What would the results of a US Civil War be?

What would the results of a US Civil War be?
I just found this cool video where a guy predicts what would happen in this situation,


and he thinks it would be a decisive Republican victory. What do you guys think would happen after such a war? Would the US become a single party state for awhile under martial law?

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GOP would deffo win IMO, vast majority of gun owners and all

It's a civil war, nobody wins. Republitards would probably take over but the real winners would be China, Russia and the EU.

I think however the outcome the US would get wrecked much to the rejoicing of the rest of the world

That isnt even that relevant as the majority of civilian firearms would be innefective in combat situations.
The real deciding factors would be geography and location of strategic respurces.
Both of which heavily favor Republican/nationalist districts

EU is not your enemy :)

other nations would invest in both sides to ensure complete ruin

I am a citizen of the EU. I hope we expand our influence in the future. Please make it happen, republitards

This, left wing would recieve foreign aid from the EU and if they won would become an EU vassal.
Same for republicans and Russia.
China would use the opportunity for a regional power grab and assuming their economy survives they would become the new global super power

Cities are liberal strongholds.
American cities have no walls or defensive fortifications because the entire country is less than 300 years old.
Countryside and rural areas are filled with gun owners who absolutely despise city people.

Every American city would get besieged just like Leningrad during WW2 and they wouldn’t have the means to resupply or feed themselves because (surprise surprise) those countryside rural rednecksvand flyovers are the ones growing their food.
Oh and to make matters worse, the only people with guns in cities are low IQ gangbangers and obese cops.

TLDR, it would be a one sided bloodbath.

Depends on how the U.S. army splits up, or who's side it ends up being on. Military tech and manpower is the real decision-maker here.

He's gonna take over and everyone who thought he couldn't do it or tried to stop him will be dead.

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China and Japan would become top economies, excluding the EU, which would be #1 if counted as a single entity.
The bottom line is that anyone who wants to divide you is your enemy. Especially alt-right and left-wing figures that seek social conflict.

Easy right wing victory

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The coastal areas would recieve foreign aid.
The big question would be how the government and military fractures.
Civilian organizations and the officer corps tend to favor leftism while the soldiers tend to favor the right.
Regardless, desertion rates would be staggering as soldiers abandoned their posts to defend their homes

Stop shilling your channel you fucking faggot. At the very least get a mic that was made within the last 20 years.

Lol stronghold.

All the cops have guns and sick of their bullshit.


Even fucking Philly is 15% republican


>cucked Alt-hist

I can see China funding the west coast technocrats to secede and become a client state with similar digital gulag social control policies.
However, there is also the problem with all of the Mexicans living in California who would want to reintegrate California with Mexico.
China and Mexico would be butting heads over how to split up the west coast.

Russia would bankroll and train southerners, Midwesterner, and any kind of pro-white nationalist faction across the entire nation.

Germany and EU would want to maintain the status quo so they would bankroll DC and New York.

>majority of civilian firearms would be innefective in combat situations
Nigger you don't know what you're taking about! My personal AR-15 is far superior to the M-16A2 I carried in the Marines. W/ one notable exception, 3-round burst mode. My AR weighs less, has smoother action and WAY better optics. I can engage man-sized targets out past 500 meters. How is that "innefective" in a combat situation.

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>Russia would support pro-white factions out of the kindness of their own heart
give me three reasons why they wouldn't support all sides so the country destroys itself and Russia is left untouched as a superpower

GOP decisive victory with russian backing against democrat with laughable mexican support, donations that wont be refunded, and thoughts and prayers.

It would be pretty bad. The conservatives would win since they own all the guns, but they would probably surrender all powers to Israel immediately afterwards.

>Democrats don't have guns, don't know how to use them (at best a very small percentage of military), and already has problem with criminals that they can't solve
>Republicans have guns, know how to use them
It's simple really, and would be over with a lefty surrender once dems realize that they're unable to fight

What kind of optic are you running?

