How do i find irl white nationalist friends?

how do i find irl white nationalist friends?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Redpill and white nationalism = radicalization. Get help before you get sucked in.

Talk to white people with jobs

if you're here, it's already too late

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most are low iq NPC's

easiest way is to tattoo a swastika on your 4 head and just walk around the mall

basically anyone who is white in a red area


First post yid post.

DM me

>asks to be dm'd
>doesnt post contact

Become an empty shell of human being, and find others that are similarly retarded

Start threads about your city. I found one about my city once and I ended up meeting a guy from Russia that had recently moved there. We smoked some marijuana and hung at his apartment. Don't have his number anymore though and he's probably pretty busy, pretty sure he has like a 6month old now. His wife was pregnant

You need to stop lurking here unless you want to become like us

Are you a cia nigger though

obviously no just looking for WN friends in my area

1) It's not obvious
2) you haven't even stated your area so any user reading this could be your fucking neighbor and you would have no idea

hunting clubs, rifle clubs, dog sport clubs, any club with white men, so called Männerbunde, these men bunds formed the first knight templar armies, the formed every mighty european army in the classical traditionalist societies.

Just bee urself.

You catch more flies with HONEY than you do with vinegar. If you don't understand this, you don't have a POT to piss in.

just wear clothes with very subtle right wing symbols that only right wingers will understand. you will be approached by friends.

I am currently in LA county thats all ill say

Stfu faggot
You can be my friend user.

I approached a dude wearing something like that and he assumed I was antifa
y'all gotta stop being so paranoid

I have and both of them are fucking Jewish... Not. Even. Lying... I choose what I say carefully and never talk about action. Anyone else live the bay by any chance?

I couldn't find any so I just got my old friends in the loop.

What agency are you with? I want to know which one is dumb enough to think there's a secret network that you can join from this site.

>both of them are fucking Jewish
literally how lol

yeah im from the adl and my partner louie goldberg is too. we get paid more then you, jealous?

shut the fuck up before our internal comms get comped

Why not just redpill some schizophrenic homeless people?

>pic of OP surfaces

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because they are very reserved

Very much so. Now please tell me about our totally secret plans and all the connections you have to make things happen. Maybe we can laugh manically with cats in our laps too like real villains.
Oh fug, start alpha protocol 23053. Shut down everything.

why do you normalfags care about humor so much?

Just chill, they will find you. With the republican party being worthless cunts, the communists raising in the Democrat party the two will fuel the rise of a third party.

You may be surprised.

how should I know ive never interacted with one except to give this one old woman 5 dollars

Get a job as a low IQ plumber or something its crawling with sub 80 IQ whitoids that bitch and whine about immigrants stealing their jobs when in reality the plunger is the only thing they know how to operate

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>why do you normalfags care about humor so much?
It's a good platform to help get my point across.

Jow Forums is unironically a board of peace and your mr. big scheme isn't going to work here. You'll be better off trying to entrap a schizophrenic person off the street like you normally do.

I live in a small town in an empty red state but we still have a few migrant homeless come through. They usually stay out of sight since vagrancy is discouraged here but, oddly enough, they do like to talk.

Also, what a waste of 5 dollars

How dare his parents not buy him a degree.


You can run from the truth, but you cant hide from the Truth.

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I mean either of us could end up homeless in the blink of an eye so its good to aquire positive karma

null response activated
the chicken is on the roost

You shouldn't tell a member of the public to off themselves. It's very rude and unprofessional. Can I speak to your boss?

>believes in karma


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>tfw farming the homeless for karma points

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(310) 446 2000

Who is with me to effect positive action? We need a man who embodies Nietzsche's will to power.I am the guy who came up with the idea for Kommandant's channel, which was shoah'd. I'm looking for others of strong willpower near Southeast Kansas who want to take advantage of NEET bux in order to do politics full-time. We must recreate the Hitler/Goebbels dynamic. Who amongst you is brave enough?

The way I did to build a network with a couple of people(around +50 people), were to go to ANY event or similar targeted to alt-right, nationalist, alt-lite type of things and find people from my area there to build something more on.

If nothing exist, create it. But I get it if you don't live in a big city that's a problem. Another way is to be very open about it, but prepare that a lot of people could leave you as friends and so on.

Does it have to be nationalists? can't it be people who aren't as redpilled as you but still more so than normies?

