Original Danes were black PROOF
Original Danes were black PROOF
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wtf is this bullshit?
How dis make u feel wytebois?
Watch the video colonizer
woooooow i had no fucking idea banes was black
This explains a lot about the dane
Black Danes ruled over Britain and Ireland
I'm not worthy to gaze upon the BBC, master. I will send my wife to you right away.
das rite wyteboi
cant fucking understand it you nigg nog faggit retard
bix nood muhfuggeh muh dik we wuz kangz n shiiiieeeeeieieieit
wyboi cant understand basic english lmao
the lightskin black man fears the undiluted ebony man
All europeans were black around 10k years ago. But we all became white, and we're still european. So you're just dumb.
Watch the video faggot he's talking about medieval Danes who were black as the book describes them
Finns, Swedes and Germans were also black mah nigga
Arabs will behead your BBC, jävla blatte neger nogger.
wyboi so mad he aint got kulture
u got proof my nigga?
aint no arabs where i live wyteshit
arabs should fuck off from Afrika
so what you are saying is that black people evolved into white people?
so you are subhuman?
Just showing you monkey, what a subhuman you truly are, the lowest off all races, you are so irrelevant, the only way not to hate yourselves is to steal others history
you mad?
i aint shittin u, u have mah word
Tbf, calling someone a nigger unprovoked will probably lead to some sort of violent outcome, especially if you throw a bottle at the nigger in question. We know coons are violent.
thats not what im saying retard, people dont "evolve" like that in a millennia
your women still jump on this big dick
you mad wyboi?
i know finns (tavastians) were black but i dont know about swedes and germans
Fuck off, me myself i have arabic blood, so ill personally bomb your house or make you my slave. Wallah ayyy Allah.
just make sure to hold yo wifes hand while i fuck her ok whyteboi?
why arab women cant resist the bbc? cuck
Lmao, go drink some milk you lactose intolerant, gorilla faced slave.
not sure, lol
keep crying wyte incel
You're people eat dirt to survive nigger, maybe don't open you chimapnzee shaped mouth too wide and steal some IQ
>thats not what im saying retard, people dont "evolve" like that in a millennia
I wish I was your teacher so I could beat the darkness out of your brain
Mia Khalifa aint no arab she is a jew.
>you mad whyboi?
you mad nigger?
is this a nigger hate thread now?
lets go bois.
why yall germans so mad ? is it because you're virgin freaks and black bvlls are fucking your women??
how dis make u feel arab boi? fuck off from our land or we will kill you
Why do all nigger houses look the same. No furniture, ash tray, empty cups and usb cables on the floor.
so then whitey came with superior intellect and BTFO them in few years. Prrof white are stronger than black then.
kek fuck niggers
This entire picture is an artpiece
Why do so many black people have gay porn on their pc?
I'd be mad to if i was part of the most useless race in the entire world, your kind has done literally nothing and you know it. Breaking news nigger, the whole world sees you as the slave race. Your kind has broad gorilla noses, chimpanzee mouths and the ugliest hair in the world.
Niggers and their identity crisis strikes again huh?
Dis make u mad wite bois???
>black bvlls are fucking your women??
lol lmao
black people in germany are considered below subhuman
dream on
why u so mad?
I love the fact no one ever tought asian people political correctness. I bet their biology books still describe the negroid man as lazy, criminal and stupid.
ahhahaaa i bet when becky saw that her pussy got wetter than a wyboi after the black man stole his shoes
you mad blackboi?
Imagine being a nigger so obsessed with your inferiority you actually create this picture lol
Reply with the words Jehovah or YHWH.
White faggot larpers paid by Hillary.
To them it's just porn.
Thanks god based boomers are doing the dirty work.
guy is probably not a nigger
What about the Libyan Slave Market? Arabs solds you niggers to Europe. You can take our women, but one day Wallah Allah will grant us victory. Arabs has no low-IQ, arabs doesn't behave like you really. There is no famous black terrorist "muh maryland" "muh al-shaabab" they are nothing, we are the terror, expect us, we never forgive nor forget.
Allahu Akbar!
Oh god the cringe
express your anger, nigger
WTF is this instagram bestiality shit?
Look at your kangz, living like the monkeys they are. You probably know how useless and irrelevant your kind is
Black girl will be sex slaves when we finally finish off the heboons
niggers cant even be niggers properly lol
>genuinely friendly
my sides...
i prefer white girls lol
The real slaves were niggers and nothing changes that. Keep bluepilling yourself OP
I genuinely don't understand a word of what this guy is saying.
well, who does not?
witeboi so stupid
Here's the thing. Niggers actually believe this stuff.
Funny how race through enough time even results into aids of a continent and countries.
The only thing niggers come back to is acting like monkeys talking about how they fucked white woman or the size of their penis. In the grand picture of things on this Earth the black race is a fucking joke and world history, currencies, engineering and countries prove it i honestly feel bed for them sometimes.
You should be glad we are not nuking all your countries nigger, we would do the world a favour, at least the Arabs still know how to treat their slaves
>Video of some high nigger rambling about some random story
its a bait
The eternal slaverace
Is that the guy from 40 day fiance, david's benefactor?
The single motherhood in this picture