Russia has already said if there was a civil war in the US they would back whatever side is against the democrats/liberals. You can take that with a grain of salt but they have more to gain out of a rightwing controlled us govt than liberal. They cant take the US themselves or they will be seen as invaders by both US citizens and foreign militaries that wish to take the US as their own prize.

Right Wing wins

Holy American Empire emerges.

A second renaissance ensues.

>firearms would be ineffective* in combat situations

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You must mean The Greater Pennsylvania Reich emerges.

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democrats would stomp repubtards we have all the gangs like ms-13 crips and bloods so we win on the fire-arm and martial arts side of it. plus racial superiority since black people are proven to be more physically stronger and have more testosterone than the average white male republican who statistically is proven to more likely be inbred than your typical inner city youth. and not to mention living in the city takes smarts and toughness that most country people dont have (living in a smaller city makes you stupid pretty much they would never survive in smart combat).

and the most deciding factor is that democrats are just the most popular in the media today and we have hollywood and social media on our side and that is indisputable fact.

so, yes, in a civil war Democrats would BTFO the fuck out repubs

but the eu relies on the US for its army and would crumble without the US's support

EOTech EXPS and a Vortex X3 Magnifier.

Next up is a AR-10 w/ 20 inch fluted barrel

> A (((Republican))) Civil war
Doesn't have my support. Not one drop of my blood will be shed to further Israeli interests.

What about minorities?

For one, Russia is much poorer than the US and doesn’t have the means to project that much power across the Atlantic.
Realistically, they can’t support every faction as that would be very financially taxing on a country that is already in dire economic straits.
You also have to consider that Russia needs to put up a public face of using ideology to justify their foreign policy. If they decided to play every faction against one another then that would damage their reputation internationally. They need to be seen as the ‘pro-nationalist’ figureheads in this dynamic, even if ‘nationalism’ is a dirty word.

Blacks will see civil war as an opportunity to riot, doing more damage to themselves as usual, and to rob stores owned by other blacks in large cities that will most likely be carpet bombed anyway. Also they like to hold their guns sideways so I'm not really worried about being killed by blacks or other ethnic groups.

You think russia and china won't break out the black budget on a civil war? It's a dream scenario for other world powers dude.

They probably don't own firearms, and if they do, they're more likely to be criminals, who would only hurt dems more than anything
>Dems fighting a war while Tyrone is busy robbing a convenience store on dem grounds
>Would continue crime regardless

in the past black people didnt have a leader since MLK but if theres a war Obama will become the leader to unify all black people. you should be scared if black people worked together white people are in BIG trouble.

Civil War is totally unnecessary. Just remove police presence (or stop paying police) in every major city and the liberal strongholds will eat itself. Two weeks tops, over.

Republicans would lose terribly since a large portion is old ass boomers

Dear Faggot, please look at the demographics of Special Forces worldwide. All the best are whites.

As a member of a Marine ANGL Co (Advance Navel Gunfire Liaison Company) Blacks are shitty in combat. You see faggot, all of the things that you mentioned are irrelevant. A good Marine/Solider has great cardo, can carry heavy loads long distances, handle exposure to the elements and have the mental fortitude to hold it all together in a combat situation. Tell me how your up-right chimps and MS-13 gangbangers meet any of that criteria?

Do not underestimate your enemies.
This mistake lead to our current predicament.
Understand that they have support from our true enemies who have their tendrils in the usa's defense forces.
Stay the course.

>China and Russia
They'd use the opportunity to shore up their own neighborhoods as opposed to getting directly involved over here. China would jump at the opportunity to take Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, etc with no American reprisal coming. Russia would consider doing the same with the former Soviet satellites.

Officers, at least in the Army and Marine Corps, are in my experience far more conservative than the enlisted (particularly support pogues). It may be different in the Chair Force and Navy.

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Libs keep forgetting that cities are already smoking powder kegs and smorgasbords of paranoid, gated community whites and irate shitskins and immigrant communities living in low income hoods.
When the rednecks surround your city and cut off your supply lines, water pipes, and electricity, how long do they think that city people will get along harmoniously and unified against big bad whitey?

