A big incel soundbite is that if you're Chad, the women will approach you, make their desire to fuck with zero subtlety, caress you, eyefuck you when you're just walking down a street, stop what they are doing as soon as Chad walks into a room to admire him, etc. And then we have Mr. Gandy (handsome, 6'3, in shape, top-tier male model) whose interviews suggest none of this happens and, what's more, got his first girlfriend when he was 21 cause of a prior fear of rejection/lack of confidence. And it doesn't sound that likely to me that legions of women approached him and it took him till 21 to say 'Y-yes...' to a date offer. Is Gandy a big dent in that recurring incel soundbite about Chad being approached?
Do his life experiences destroy incel soundbites?
I don't know who this dude is but if you unironically interpret reality with the two extremes of "Chad" and incels, and other r9k terms and ideologies, you're gonna have a really hard time in life.
I was an incel, and then I wasn't. I went on dates and met girls online and IRL. I had I think three girls approach me/ask me out and all of them were fat or ugly or autistic or all three. meaning that they were perfect for me because I am not a "Chad" myself.
The biggest problem with incels is that they're begging choosers. They want the prettiest girl, the hottest girl, the girl who is 100% in line with their political beliefs, the girl who is as much of a virgin as them. Once I realize that I wasn't getting a 10/10 waifu because I am hardly a 6/10 myself is when things started working out for me.
You and every former incel is proof that being an incel is a choice and nothing else. You should try to make a group effort and bring together former incels to educate current incels.
the female chads approach, the virgins wait for a guy to approach them
If you're autistic then you're going to have trouble no matter what you look like.
Most good looking people have good social skills because they have a lifetime of positive experiences in social situations, but sometimes people can slip through the cracks.
I fortunately was an incel before the term incel existed.
Of course I thought it wasn't my fault that I couldn't get a date, I thought I was hot shit and that girls were too stuck up and everything, but I didn't dwell on it.
Modern incels that were raised on the internet and Jow Forums are practically hopeless. I've tried talking to them but at the end of the day they're still like IT'S MY GENES' FAULT GIRLS ONLY LIKE BADBOYS WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SETTLE FOR A FAT ROASTIE I HAVE EXCELLENT GRADES IN SCHOOL AND BRUSH MY TEETH EVERYDAY I DESERVE A GIRLFRIEND
It's infuriating. The internet was a mistake.
I'm not defending incels here but too be fair, sexual dynamics have become extremely skewed in the past few years and decades.
We pump out movie after movie "promising" young men that the guy is going to get the girl in the end, but in reality girls are only interested in fucking a conveyor belt of Calvin Klein models off tinder before settling down with a paypig at 35. This shit is only going to get worse moving forward and the incel phenomenon will continue to grow.
OP here. In my case, I only bloomed when I hit my twenties. I wasn't attractive at all in my teens. Went to a bar last night with friend. I was too autist to start talking to the girls on a table next to us after he expressed a desire to do it, turned to him and said 'Well go on then' and he did it. I wouldn't be that brazen, and every single time I have got off with a girl has been me stumbling into it by accident.
Hence why BR2049 is meme'd so much here. It touched a nerve and a lot of guys resonated with it.
>I'm not defending incels here but
> but in reality girls are only interested in fucking a conveyor belt of Calvin Klein models off tinder before settling down with a paypig at 35
This is one of the main incel beliefs that has nothing to do with reality. Our generation (millenials/zoomers) are having less sex than previous generations.
>in reality girls are only interested in fucking a conveyor belt of Calvin Klein models off tinder before settling down with a paypig at 35
In reality girls are interested in getting through life and being as happy as possible for them. Some are happy in steady relationships. Some want to have lots of casual sex. Some don't want sex. Some are lesbians. It's almost like they're human beings with different interests.
And you guys should really stop the "girls only want a provider" thing because it's downright false. Young women are doing heaps better than young men when it comes to supporting themselves, they're doing better in school, in college, and more of them have stable jobs than young males. Your average young woman is way better prepared to live by herself than your average young man.
