Post some obvious plants

Post some obvious plants

Attached: MV5BOGM0N2FiYWItNTBlMC00Y2YyLWFlMTMtZDc2MjU2NDkxOTA3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDkzNTM2ODg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,13 (1372x1000, 101K)

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Attached: Plant.jpg (413x550, 20K)

Attached: hehe.jpg (1000x1000, 68K)

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Serious question.

How come he isn't banned from Twitter, yet many from the right and left are, including Sargon and Destiny?

This is one of the strongest indicators of him being a plant.

fuck this Mossad plant!

Attached: 170412165521-01-carter-page-screengrab-0412-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 59K)

Attached: ny-1540750291-l1lwkhtrqm-snap-image.jpg (1200x899, 170K)

What a fat fuck

better question is why isn't he having white babies?

Attached: h13_Richard-Spencer-Nina-Kouprianova[1].jpg (960x540, 86K)

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Attached: 6361B743-8219-4C98-B8AC-AD6BED901F31.jpg (1800x1171, 424K)

Attached: gene-rosen-near-a-sign-for-actors-to-check-in.jpg (1024x576, 101K)

digits confirm

Attached: 91cDW6vPVBL.jpg (1016x2560, 566K)

Attached: abc_gma_newtown_130413_wg.jpg (640x360, 30K)

Attached: ab6.png (858x617, 571K)

Attached: 589bb4406e09a868148b4921-750-562.jpg (750x562, 41K)

Attached: polplant.jpg (1110x430, 92K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-19 pol - Post some obvious plants - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (456x46, 4K)

Attached: DhK0C9MUYAAQgkU.jpg (1200x900, 204K)

Attached: 1547746590426.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

I don't have a picture of you, but here's a good plant.

Attached: sage.jpg (800x800, 82K)

Attached: 1521389535883.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Attached: DA638547-6C59-49D6-8034-C3637B75ED1E.jpg (220x275, 14K)
