more years of chaos, you cant know that for sure.

>mfw waiting for Ragnarök

Waiting for over 1000 years now desu lads.

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T. Russian christians will be minority by 2050
Enjoy being beheaded.

He will become Muslim and laugh at all the degenerate women getting fucked by incel.

Not happening. The only Muslims with above replacement level birthrates are rural Chechens and Dagestanis and it is slightly above replacement level. Some White Russian rural areas are already above replacement level...Putin mentioned this in his interview with Oliver Stone and many leftists and jews were bitching about it.

The only Russians with high birthrate levels are rural Tuvars who are Buddhists who can be a little wild but tamable.

it's great that we have this portuguese user to tell us how great russia is because we don't have a clue, we only live here that's all

Thins are going to get much worse in some aspects but infinitely better in others.

>They all are poisoned. They all are turned into traitors of their own people

I believe this is wrong. They do things without asking wether they are right or wrong.
Also we were never "their own people"

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Gotta put all those churka kids somewhere

The Age of the Aussie Shitposter is over.
The Time of the Russian Meta-Troll has begun!

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I got the best of both worlds yay

Exactly that. These idiots are so predictable just by reading what they write. No facts just fear mongering verbiage.

based and red pilled


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>the west is falling apart, now their lives will be as shitty as mine! finally!
the Russian mentality

this video is better

Cлyшaй, нy мы жe вce пoнимaeм вce, дa? Tы ceйчac этo нaпиcaл, cидя в oбocpaннoй хpyщeбe, зaeдaя мacпoм и бaккy. Cпидopылый.

WOW, KREMLIN BOT IS HERE! Portugal, huh? Fucking traitor.

The time of the Slav is coming.

Russian christians are useless, they never stand against islam.

If you think any Russian who criticize Russia is an Ukranian troll, you are deeply wrong.

Huёl, blyat. They going to take you away from the internet, enjoy the fact, suka.

You forget the big wrench in the system. With no World Police Man to take over the spot held by the USA, there won't be a massive army willing to murder the last remaining white people for fighting against their displacement.

Hard to comprehend, isn't it? The (((Elite))) and their Good Goyim fear the New Zealand attack so deeply because it runs counter to their script of "white men only fight state approved targets." Now that a white man has copied the Jihadist strategy of attacking a soft target, he has revealed that such things are possible to other white men. Combine that with the fact that the Jew Masters and white Good Goyim have stayed white, while demonizing all white authority and they too are at grave risk of being overthrown. The Elite simpletons delegitimized their own authority to get whites to accept mass immigration. Some of them know this and will start gunning for the Bill Of Rights. Others will spin in a circle chasing their tails until told to step down. The New Zealand attack signals a Sea Change in white perception of their existence. They know that they are vulnerable but they also know they can fight back effectively. One man just showed everybody how. Buckle up.

Idiots. I'll never laugh at my brothers and sisters falling no matter what country they are in. Anyone that does is not truly white, just a shitskin pretending to be white and trying to cause infighting. We whites stand together worldwide and you poopoo skins will be removed.

So funny, man. I know your pain. Don't worry, we all will ended up badly.

*accordian music intensifies*

I saw you yesterday catching jews/hohols under your bed, lahta. Stay mad, we will hang you and your families on the trees one day.

>sdelanounas dot ru

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Bro you alright? You should get off the Internet for a while. Your mind is poisoned by memes.

The West is doing fucking fine.

Stop looking at memes.
Start looking at statistics.
>criminality lowering for years
>life expectancy rising for years
>technology constantly evolving
>even the poorest of the poor still have smartphones, PCs and flat TVs and fast internet
if you can't make the difference between memes and reality you need to see a fucking doctor.

The thing about projections is that the image turns upside down, Sergei.

>Start looking at statistics.
The West falsifies almost every research study to suit their narratives.

>even the poorest of the poor still have smartphones, PCs and flat TVs and fast internet
Max levels of isolation & distraction is not a good thing.

I see how you stand. You call it "stand", what a joke.
I will laugh even louder at you guys when a Democrat shithead become president in 2020.

Two beers! For me and for this smartass. Yeah, fucking lahta everywhere.

It's always darkest before the dawn.
hang in there Jow Forums

Tell me about Koln Eve sexual assault, joker. Those muslims were making memes this night, huh.

You literally talk to hundreds of strangers across the entire planet. How is that isolation?

Hope you are not from Utrecht, pal.

>caring about what happens to some random thots
cringe and white-knight-pilled

cuck detected

Another optimistic jackass.

No, the true cucks are the boyfriends/husbands of the molested women. Not my problem lol.

Oh yeah man, your gf won't be raped. Continue believe in that, cuck.

>Russians think they aren’t in the same boat
The reason you are a joke is because you cannot see the noose around your neck. Some in the west are still lucid enough to realize how fucked everything is.

Your own fucking fault if you are too poor to move in a decent neighborhood.
Your own fucking fault if you choose to be present at an event where you know subhumans will be there.

That's because modern society is not the best society that ever was. The society doesn't own the rights to technological innovation and such. Returning to how we were culturally would be a much more preferable existence, which is proof that many places still operate like that and don't suffer the garbage of "modern society."

Internet dialogue is no substitute for face-to-face interaction. There is no longer any sense of community or local culture. It is dead silent most places I go. Everyone's body language is closed off. Small talk with a stranger is borderline rape. The only people who speak their mind in public anymore are crackheads. Everyone else simply recites NPC-like responses in the rare case someone else dares to interact with them. Just go watch the streamers on Twitch. That is our future. Hamsters in a cage strapped to chair and staring at a monitor and praising their master Jeff Bezos for most of the day, every day.

I'm not but thanks for your concern.

Yeah, yeah. Don't go outside, there are subhumans and it's their country, not yours.
What else you'd like to say, cuck?

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It's better than face-to-face interaction. We are anonymous so we can speak 100% the truth. On here you can get an accurate picture of reality.

Hell I never even thought the rest of the world regards us as shit-eaters, autistic, barbaric etc... unless I got here. It never even crossed my mind. And no matter how much I would have traveled nobody would have turned my attention on these issues. But I understand that the world or at least segments of it REALLY think this way. For that I'm grateful. No feelings involved. No political correctness. Only arguments.
>There is no longer any sense of community
Fuck off to Reddit

Well time to learn Arabic and get a qt3.14 muslim gf. What's the big deal again? Stop LARPing Ivan.

You just repeated all I have written. I have no idea why.
Don't worry, your home will turn into shithole soon. You'll get all crap like on the pic you added to your pointless opinion.

What's the big deal if someone would take your money? What's the big deal to be raped in your white ass?
That's gross, man. Fucking disguisting.

The fact that this is the only place people can speak their truth about anything these days indicates a tremendous loss of freedom. You could be surrounded by a hundred people and still feel as isolated as sitting in your room alone. Society is dead.

Life isn't a fucking anime with one good side: the perfect brave heroes and one evil side: the corrupt, demonic blood suckers.

Life happens. Love happens. Ideologies come and go. Countries come and go. Doesn't mean the police will magically disappear. Doesn't mean laws will magically disappear. Maybe we would unironically be happier under the Muslim religion. Degeneracy? Gone. Fags? Gone. Stable families? There.

I could understand your point from a position of personal preference like: "I don't like brown girls", but I simply don't see white girls disappearing from our country. Not in my lifetime. Not even in my grand childrens lifetime. Dude go outside. Get some fresh air. You are not healthy. You confuse LARPs with reality.