
How can Manlets serve the white race? is there any hope for manlets?

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They can work in the mines and get essential materials for the ethnostate. Die early, but serve their purpose.

>Must be this tall to ride

Tom Cruise

When on the internet, I would put 6 feet and above but if I met hot short guy in real life, I dated him. It's weird.

Some can punch

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just dont put 6 feet or above on the internet
t. manlet


I’m manlet and not even kebab or foreign. Just manlet Nordic. I’ve given up on women. I’ll never truely attract them on a physical level. Having a short man is a low status symbol for women.

How do I best serve the cause?

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Manlets make good ankle biters.


Manlets invented/built everything. Just think about it. Every great person ever is a manlet. Manlets made western civilization.

im a manlet yet never had a problem with women

I'm a manlet brown guy with 5'5 height, I currently have a dutch blonde gf who's 3 inches taller than me.

Yes there is hope for you

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Nope. Sad souls are the Manlets. I just don’t understand why they go after very tall woman?

story of your life


Just out of curiosity, how's your dating life? Or lack there of? Also do you get bullied by other men, as well by women for being sub par and below average?

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Hmm. Wouldn’t you want a man to able to body slam you? Not the other way around

Move to mexico

Why are newfags not saging this?

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They can do their part like Brenton.

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No active dating life.

No I dont get bullied, I’ve actually got a fair amount of lads and they’re all good to me.

This. I'm 5'7 and dating a 5'8 blonde hair girl with blue eyes. Not even a problem just be a great and funny guy. We're already talking about babies and will start this August. Only insecure and souless women care about shit like height.

Any pics to back this up? I'm also very much invested into the topic of lookism, and hereditary determinism. So if you can elaborate on the details of how you met, and her sexual appeal, then that'd be even better.

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Not him but by girl is germanic, his appears to be dutch so maybe euro women outside of the uk dont care?
>lookism, and hereditary determinism
What did you mean by this? And yes it's kind of weird dating a girl taller then me even if its just an inch. Being unable to see the scalp makes me kinda at odd sometime.s

I never saw a extremely smart man that is also very tall. Maybe because they don't really need to be.

Not bad, and so the worst of your world is just no sex? Or female companionship? Have you tried being out going btw, to alleviate the aforementioned condition? If so, what was the end result?

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This, western men never cared about this shit.
Physical appearance problems is a women's issue.

>Go on tinder date
>Girl flat out says she thought I would be taller

No hope, thats why I became the incel the left touts on about

i believe you.

the kpop craze is so intense that dumb white bitches are going after after filipinos 'cause they look vaguely korean, despite the brown skin and rounder eyes.

>Go on tinder date
There's your problem, faggot


What's her looks criteria on a 1-10 range? Women are also mandated by the same instinctual mate selection process, regardless of culture. So the UK comment is a non issue in regards to this topic. For better context btw, add in the age of your relationship. Or how long you've been together.

>What, hereditary determinism, Lookism

In summary, it's just a field/s of research relating to the assumption that your potential in life is set in stone during your conception.

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No wonder he was so based, this man was tall!

Lanklet shitpost

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In my country, manlets are usually nationalistic

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My friends tell me to come with them when they go out. The times I have gone with them, I just dont feel like I belong there. Like the women just look right through me. my friends change when there are women around. It’s like I suddenly dissapear. I can’t really talk with them like I normally can either. I just have to sit there akwardly and grind it out.

They are all 6’1” and above with good looks. I’m 5’8”. I legit just feel it’s best for everyone if I just stay away. It still saddens me deeply that I’ll probably never be with a woman I love and make a family. I just dont see how it could happen.

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Do German women usually get below 5'4? Asking for a friend.

they can be tankists

>is compact enough to hide in small crevices
Nigga, this ain't GoldenEye 64.

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Im a 5'4 med manlet and have a thicc 5'10 scand fiance. At least i will have average height kids with light feautures and non burnable skin

fuck the white race. whites are pure scum.

I am 170 cm and get laid. Basically I can make any woman cum with my fingers. Got kinda famous among a group of women because of this and never had problems ever since. It helps being professionaly succesfull, people never mention my height. Before financial stability I rarely got laid, tho. I imagine it was the anxiety that caused more problems than anything.

Idk, I was never really bullied by my height, just some bantering. If a woman starts mentioning height it is a sign that she is doing a shit test and wants the D. I rarely meet people really obssessed with height or looks, and when I do I avoid them, it is a waste of time.

Did you miss Christchurch? Manlets are leading the charge in kebab removal.

So you tried and failed, which is pretty much in line with what I thought would've happened. Since you're 5'8 fyi, you could potentially back track through Asia and find a mate. But I wouldn't suggest you do that, as you'd just proliferate your shitty condition on to another soul. Either way, everything is temporary, which I guess is something of comfort you can take to heart to prevent depression.

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Is that that spencer fag?

>your children get worst combo
>sickly pale skin(red on sun), short and dark greasy hair

When we get everything under control we should just execute all British “women” by firing squad

The Irish did it fine and became citizens, I’m sure we’ll find a use.

>I'm 170 cm
>and get laid

Do actually have sex, or just flirt with a cock block when attempting to get in with women? Also if you do, what's the usual fuck count in let's say a week?

