This guy is a fed

>went on Jow Forums.
>barely mentioned jews in manifesto.
>had nothing bad to say about jews in manifesto.

I rest my case.

Attached: fed.png (650x325, 346K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>barely mentioned jews in manifesto.
>>had nothing bad to say about jews in manifesto.
If it was a mossad psyop he would mentions Jews a lot, in order to push the anti-semitism narrative.

Tbf he didnt say much bad things in general, literally all he says is 'get the fuck out of my country and go eat, sleep, fuck on your own piece of clay'.
He clearly didnt hate muslims, he just doesnt want them living on European soil as long as the birthrates don't even out.

Whether he did the shooting or not why is he your hero? His goal was to force the other side into limiting human rights? He gave them a reason to do what they have wanted all along. We will lose our guns we will lose our free speech and we will lose the free internet to communicate.
>He is not a hero. He is a traitor. You HAVE been duped
>To you few who are not so easily manipulated, those who can see the ghosts here on both sides trying to create choas and a field of violence. I pray for your safety and the safety of your families. Good luck and godspeed.

Attached: 0c5a6792e8a344a45b26e01f30d61ba0.jpg (780x1024, 129K)

HE IS MOSSAD. That's why Erdogan keeps playing the video.

Attached: 1530328435624.jpg (2224x1697, 602K)

>His goal was to force the other side into limiting human rights? He gave them a reason to do what they have wanted all along.
He simply wanted to speed up what was already being done.
When things are done slowly people accept them, but if done fast they fight back. That was his goal, to get whites to fight back.
> We will lose our guns we will lose our free speech and we will lose the free internet to communicate.
That was already underway, if you think this shooting changed the final outcome in any way you're a brainlet

Attached: 1552849876223.jpg (1440x2147, 491K)


Attached: crop.jpg (784x439, 94K)

>European soil
>New Zealand
Imagine the autism

This. This is shows me it's absolutely completely fake. I know people died, but this was orchestrated by mossad. As it was happening I told my gf that he doesn't ever mention a jew, yet he claims to be one of us. Fuck that faggot.

Attached: 1552621513369.webm (592x1280, 1.31M)

Only /x/ niggers think there is something wrong with what he wrote there.