Ethnonationalists who are not in shape are fucking embarassing

Get yourself in shape, you lazy fucking slob. Or don't call yourself a nationalist or a representative of the Europeans. We don't need you.

However, if you are allready working on it. Good job. You can do it brother.

Get yourself to the temple of Iron!

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Ethnonationalists who are not mountaineering are fucking embarrassing
>Get up a mountain, you lazy fucking slob. Or don't call yourself a nationalist or a representative of the Europeans. We don't need citydwellers.

However, if you are allready working on it. Good job. You can do it brother.

Get yourself to the temple of Odin!

Whatever workout floats your boat! JUst don't be an embarassing, fat slob.

in shape, well groomed, well dressed, employed in stem, comfortable savings

How to fix bad skin? My skin is oily and gets pimples. I'm 37. I've tried different diets, low carb, no dairy, Peatarianism, Mediterranean. Nothing makes absolutely no difference, except I don't get cramps on Peatarian diet and I don't have energy for sports on low carb.

How do you take care of it?

Very strange. Most peoples skin get better if you cut out dairy.
Are you sleeping well, training activeley and do not stress too much?
If you check these off as well.... I have no answer.

Go to an expert.

I know a guy who had sever problems with acne on YouTube, but his acne problem stopped with a vegan diet.

Good job brother! hope you get a wifey and many white kids.

You're right. I'm not in shape (too skinny, even though I'm 6'1), thus I avoid proclaiming my ideas publicly.

I'll be more than happy to serve as cannon fodder when the day will come, though.

If you are 6.1 it's natural to be a bit more skinny.
So no problem there I think, unless you look sick.

What is gym going to accomplish when you are a retard? You can not benchpress people to conviction.

A nationalist is a nationalist, fag.
A starving person could kill you, no matter how close you have reached the epitome of a gay dream. Arent the whuaite race supposed to be smart enough for using guns and ink?

You're not wrong. If it's your business to preach you have no excuse to not do a moderate amount of exercise.

Are you shill or retarded?
It's about spreading our ideas and keeping a healthy mind and a healthy body of course, you fool.

Don't embarass the cause. You don't have to be a bodybuilder, you just have to be in shape.

So get in shape, you fatso.

Guys... I have a feeling we lost... There is no hope for ethnostates to survive. How to cope with this feeling?

Wash it with water.
>Are you sleeping well, training activeley and do not stress too much?

Not what you said first.

Don't be a defeatist. It's not fit for a man. There is always hope for something better. Be it an ethnostate or something else than this dystopian, multiculti hellhole.

I get why you are hurt snowflake, you are a lazy slob. Clean your god damn apartment and get in shape.

Then I do not know. I would look at YouTube how people countered similar problems and go to an expert.

Sup Latsbrah! How's it going buddy?

I am not latsbro, my friend. I do support him though. He is doing a good job.

Depends. Your skin might be sticky and not breathe well do to skin not peeling off a layer. Use thread to exfoliate and after that your skin might get a healthy start afterwards. Never had poor skin after I did that when I was 20. Look out for food allergies.

so tell me what are you going to do about the 10m uyghurs your goverment wants to bring

They will not come here hopefully. Even tho they have the status. The status of refugee does not automatically mean they will come here.

I wish things did hurt me.
Life sometimes just feels like an abstract moviereel, and a movie that despite all effort doesnt change its retard narrative.
Well it was almost fun trying to rule you up. Peace.

This is why I prefer the mountaineering/survival camping route. It trains directly usable skills, costs next to nothing, and the emergent knowledge from practicing this hobby is huge. Also, if you manage to survival camp your way to the top of a mountain with little to no equipment with a friend, the brotherhood bond is much greater than gym. Furthermore, dealing with real life and death obstacles forces you to build a worldview that is in line with reality and therefore a natural redpill. It trains the mind, the spirit and the body. Finally, the body you develop would be far better prepared for any eventuality, save a gay Venice beach parade, than a body developed in a gym. One more point, stepping on mountains viewed by your ancestors for thousands of years with no doubt develop a stronger sense of nationality than the gym.
>go to sleep goldenone, you will need your beauty sleep to look extra gay tomorrow at the gym.

so you wont do anything

That is true. You need to change your retarded thoughts.

if you do not struggle, you will definitely lose

I will not do anything violent, if that is what you ask. What are you gonna do?


True, they're an embarrassment.