>hurdurr normie/roastie
I'm an ex-incel and a virgin at 26 so I'm hardly a successful person. But the incel worldview is dumb as fuck and doesn't hold up to the minimum effort to analyze it.
I will agree with you that socially things seem to be heading down and that yes, unfulfilled expectations (for BOTH sexes) are a big part of it but that's another conversation altogether.
>Incels believe this
Also that being said
This guy is handsome as fuck and I'm pretty sure 90% of men would gladly swap their looks for his. And I doubt he has problems attracting women.
Point is, is it false that attractive Chads get approached and worshiped like incels claim? Gandy is top-tier stuff and his interviews really don't suggest it's anywhere near as ridiculous as incels claim prior to him acquiring the status he has now.
>This is one of the main incel beliefs that has nothing to do with reality. Our generation (millenials/zoomers) are having less sex than previous generations.
Keep believing the lies, paypig
Point of the thread flew over your head. Oh, wow, Gandy looks great? No shit, that's why I'm using him as an example. He stated he did not have a girlfriend until 21, and incels claim Chad always get approached, caressed, eyefucked in public, etc. So unless Gandy was rejecting legions of women until saying 'Yes' at 21, his life experiences refute a recurring incel soundbite.
I sometimes I wish I was a hot woman. I'd probably be happier, have no problem is romantic companionship, and showing some skin knowing damn well it turns others on would be big validation and probably make me wet.
The family unit is the building block of civilization and girls have very little interest in families and stable relationships
- they get their sexual desires fulfilled constantly and effortlessly by studs in tinder (zero desire for suboptimal males)
- they get their economic needs fulfilled by government and paypigs/sugar daddies
- they get their self esteem and attention needs met by social media (ooh 400 likes on a picture of my pumpkin spice latte)
- the need for security is met by every male in public being ready to beat the shit out of you if she ever appears displeased
How you going to compete with that? What value does a man offer in this scenario?
Oh yea, point being, 80% of males are considered completely worthless to women. Without the prospect of women, family, and a future, 80% of men have nothing to live for except virtual hedonism or to get revenge on the societies that humiliated them. Tinder will bring about the fall of western civilization.
Didn't they recently change the algorithm caused they clocked onto the 80/20 rule?
>anonymous article on girlsaskguys.com
jesus christ dude, post a real article with real sources
citation needed
typical unsourced incel propaganda
The algorithm has 4 billion years of dependencies, there's no changing it now
Because mainstream media is definitely going to tell you the truth about hypergamy right?
Because posting a literally anonymous source from some teen blog is where the truth is hiding, right?
That link I posted, even though it cites dozens of studies spanning decades, is bad because muh MSM, right?
dumb incels
Dude just admit you're retarded. And you also just used hypergamy wrong.
Incels live in a microcosm because reality scares them because it involves putting effort into their own lives.
"Soundbite?" Come on. Get real. Get a job. Get a fucking life. If you're that far up your own ass that you think all of humanity obeys a single, linear style of behavior, there's no helping you. You're retarded beyond compare and we can't do anything for you because your world exists in a little pocket dimension while others contend with actual full-on reality.
>Only YOUR sources are sold to you!
>NO other sources are done for ANY level of profit-mongering!
Good. Just prove how young, dumb, inexperienced and closed-off you are. Just constantly shut down any hope anyone had for you being anything but a complete fucking square. Just like every other guy on Jow Forums-- whiny, self-absorbed and a piss-poor debater at best, though it's usually more like picking on a retard at worst.
Fucking faggot.
Women aren't honest about their sex lives. They downplay the number of partners. They want to appear available when they're not, chaste when they're not. In the same vein, they don't answer honestly on surveys pertaining to these matters.
So where do you find the truth? Somewhere where people are being candid or somewhere where people have a reputation to uphold? Remember that you're posting on Jow Forums, where we get a lot of "truth" because people aren't afraid to express their actual opinions.
