I got on the topic of race differences with my coworkers. They called me racist, so I showed them the IQ chart...

I got on the topic of race differences with my coworkers. They called me racist, so I showed them the IQ chart. One of them said that was known pseudoscience and that it has been debunked. I denied this but they didn’t believe me. Now they all think I’m some sort of Nazi.

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You're going to get fired on Friday about an hour before your shift ends.

Stop believing bullshit online retard.

Western science is dead

you can't force feed redpills you dummy. you give tiny samples until they ask you for more.

yeah! you sound like a nazi
you sound fat too
like user said friday is the day of the fireing


show them the crime charts.

RIP user.
Redpill them with baby-pills

Lol ask them how it's been disproven. I bet you they can't even explain it

Embrace it.....

Attached: Thinking.png (326x320, 81K)

never mind that...do a compilation of images of entertainment industry tools doing all those JEWlluminati symbols

Guess this guy’s a Nazi too

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That’s a nice image

funny how psychology is a pseudo science when it says gender=\=sex

but when a 100+ year old test that measures your ability to recognize spatial patterns is used as the measure of the human mind’s capability, suddenly it is legit

It's true. It's a literal consensus among geneticists and psychometricians that there are genetic racial differences in intelligence. But the libs have decided it's a hate fact or something

You should not discuss these things at work.
Merely mentioning that you like being white is enough to get you fired for suspicion of being a white nationalist.

Don't discuss any kind of politics at work, epecially when you're on the right. There's nothing good that can come out of it.

>all psychology is as scientific as psychometrics

>a 100+ year old test
>100+ year old
>doesn't even know that there are multiple IQ test that are frequently re-normed
t. double digit IQ

That's unironically what they believe

DNA and genetics would be a hate theory by now if they couldn't use it to own the creationists

Ya lesson learned...

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You are a nazi

Now you'll be ostracized from society and will never have children. Thank you for taking your degenerate self out from our civilization's gene pool.

yes and there are new SAT tests every year, they still measure the same metrics you buffoon

You were just attacking the reliability of IQ tests as a measure of general mental ability. Now you're admitting that IQ test measure a definite and stable trait. Are you schizophrenic?

I will never understand how you people keep exposing yourselves like this, keep your views and opinions to yourself in open environments or without anonymity.

Having a different opinion that doesn't fit the mainstream which was whipped into mindless acceptance should not be mentioned to them, ever. Especially not in a small-talk scenario.

>You were just attacking the reliability of IQ tests as a measure of general mental ability.
> Now you're admitting that IQ test measure a definite and stable
I did no such thing, I said that they attempt to measure one thing. Even if I did say they are reliable at doing that one thing, it is irrelevant

scales measure a definite and stable trait, is someone’s weight in and of itself a measure of one’s health?
Let me help you out, it isnt

>Now they all think I’m some sort of Nazi.
Why aren't you an actual one?