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They always do.

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Is there any hope for manlets?

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I just dont feel like going to asia or any other place to find someone, just because I’m a manlet. Looking at her everyday would be a reminder that I wasn’t good enough to land a woman of my own nordic race. I guess I will just grind it out and hope I meet someone. I’m still young but the woman hypergamy is real and height is the number 1 quality they filter out at first sight

Well good luck then fren.

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It is a shit test... You should have a prepared joke for this situation, always

wew lad

wew lad. 5'8" in nordland is like being 5'4" here in USA. Its OVER

Tfw 6'1", nice full beard, physical job so good figure.

Used to be kissless virgin, stumbling over my spaghetti, now just racking up the matches on tinder.
Women suck desu. I dont even care about looks anymore, I'm just trying to find a bitch that's not crazy or fucking boring.

Grass is always greener.

Im 183 cm. Its considered as manlet here in Balkans.

I'm not going to lie on the internet so realistically an 7/10 body with 5 face. Been together for a year. First met her when she was seeing someone then I crept in her life in an non destructive way. Were in the late 20s
I've been to Europe though and I can tell my looks a little better than the usual there.

Well I'm kind of a non poor fag if that helps.

>your shitty condition
>3% shorter than average

You are literally a cum guzzling kike faggot if you think all men like this should be left to die alone over such meaningless superficial nonsense

You don’t understand evolution, tradition, you understand nothing about humanity, you’re just a white knight who exists to appease women, and should be killed along with all leftists and shitskins who refuse to fuck off

Everything you have written, I have experienced

I know lad

I just need some imaginary hope to get me through the day

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Never had a problem being a weak 5'10 (prob 5'9 3/4 or 1/2 in reality) but I have a near perfect face.

Enjoy the free (you).

Not bad, and was she your first? Along with the inverse?

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>casually not doing anything about someone picking you up like a toy

Wow, what kind of a cucked country is this vid from?

I've seen too many sub human manlets with gfs, it's fucking annoying

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Hating on White Men for something they have 0 control over is a sign of vile divide and conquer kikery.

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I get laid, nowadays with Tinder it is not that hard. As I said, I got famous among a group of women due to my finger techniques. Have done 3somes, swings and all that. If you are open-minded you will find some crazy hot chick eventually. In a week I can get one or two average girls to fuck, although mostly from acquaintances. Chubby girls I can have a constant stream. Hot ones are rare and ONS only.

6'3 here. Anyone who talks down upon any white brother no matter their height or physical disabilities are, is a schlomo..

tall for the time

As a gay-user, I find manlets more attractive than tall men. Tall and muscle men look unnatural and are a minority.

> Looking at the broad average across the United States, the National Center for Health Statistics has reported that the average height for an adult male in 69.3 inches (176.1 centimeters), or roughly 5 feet 9 inches

5’6 Egyptian and once fucked a 6’2 Jewess. Height is no problem if you are fit, attractive, and have high T. Having moderate T puts you above most western men nowadays anyways

70% of women are shorter than that, it's not that hard if you're in shape

Now that’s gay.

>I get laid
>Have done 3somes
>Chubby girls I can have a constant stream

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5'5 here currently talking to a 5'11 brunette who seems pretty into me. You just gotta stop being a little bitch and get over your shortness. Tall girls are actually pretty open to dating short guys if you aren't an insecure napoleon type.

Can manlets stay away from tall woman please. Plenty of sort woman for you.

that man looks like metrosexual faggot to me

5'4 here. My gf is like 5'8 and we do just fine. I used to have trouble getting girls but that was because I was fat and overtly autistic.

Listen here niggers, being short IS a drawback but there's plenty you can do to compensate without resorting to just offering money to a girl. Basically be confident and be smart/passionate about something. And I mean actual smart, not Jow Forums smart.

Please tell me, why tall women? Does it make you look better to be with them?

only incels believe that being tall automatically grants them more pussy

Anyone who razor-grooms their beard like that may as well be homosexual

Im 5 foot and a half and I dats a chick who was 6 foot 1. Definetely not impossible

I prefer shorter women, but if a taller girl is into me, why falter? If you’re fit you can still throw her around if she’s not fat

not only the beard, its his tan and hair too

>Does it make you look better to be with them?

Yes. They're also just very attractive in general and I love long legs. The other thing I noticed is that short girls are the only ones who ever complain about height. Extremely tall girls also tend be just as insecure about their height as short guys are about theirs.

Hyphenated belief system. Dude, she wants you chad friend. You are a gateway friend. Like a fat girl with hot friend.

what is manlet?

That's a lot of assumptions for knowing jackshit about the situation. She literally hasn't even met any of my friends yet.

im 5'10 and my wife is 6'0
we are doing fine, baby #2 is in the womb at this very moment
what are you doing for the white race?

I don’t get this meme. I’m 6’3, pretty lanky and women rarely show me interest. Meanwhile, they flock to two of my friends almost evertyime, one is 5’11 and the other is 5’8”.

i came from a smal town, everyone in there had the same average height. the tall guys were usually dumber or uglier and sloppier. there's all sorts of situations.