You both seem very upset. Care to make some actual arguments instead of spewing insults? Or are you just going to cede the moral high ground to me that easily?
I gave you one, you're just too dumb.
>your arguments are paid for too
>so why are they more valid?
You used a word wrongly. Hypergamy is class jumping with relationships. Hookup culture is just Hookup culture, no class warfare.
"Soundbite" meaning 'a common argument' or talking point or whatever, i.e. in this case, handsome guys get approached, eyefucked, etc. constantly. Of all the things to trigger someone, I didn't expect it to be the word soundbite.
So you’re referencing to a dating app that’s notorious for hookups? Great source. Also, what’s there to lose about answering truthfully on an anonymous survey? Not the best logic.
you have to admit tho those accident flings you have with girls turn out to be the most rewarding experiences
>the incel phenomenon will continue to grow
We're here to stay, bitches. Gang gang.
>So where do you find the truth?
I like to look at actual scientific research & studies, like I linked, instead of anonymous shitposts from incels.com
Until you fail to procreate lol.
Living in these worlds is why approaching strangers seems 'brazen.' You live in this tiny little world that Jow Forums has made up for you because it's comfortable, more comfortable than having to gauge people case-by-case.
I think you know very well what will happen once I completely give up.
Do it faggot
I mean Gandy isn't really a good example because we have no idea what he looked like, or how he was like. We all know that now he is a handsome dude and most likely has no issue attracting women.
Besides the incel worldview is easy as hell to dismantle if you just apply regular logic.
>- they get their sexual desires fulfilled constantly and effortlessly by studs in tinder (zero desire for suboptimal males)
Then there are no sexually frustrated women? Pretty patent that this is untrue. Also on average males have more partners than women,
>- they get their economic needs fulfilled by government and paypigs/sugar daddies
Unless there is a "be female subsidy" that I haven't heard about (there isn't) women have to work to get through life like the rest of us.
>- they get their self esteem and attention needs met by social media (ooh 400 likes on a picture of my pumpkin spice latte)
I actually agree with this point. Social media is and will most likely always be massively dominated by attractive women.
>- the need for security is met by every male in public being ready to beat the shit out of you if she ever appears displeased
This completely contradicts your point about western civilization collapsing though, because this is textbook chivalry and according to you this shouldn't be happening.
Also obviously untrue, people get fucking killed in the streets in front of people and noone does nothing because bystander effect + insanely atomized society like the one we have now = nobody gives a single shit about the life of other people. THAT is something you can complain about, now how the secret cabal of women want to ruin everything.
I mean asking for directions from a stranger or making small talk with a cashier (man or woman) is fine but yes, sitting across from some girls in a bar on their table, making a conversation, etc. for the obvious purpose of chatting one up, etc. is brazen to me, and I was like this long before I knew about incels and their mindsets and used Jow Forums, so your claim I'm a certain way and whatever cause of Jow Forums doesn't wash. It's a fear of rejection and a lack of confidence, man. Giving me some armchair psychologist shit about a tiny bubble and world Jow Forums has constructed isn't necessary.
Okay, but would you say, overall, the claims handsome guys get approached, eyefucked, etc. is bullshit? It wouldn't surprise me if there were some elements of truth but I think incels take it to far. Read the stuff I'm linking below. It's pure cringe and I don't know entirely how to feel about guys that firmly believe it:
I think we can all agree confidence is key. Whether you’re handsome or an ugly fucker, people sense this and find it attractive. I myself struggle with low self-confidence, but I was lucky enough to be approached by my now wife. She’s pretty assertive herself, so it’s a great balance to my meekness and challenges me to get outside my comfort zone.
Assuming you don't make like the one guy and try to die by cop but pussy out and get arrested instead. I wonder how many times his asshole's been cleaned out by someone else's pooper scooper.