Can't we be allies?
Americans gave our world so many nice things and jobs, why should we fight?

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Not to mention the flexibility on mods I have now that I'm not humping it for the Army.

Hey, Cracker, i know youre probably too busy sucking uncle sams cock to use your brain but its proven statistically that white males are dominantly fragile and low testosterone, yeah you have a couple of white men who are physically impressive but theres also gay trans black people and we know majority of black people are superior in that regard. and we all know the US military is blatantly racist so most of your real men who know what theyre worth arent on their knees for a country that fucks them stay mad whitey

I agree we should be allies.
The world would be a much better place if America and Russia were friends. It would be actual world peace, not the neocon/neolib idea of “””peace”””

Imagine the hellscape when most of the white cops pull out of major cities to defend their homes in the suburbs or rural areas. The civil unrest would tear majority Democrat areas apart.

I'm pretty sure we are just gonna have to concede some parts of America and break it up along racial and political lines.

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I’m worried about getting stuck behind enemy lines. The red parts of New Jersey are scattered outposts surrounded by blue ghettoes and shetl suburbs

Blacks back then were much more respectful of their superiors, themselves, and their communities. One just needs to look at pictures from their movements to realize this; they are all dressed in their sunday best for protests. Look at minority protests today and you'd think the ape enclosure at the zoo was busted open. If obama even survived the coup that would take place in the government that leads to civil war he would have a hell of a time organizing today's black youths who seem to be driven by wild hatred, gangster icons, and above all else greed which will ultimately keep them from organizing and keep them at each others throats until its too late.

Maybe, but gop constituents are mostly closet racists. It also doesn't take much more than a few beers to get them redpilled or at least interested in the JQ.

Republicans won the first civil war we will win the 2nd too. We could use a 2nd autogenocide of the left, where us Lincoln when you need him?

The rest of the world are like feminists and shitskins who celebrate the fall of the U.S. without understanding that everything they take for granted is because of the U.S.

I mean, what's the EU going to do? Export multiculturalism and austerity?

buttblasted incel detected.

When the demoshits try to get rid of the electorial college

Even bolt actions are still viable out in the woods. Shotguns and pistols are fine for urban combat. A lot of the fighting in a civil war will end up being leftie urban militias vs right-wing guerillas, with both sides using similar types of weapons. Automatic rifles aren’t as important as everyone says they are, especially once mitilitias start looting belt-fed machine guns from armories.

You are literally "BLACKED"!

We are not talking about playing basketball or football, we are talking about combat. Which you've obviously never seen before. What about swimming? If blacks are "so superior" where are the black swimmers in the Olympics?
>Military is racist
Infantry and Combat Arms are volunteer only, hence the lack of niggers.

i think the problem is that China or Russia would interfere and also war is hell many good people would die


The major cities would be under leftwing control. Rural areas would be under rightwing control. The just-in-time delivery of food and supplies to cities would grind to a halt. The few trucks on the road would be hijacked for their cargo and the gas in their tanks, and the law enforcement and military wouldn't be able to stop it. The leftwing would receive international support and would invite every Asian, African and Latino to join them on the ground to fight the new Nazis. Only the threat of nuclear retaliation would keep them at bay, assuming we were able to secure any nuclear weapons for our side. As food grew scarce we would eat all the natural fauna, and as the power went out we would chop down and burn all the trees for fuel. People would wander out of the cities looking for a means to survive and the rural people would have to kill them or be overran. White people, who barely have enough children and are "over the hill" or have a host of medical issues related to their age and sedentary lifestyle, will find their bodies breaking down. Their opponents will be young immigrants, energized and motivated, whi have better logistical support.

It would be quite horrifying. I don't people realize just how fragile our civilization is. We can project a lot of power because of our developed society, but we require a lot of moving parts in order to even survive. We drive to work, to the store to get food, to get home at the end of the day, or food rides around from the field to the factory to the store, our energy is transmitted to us from far away. When it all breaks down and we find ourselves walking everywhere again we'll realize life in even a mid-size town isn't doable, not in your fourties and being flabby and tired like a large number of White Americans.