The other way is to go to organisations who has something already set up. RAM was one right, now they're in trouble of course. But there should be other ones out there I imagine.

Reddit shills begone

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207018592 isnt a shill though

Mandatory reading for anyone 'making friends' off this website:
Theatricality and deception; powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce?

stop trying to stop this shill



Too soon?

Why do you really need friends? Just buy land like op pic related and get a wife and make babies

It's good to have friends to help move heavy things and trade tips/tricks about life.

You will meet these people amongst the woods dwellers.
>t. Rural family guy

Also when you live in the countryside, you will find barter is very helpful. If you have neighbours, it's best to be close with them and help each other out. I give my neighbours eggs and chicken meat. And they do stuff for me. They are sort of friends. But not the sort of people I have close personal relationships with. I moved out here because most humans are weird and I don't want to talk to them

>assumed I was antifa
He was right.

Don't, they are feds stay anonymous

No idea. Ones a jewish slav and the other a half jew. But they both agree with me on everything except the JQ. The half jew might off himself because he really hates being a member of the tribe. Those are the people that came into my life.

most actual white nationalists are in the inner city shooting up and living like niggers with 10 people in a 3 room house.

I'm not a fed. I'm blonde-haired and blue-eyed with green in the middle. When I have a computer I literally own this site. Also, religion red pill for whites is Hinduism - particularly the Upanishads. A lot of you dick around with Christianity and paganism. Also, Aryans are already blessed by God. They don't need the hope of an afterlife. Heaven can be made here, and can be returned to after death.

The correct question should be "why do you want white nationalist friends irl".

I have one, a woman I met when she accompanied her friend who was picking up a bunch of chicken wire I was giving away free. She liked some old roof shingle I had and wanted to buy it and it led to friendship from there.
She is somewhat of a nazi sympathiser, like she collects old nazi stuff but she's not a NMR heiling moron. She does have some weird ideas, like she is trying to get insiminated in Denmark with "pure nordic blood" (which is weird, because we are both "real" swedes...).

also, I am not a white nationalist, though I was somewhat of a nazi in my late teens but I got that shit beat out of me in the army (40s now).

The moral of the story is, you might or might not find irl idiot friends, but why would you want to?

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Sorry you're not white enough for my company.

Do what I did. Deprogram the friends you already have.

This. Too many schizos here need their meds and a trip to Chicago to cure them of their innate racism and privilege.

Get a job, duh

loosen the lid on your powerlevel and make some.
That's how I did it

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I think its wise to gage where most people stand politically, you'd really need to work slowly on that with some people. I assume some people are beyond saving, I've never really talked to that many white people who are crazy on the SJW bandwagon.

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You don't.

They're all FBI agents


Well you speak like a nigger on here, what do you expect?

Step one: Move to the Pacific Northwest.
Step two: join the Northwest Front (
Step three: marry a fellow white and then fucking BREED motherfucker!

Not surprised, just disappointed.

The sign.

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I wish

>how do i find irl white nationalist friends?


DESU, I just moved and I'll be friends with an FBI agent. I'm turning into a wage slave. Help me.

Jow Forums must be full of total chads then lol

I leave Jow Forums for two fucking months and forget how to talk.

I meet white men like me constantly, without trying. It's a meme world out there, friend. We're all around you.

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I'm roughly 25% Czech, 25% Spaniard, 12.5% native american, 12.5% mexican, and some combination of the following that makes up the another 25%: English, Welsh, German, and Swedish. Can I be a part of the ethnostate, or do I have to over in from the outside? What I have kids with a 100% white woman, can she and my kids be a part of it if I can't?

>My husband just died. I’m not looking for love, just white nationalists.

go to your nearest starbucks then use ultra secret sign.

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I left that shithole three years ago. Literally anywhere you can think of is better (except for San Francisco). Manhattan, Chicago, Austin, all less pozzed than Los Angeles.

just check places that faggots usually gather

Jews grow up with racial awareness and hate Muslims and blacks. Thenarent really the boogeyman they’re depicted as

>southern drawl is now niggerspeak
fuck off yank

Never type "Y'all" you fucking city boy.

Eventually when someone trusts you enough they’ll let you in on it, be careful of anyone trying to tell you to do criminal things, usually a honey pot.