There's a reason you guys haven't """completely given up""" and it's your cowardice. The same cowardice that keeps you from seeing women as humans keeps you guys on Jow Forums, throwing harmless threats around and pretending you're some sort of sleeper threat. The truth is, lonely people who lash out have been an eternal truth. Bitter virgins with lousy attitude, much like sick profiteers and people whose ethical codes allow for slavery, are a permanent fixture of humanity.
>don't know how to feel
Pity. They're so lost and without guidance that they've ended up clinging to this.
Imagine. Clinging to the very thing that makes you miserable. It's like a drug addiction, when you think of it that way-- and realistically, the whole process (find thing > provides affirmation/validation > feeling is good > time to repeat > takes more thing > provides less affirmation/validation > need more to feel good ...)
>Then there are no sexually frustrated women? Pretty patent that this is untrue.
You'd have to be extremely disfigured or not care at all. Women have sex on tap any time they want. The typical conversation between a woman and a highly attractive male on tinder is "wanna fuck?" -> "sure" -> "#"
>Unless there is a "be female subsidy" that I haven't heard about (there isn't) women have to work to get through life like the rest of us.
Alimony, child support (both from exes and from government), etc.
>I actually agree with this point. Social media is and will most likely always be massively dominated by attractive women.
It's because women are "inherently valuable" due to biology, while most men need to achieve things to be of any worth to anyone. This is the big thing that people miss when they claim that women are oppressed or whatever. Women really have no idea what it feels like to be completely worthless to everyone around them, and they never will.
>This completely contradicts your point about western civilization collapsing though, because this is textbook chivalry and according to you this shouldn't be happening.
Is it chivalry if you're doing it because you're desperate for female validation?
To a degree they do I would say. I've seen first hand how girls get really fidgety around attractive guys, but the incel shit is pure bullshit barely grounded in reality.
I mean as someone who used to fall for that shit I can tell you that it's a coping mechanism. Hilariously enough incels complain about "cope" when their worldview is basically just a giant cope. Since they're afraid of happiness and of going into the world and doing things that make you happy (which stems from being afraid of losing said happiness) they pretend that these superhuman beings that have everything done for them exist, that life is miserable in all aspects and that everything was stacked against them before it started.
>women will approach you
Not frequently, but it happens.
>make their desire to fuck with zero subtlety
Zero subtlety? Only happened twice.
With subtlety? Oh boy, where do I start...
>eyefuck you when you're just walking down a street
This happens all the fucking time. And I absolutely hate it.
I'm quite a shy and timid boy and this shit makes me fluster hard.
It occurred twice today and I've been out for less than 2 hours.
Shit means nothing. The girls are just doing it to have fun at my expense.
>stop what they are doing as soon as Chad walks into a room to admire him
Nope. Never happened to me. Never witnessed it happen to anybody else either.
About me: I'm in my twenties. Volcel. Not tall. Never had a relationship.
I don't believe the whole "incel & chad" meme - it's just internet people being dumb.
And I'm still getting most of what you described the elusive "Chad" gets.
Your cases are all contained in bubbles though user. Marriage doesn’t apply to all women, nor does Tinder. Government sponsored child-support can also be there in case of deadbeat dads. Keep applying the broad strokes and you’ll find the world in black and white.
>Women have sex on tap any time they want.
Half correct. Women have much better access to casual sex than men, for the main reason that women don't particularly enjoy casual sex.
Sexual frustration doesn't come from not having sex altogether, it comes from not having the sex YOU want. In the case of incels, it comes from not having sex at all. In the case of a lot of women, it comes from having shitty sex that doesn't particularly please them.
You need to keep in mind that the male orgasm is guaranteed in casual sex but the female one is much more rare, because it takes more effort to get a woman off. So it's not surprise that men are the ones who want casual sex, and women either oblige or not.
>Alimony, child support (both from exes and from government), etc.
