What are blacks like on college campuses?
Blacks on campus
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Minute 1:30 that's all they do
Personal experiences and anecdotes are more what i'm looking for.
There have to be some experiences people want to share.
>Average black, alone
Usually assimilated. Docile.
>Average black, small group (2-4)
Away from everyone else, laughing about something, not too aggressive if you don't get too close
>Average black, larger group
Splits off into smaller groups. Some roam looking for trouble or to quell boredom. Some stay in specific territories. Normally has an aggressive leader, the rest are slightly less aggressive, except when one is attempting to look "badder" than the leader.
Loud and obnoxious
A better question is 'Why are blacks on college campuses'?
financial aid
even a better question is "why are blacks"
Constantly wrecking white pussy
>Some roam looking for trouble or to quell boredom
What kind of trouble?
Complaining all of the time.
Isn't that a lot of students?
Usually just fighting or theft.
First or second generation blacks from foreign nations tend to be either reserved or outgoing in a friendly way.
Young politically involved 'woke' american blacks speak only in varying degrees of yelling, are highly emotional, and conversing with them makes you feel like you are purposefully lowering and capping your own IQ (especially with women).
I feel kinda bad when people of the second group rope people of the first group into their ranks and basically attempt to assimilate them.
Like blacks In most places, retarded
They make too much noise and piss me off when they talk about slavery, even If they ancestors where the ones who sold them. And dude, i'm not white.
The immigrant/foreign student blacks are loud and boisterous but do their work and tend to work well with others.
The African Americans are broken people with tremendous victim complexes and a focus outside of education, like social life or political upheaval. The mulattos are worst of all because they feel obligated to act black 24/7 due to racial insecurity
The woke black women are actually great outside of politics
Fighting and theft at college?
Great at what?
Being a partner. They're usually cute
The most entitled, laziest people I have ever met. Every night on the bus home there would be 20-30 yelling and screaming going downtown to get drunk. EVERY night, not just weekend nights. They didn't give a shit about their grades because they kept their scholarships with a 2.0 gpa and literally could not be kicked out of the college.