Niggers are always pogs because they crumble in a real fight. It's not racism holding them down, it's reality.

>he thinks it would be a decisive Republican victory

> republicucks
> surviving the day of the rope any more than democunts

u wot m8?

Well assuming the military bases joined whichever side their county went it wouldn't even be fucking close. The blue counties would either starve or fall to ghe military. Starving is especially a concern for those mega cities like Chicago. Too many people and all the food is shipped in from red counties.

Russia is the successor of Byzantium and US is the successor of Rome. Just dont forget who is the Augustus here Ivan.

American Cities would be ridiculously easy to besiege because of their reliance on modern infrastructure to survive.

Where are these young ethnic immigrants receiving their "superior logistical support" when majority of the military leans rightwing? Do you not think large scale internal military coups would shift the power from the liberal government to the rightwing people? Also did you forget that most flabby white americans in their 40s already have children that arent entirely a lost cause? Speaking of flabby americans I think you need to take another look at US statistics and see which demographics are the main cause of our nationwide obesity problem. In my nearly all white neighbor sure I see some old fatties but their children have bodies that could be whipped into shape at a moments notice.

The yang gang gets the first bullet

The left wing would be utterly BTFO

They start surrounded and isolated with the bulk of raw materials and industrial base in the hands of the enemy.

They literally stand no chance, red America could literally just surround the areas of high concentration of lefties, cut off the water and food and wait for 3 weeks while the cities eat themselves in chaos and violence among disparate minority groups

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All the foreign aid in the word would be fucking stupid because the us has more than enough to never interact with anyone outside of its own borders

Dallas, Houston, Denver, St. Louis, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Nashville, Atlanta and Austin would all be absolutely fucked though. Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee would get hit really hard too. The only left-leaning cities that could survive any period of time are the ones on the East and West Coast, but they'd be relying on foreign assistance and the naval base in Jacksonville leans Red.

The Eu can’t even hold itself together much less influence anything on the other side of the world

With the us trapped in its own civil war not maintaining global stability half of Europe would collapse from lack of food and oil within a year

That's my fear. What happens when they get a libtard President in office via this interstate compact they're ginning up to do and end-run around the electoral college?

China and Japan require the USA to buy their shit

The entire global economy that you know and rely on as a European would collapse without the us actively maintaining it, like we’ve done, for 80 years

How? The right wing navey would sink any ship and shoot down any plane bringing aid

China has no money without the us buying their shit

On plebbit, the cucks believed that their rich blue states would just hire foreign mercenaries to kill off the right-wingers. Also closing their ports and “starve” the middle of America.

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The left is strongest in the cities. which produce basically no food. They'd sell out to foreigners faster than you can say commie traitor.

>Where are these young ethnic immigrants receiving their "superior logistical support" when majority of the military leans rightwing?

From the international community, unless they have their own struggles going in, then nobody will have have much logistical support and it will just be anarchy.

How are the supplies and volunteer Browns going to get to the left wing cities when the right wit has the navey and Air Force in its pocket ?

>Civil war begins.
>Cities besieged by redneck warlords leading factions with names like, Git 'r Done, My Cold Dead Hands, General Lee's Revenge, etc.
>Urban hipsters run out of craft beer, arugula, and anal lube, cannot get guitar strings.
>Immediately surrender and are processed into dog food.
>Women lose weight, whore themselves out for a can of pork 'n' beans.
>Nogs driven into the ocean, beaners have to go back, Jews given free rides in special vans, Chinks stay on as doctors.
>States rights restored, paradise ensues.

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Anyone caught trading food to tatted-up leftist whores for sex should be forced to join the jews. We're trying to eradicate STDs not proliferate their spread.

>How are the supplies and volunteer Browns going to get to the left wing cities when the right wit has the navey and Air Force in its pocket ?

I just don't see that happening. I see them rooting out "racists" and White nationalists, and whatever "civic nationalist" military leadership handing the keys to the nukes over to NATO. We see how NATO treats White people anytime they try to stand up for themselves.