Mostly comes from having a child, and you're still looking at the "powerful rich dude and sexy girl" scenario. Believe it or not divorces fucking suck and women aren't out there to get alimony from unsuspecting dudes. Believe it or not having a kid is a massive fucking investment that completely warps your life and women don't look at it as something to get money.
>It's because women are "inherently valuable" due to biology
It actually has more to do with the fact men get off at looking at sexy girls and girls only do so at a much lesser rate.
Look at erotic fanfiction, it's massively dominated by females.
>Is it chivalry if you're doing it because
If you look at women as something that needs to be protected and cherished and would jump into danger to save them it is the definition of chivalry. It is also stupid, and 99% of people won't do that.
I'm with this guy except I've seen very few cases where a guy can command a room of women; in both cases I remember them being tall, bespectacled redheads with fantastic senses of humour and amiability.
The incel and chad meme is born of the same thing that most of its ilk are, and you'll never find an incel who charges to take responsibility nearly as quick as they do to make excuses for why they shouldn't.
Part of my lack of confidence is that I have no damn clue whether I'm handsome or not. I have plenty suggesting I am but I hate how I look is certain drunken photos/selfies, and even then, sex appeals depends on more than just looks alone. And I don't have any big tends elsewhere (I'm average instead of short, well groomed, well dressed).
*big dents (i.e. gaping, negative traits like being really short)
>Our generation (millenials/zoomers) are having less sex than previous generations.
Yes because of super-hypergamy propagated by Women lmao. Average/ugly guys are having less sex not Chads/women
>You can't extend the meaning of words to convey a similar meaning in a different dynamic
Can't say I'd act differently were I an attractive woman in 2019. Why settle for some average fuck when I can have top-tier men via tinder?
>handsome or not
Girls (assuming that's what you're dating) are individuals anyway. Worry less about some sort of objective standard and worry more about presenting the kind of person you'd want to be interpreted for. For instance, I like to be known as being giving and understanding, so I try to put those things forth no matter the case. Ignore thoughts of handsome-or-not because it tends to sway. Some people love that I have back dimples and curves; some people think it's gay as hell. I've had sex with people in the former category, so I tend to take their opinion a little more to heart.
You're a candy, and the world is full of picky people and their flavour preferences. Try not to fuss over it.
Pic unrelated I just posted it
We’ve been over hypergamy, you’re misusing it. Keep up illiterate.
>You and every former incel is proof that being an incel is a choice and nothing else.
Obviously any average looking guy has the option of fucking a girl like pic related. The reality is the average guy doesn't want to touch this girl with a 9 foot pole. The reality is, there will always be a proportion of the male population that is incapable of getting sex as long as prostitution is illegal and the vast majority of women don't take care of their bodies enough to be fuckable. The women who take care of themselves are either in relationships or being shared around by chads on dating apps. If you think every 6/10 guy is capable of getting a decent girl, you're having a laugh.
Only in metaphors. You just fail to comprehend language. Since when did being sexless become a class thing? You’re deluding yourself if you think it has.
Yeah. I have no idea if I'm handsome either. People tell me I am, but I have a hard time believing them.
>sex appeals depends on more than just looks alone. And I don't have any big tends elsewhere
Friends also mention I have a great personality and potent charisma, but my low self-esteem could never agree.
>>I only date women who look like pornstars.
Really user, it could be more believable if you didn’t post the one extreme. There’s lots of middle ground you aren’t exploring.
Conceptually we all know it means trading up in a romantic context. Insisting on sticking to strict definitions when you know exactly what we mean is highly autistic.
It's self-imposed. 6/10s get girls all the time.
The difference is they're not the kind of person who goes and cries to the internet for a little hugbox every time something goes wrong in their life. That's you guys, and the reason it's so hard to get a girl is because you've been conditioned by the internet not to fail, since every little tiny flaw on the internet gets blown up to hyperbole because it's one gigantic fucking crabpot.
>all women with self-respect are instantly taken
Because that makes complete sense. Jesus Christ, is this how many excuses you normally make for yourself?
I think you need off the internet, man.