As you can see in pic related, I'm as fast as a greyhound, tough as krupp steel

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what happened with this ?

why tf would they do that? So now anyone of them can go to Sweden if they want?

>Ethnonationalists who are not in shape are fucking embarrassing

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yep, 10m of them got refugee status and they will be accepted if they want to come. open doors


>He thinks he’s white

Nice one Mohammed

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I have exfoliated it regularly once I heard about exfoliation, but it didn't have any effect.
Mountaineering is very expensive when there are no mountains anywhere near. Martial arts cost me 100€a year and I get about 300 hours of training.

Well now this is something I can actually respect. Although there is nothing such as functional muscles, just underdeveloped muscles for a purpose. Gym can manage to make you strong, but needless strength is mostly to appease an assetic desire for a frail selfimage.

I took accutane or isotretinoin as it's probably called there. Basically nuked my oil glands but now I get like 1 pimple every 3 months. I tried no dairy for a year and it did nothing. I went and saw multiple Jewish dermatologists and paid all of my shekels and it helped but never solved it.

Related to topic
>Tfw being a healthy BMI and not completely poor already puts you in like the top 20% of Americans

Have tried taking cold baths every day?

I have lost interest in you.
You have no ammo. Guess you do not benchpress enough.

Haha. It would be strange if I wasn't white with a several hundreds years of ancestry in Sweden. I do have light green eyes tho and blonde hair, so I guess I am a mutt afterall, am I right nordic overlord?

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fat fuck detected

>employed in stem
>as though the manly European trade skills of yesteryear are not acceptable
gay and bluepilled

Shut your mouth, you fat slob. Nobody cares.

I've done cold showers every day for 2 years now.

Baiting jew
>1 post by this user
Stop pretending

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Been lifitng 3 times a week and running 2 times a week. I have a solid year under my belt. It feels so good to have the stregnth and endurance to perserver, even with menial every day tasks. I got my wife working out with me lately and squats have made her already nice ass look so much better. After my son was born she had an IUD put in and that was going to be our only child. Thankfully, I was blessed enough to get a job that tripled my income so next week the IUD is coming out and we're working on babby number 2. Also wife ordered me Protcols and On Jews and Their Lies. She also has a black sun air freshener that sits in the vent of her car that she thinks is rad. If you are logical and devout in your beliefs, the woman will follow your lead.

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Try fish oil ,zinc vitamin and primrose, might fix your hormonal problems with the pimples. Try fasting and see if you still get oily


Good job. Get many white children. At least 4!

Fat fuck!

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You are 12. Everyone knows it.

Idk I got in shape and now I’m a LITTERAL FAGGOT so it might not be the best idea for everyone :/

You are fat, everybody knows it.

OP approves. As long as you are in good shape.

We live in luxury to waste time like this.

I've tried fish oil, zinc, magnesium, multivitamin. No effect. I get enough nutrients anyway except vitamin D which I take. What's primrose?
I've tried fasting too. Did fasting for about a year to cut weight. One meal a day, 1-2 no-food days a week. It doesn't fit well to my life anymore.

Be quitet you fat slob and let better people than you talk. You are not part of the group.

>checks flag

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Tells I am not in the cool kid group. Keeps addressing me. I think someone is in love.

Ethno nationalists who are Romanian living in North America are fucking retarded

You’re not white man. You just think you are lmao

Not even Nazis we’re white. Hitler was quarter Jew and Goebbels was part rat.

You’re the type of guy who thinks pic related is white lmao

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Fresh new towel on the pillow you use, every night: it works

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I can't. I have to wait until my collapsed lung heals. It's out of my control, but I'd still be able to hold down any fortification with a rifle.

get a Bolin chest seal on there and you're good to go

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why are you trying to label me faggot

Ethnonationalists who don't own a boat and are not versed in basic orienteering and celestial navigation are embarrassing.

Also, don't train to be cut. Train to be strong. Keep a little weight on. You might need it to survive one day.

i'm trying OP, just learned my government has allowed me to be poisoned me my whole life. Gonna take a bit.

You can still go lift. Turn that skinny into toned.

Bitch, exercising regularly requires discipline, focus and commitment. Having a good body is an indiciation that you have all those three traits and something to show for it. Also fuck nut, it helps greatly against depression, and makes you a desirable mate to women, so you can shit out some fucking children.

Now stop whining because we won't let you milk pewdiepie for his semen since he's the last remaining source of Swedish testosterone.


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Raw vegan is the answer. Cooked food is toxic for your body and the skin is used for detoxification, thus acne.