The vast majority of military would fight for the right wing side, thinking otherwise is foolish

Even if nato wanted to do anything....the us LITERLLY IS NATO.

It’s amazing how much people underestimate the absolute overwhelming power of the USA in the world today.

I’d be shocked if any nation outside of France or the uk could even manage to send a single supply ship to NY harbor and the risk of being destroyed by American privateers or the sun force or air force would be so great it wouldn’t be worth it

Not to mention the us keeps more active military in Europe than most European countries so acting against the us is a good way to get your Capitol occupied and leadership fucking couped

The left wing is fucked in a civil war absolutely op’s video is even to kind to their likely chances. Not to mention all of the gains in Asia since the end of ww2 collapsing without the USA garunteeig open seas for oil and goods shipments.

The East Asian countries would be at war with eachother as soon as the us got busy fighting itself



Without a stable US economy many foreign nations would devolve into chaos as well. Russia would undoubtedly use it as an opportunity to take a lot of eastern european countries. The EU would either be scrambling to form a military that can oppose Russia or they'd have to appease them. Meanwhile there would be insurgents throughtout most of Europe anyway. Only China would be able to sustain itself easily, but only if they also went to full war-monger mode, taking out SE Asia and Japan.

>he thinks it would be between republicans and democrats
it would be between the socialists, third positonists, and the establishment. i would never take up to defend either zogged party.

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>It’s amazing how much people underestimate the absolute overwhelming power of the USA in the world today.

And I think people underestimate the power of propaganda. I think any White nationalist sentiment will be rooted out and replaced with civic nationalism. Imagine "right-wing" in the modern Republican sense. "We're not racist, the Democrats are the real racists. We want the most amount of legal immigrants ever. Let me show you how 'woke' we can be." I don't imagine any scenario where Blacks, Hispanics or Asians will ever be kicked out and anything less will only be setting the stage for one of two things: future conflict or a great resignation where we just give up as a race and allow ourselves to get mixed into oblivion, and maybe we protect our borders a little more moving forward, whoopty doo.

>right wing navey


>thinking otherwise is foolish
i dunno user. People used to think the FBI was a right wing organization too

oh you most definitely are.

>What would the results of a US Civil War be?

White men would lose again just like they lost that last war, and for the same reasons. In a nutshell:

White men:
>good individual fighters with more guns and better combat skills. Zero infrastructure, poorly organized, and no supply lines, no communication.

Everyone else
>Hates white men. Will have more numbers. Will be drastically better supplied, and will have all of the infrastructure, communications, and supply lines necessary to win. Furthermore leftists from around the globe would pour in to fight and they fight without rules, while in contrast, white men would be cucking around crying to jesus and arguing about rules of engagement.

NEVER FORGET: white men got their asses handed to them during the last Civil War by the leftists. It can and will happen again. Now, if white men actually controlled any infrastructure things might be different, but white men fell for the "Trades Meme" and have no power or serious wealth anymore. ...Whites are a race of plumbers and mechanics now. You are not your ancestors. You are fat cucks that have ruined yourselves with Christianity and blue-collar sub-human bullshit.

You are way to caught up in transient social concerns.

All of this racial and class warfare nonsense is only because people have time to fight about it.

When the chips are down and the us is in civil war and the rest of the world is thrown into chaos that last thing anyone’s going to give a shit about is current online twitter battles about white fragility and trigger warnings

Nice bait

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Discord tranny detected. How will everyone else be better supplied? You state that like fact without backing it up in reality whites own most of the guns(and related equipment), farms, and businesses in america. It was leftists that created rules of engagement to begin with. I dont think bubba is going to have a quarrels blasting your tranny ass when you get too close to his farm. Then we have your dumbest talking point:
>white men fell for the "Trades Meme"
You think after or even during the civil war we are going to be in the digital, technological utopia? You will need those tradesmen and their skills to rebuild. I have never seen a rightwinger advocate liberal universities over the trades.