Guys aren't like women who have all these unrealistically high standards about height and income and perfect faces. Most guys don't want a girl who looks like a pornstar, they just want a girl who A. isn't fat and B. takes care of personal hygiene. For some reason this is rare specimen in America.
The kicker for me is that I know I've had people say this of me behind my back, and there are some selfies I take where I think I look great; same with looking in the mirror at times. But I think I look like shit in some drunken selfies as well and I don't ever pick up on the stuff incels claim handsome guys get.
I don't agree with anything you've said. You sound like a young woman trying to rationalize how hard life is to reconcile the cognitive dissonance of believing a feminist narrative while simultaneously being the most privileged class of human being that has ever existed on this green earth.
Not the guy but after a certain point, that sense of unhappiness and loneliness is one of the things you really 'have'. It's a part of you. You almost cling to it in a sense. Maybe even self sabotage yourself.
You're probably a boomer and don't understand the reality milenials are living in. It's a completely different dating game when you're 18-22. At this age women are all being passed around by chads on tinder. They're not looking for serious relationships, they're just "having fun" and "enjoying their youth". They all have such incredibly huge egos from fucking chads every week that the average 6/10 girl sees herself as a 9/10 insta model. This effect doesn't wear off until they reach their mid 20s and experience getting ditched by a few guys, only then do they realize they're on the incel's level and start dating them.
I wouldn't be surprised if incels started turning to Islam.
Read braincels. Plenty of them praise Islam for being 'non cucked'
When I was 18-22 women were being passed around too. My ex fooled around with my best friend. He, in turn, had a girl who fooled around on him. In turn, he fooled around with another girl, who was fooling around on her boy. It's a gigantic train.
Young people are hasty and impressionable. The only difference is it's accessible and sortable now. The same people are desirable, the same are undesirable. The same things that shut down your chances at 18-22 shut them down at 28-32, the same things that bolster your chances at 28-32 roughly translate across (though with a little less steadiness, given some things).
Congratulations, you pulled a picture demonstrating that shitty people exist. Did you need a picture for that, or are you trying to somehow tell me that-- despite everyone's insistence that dating apps are filled with the most ratchet thots you can throw a twinkie at-- this proves that all women are horrible and millenials exist in some dating hypervacuum where being desperate isn't-- as it's always been, as it was for me before I got out of it, for my friends before they got out of it-- a gamekiller?
Not the guy and although what you describe unfortunately happens, maybe not as ubiquitous as you think. I live in a uni flat in a high tier UK university and of the girls in our flat that go out, they don't really have that many 'get withs' on the chart (we have a tally chart for being sick, get withs, and getting injured) and they don't run the Tinder game either. A pretty one is with a guy who is definitely a 6/10 that occasionally comes from his university in a different city to visit. Guy I went with to the bar last night has a 5-6/10 face as well (and is only 6'0) and has raked up a lot of get withs too cause he's brazen and has no problem approaching.
Well you see, incels aren't going to suddenly be happy when you tell them they just have to wait a decade before they can not be incel. And most incels aren't too excited by the prospect of dating the girls that rejected them a decade ago because they weren't in the top 20% of men.
>le 80% 20% meme
this is why incels are beyond salvation, they believe their own memes.
B-but... but read this! PROOF Chad is worshiped like a god
>"Some scientists argue this research isn't scientifically gathered"
>The Atlantic
So they're using a study that eeked by the peer review process with bad methodology to prove a point.
>>"Some scientists argue this research isn't scientifically gathered"
Who are you quoting?
I could link research but what's the point, you'll just say it's bullshit for some reason.
I don't think you could. I think you'd link to another anonymous blogpost again.
Yeah, well, you have to go through school before you can get an education and if you want long-term goals respected, you have to not date teenagers. I've always dated older because I always had older ideas for my relationships. I suggest people who don't like being trivialized over relationships try the same.
The PROBLEM the incels have is that they have shitty personalities but they want to keep playing cards and excuses to keep away from that reality, so...
I'm not that guy. Link it for lurkers.
People who think it's bullshit preemptively won't even click, it so you're losing nothing.
You can't argue with white knights. They'll just say
>hurrr the scientific journal you cited was created by an incel scientist
If you make any argument towards them they'll just reply with some anecdote about how they knew a guy who they subjectively thought was average looking who had a lot of sex or some shit. Like these conversations are so pointless, you white knights obviously have your mind pretty set in stone and they're just gonna keep pretending like there isn't a problem in teh dating world while millions of average guys are lonely and depressed.
But what's the appeal to dating these people? What do they do with their lives that's interesting that others would want to be a part of? What do they offer that's so unique to them that can't be found A) veritably in any old human and B) in better qualities elsewhere?
You guys are lonely and depressed and hang out in communities where you circlejerk and validate each other. Like, does nobody stop and link the two together?
>you white knights obviously have your mind pretty set in stone
I'm not the one living by the 80/20 meme that was created out of thin air on r9k and incel boards and became a new religion overnight.
All I did was post an article, out of several articles online, that show how young people are having less sex because of the internet and modern conveniences and societal pressure, and that makes me a white knight.
Yea if it's not backed up by their favorite late night comedian it's bullshit
>late night comedian
the fuck does this mean lol
did someone make fun of incels on TV
I'm a 20 year old virgin and I have been approched by women but never an attractive one. One even asked for a relationship directly. So it's possible he was seen as too unapproachable. I am not hideous none of the girls who were interested in me met the standard of 'volcel if you wouldn't'
Any decent girls show no interest in talking to me.
Could you be any more of a strawman?
how do white knights cuckolds rationalize the fact that they don't have a gf? or are you all just dating fat chicks?
Because Chad is a state of mind, not a state of body. Mr. Gandy is a handsome "virgin".
>cuckolds rationalize the fact that they don't have a gf
>don't have a gf
when your raging inceldom makes you post complete nonsense
and for real: I started dating girls that I felt weren't too attractive either physically or mentally, but the more I improved myself the more I was able to meet more girls that I was genuinely attracted to, to the point where I felt like I was dating girls that were out of my league but they weren't anymore. I had reached their league
>but the more I improved myself the more I was able to meet more girls that I was genuinely attracted to, to the point where I felt like I was dating girls that were out of my league but they weren't anymore. I had reached their league
See my post here You likely didn't improve yourself, the girls who used to think they were out of your league simply got a reality check and accepted that you were in their league.
>no gf
They may be white knights, but at least they're not as dumb as you.
>See my post here
None of what you wrote is remotely true or accurate.
Literally the same term, when talking on Jow Forums. It's an age group that goes up to like 35 years old.
>At this age women are all being passed around by chads on tinder. They're not looking for serious relationships, they're just "having fun" and "enjoying their youth".
That's always been the case, it's nothing new. It's actually less true these days.
>This effect doesn't wear off until they reach their mid 20s and experience getting ditched by a few guys, only then do they realize they're on the incel's level and start dating them.
Incel fantasy.
Pic related was a virgin until he went to East Asia, got laid, and got a self esteem and confidence boost. As with Gandy, fearing rejection, lacking confidence, and being an aspie will fuck you even if you're really handsome.
The less I care about sex the more I hate the woman. Like the only time I see any good in women is when I think I can stick my dick in her.
Must have some really shitty life experiences then. It's like I see Indians complaining about white women despising them for being Indian and yet, in my uni flat, the most popular guy is an idiot who isn't particularly handsome or tall but is loved by all the girls cause he's a solid, bubbly guy. Likewise women that do not want to fuck me that I've only been on platonic terms with have shown me a lot of empathy during trying moments privately (so 'inb4 she's virtue signalling!'). I don't man. I hate vapid thots who post those obnoxious tweets and shit but I can't say my life experiences have been such that I could ever despise the female sex.