Patrick Little

Can he please say anything negative about niggers, Muslims, gooks, or spics? He seems to be tolerant of everybody except Jews.

And can he please stop supporting nigger reparations?

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he does talk about IQ and affirmitive actions + crime rate all the time, but it's not his main focus because if we can get the jews off our back the race problem will be solvable.

Does the thought of goyim united keep you up at night rabbi?

Link please? I never have once heard him talk about affirmative action, crime rate or IQ. You seem to be making that up.

And there are plenty of white Gentile liberals who are willing to fight for niggers and spics. Plus niggers and spics have formed fairly powerful lobbies of their own.

>other goyim are the problem
Hi Rabbi

Honestly, I'd rather form an alliance with spics, gooks and kikes against niggers.

While I don't like that idea in the least, it beats the hell out of allying with niggers to do anything.

>Plus niggers and spics have formed fairly powerful lobbies of their own.
spics yes, because of their sheer numbers, but nigger lobbies were invented by Jews. the NAACP was chaired by Jews until like 2002.

Nigger reparations sounds like a meme to get elected. A one time payment that eliminates a good part of the problem with so called white privilege and that enables you to stop sending money to israel.


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Maybe after we handle the jewish question we'll be able to have a real conversation about niggers, immigration, etc. But first we have to regain control of our self determination.

Niggers have run the NAACP for decades. I never once have heard of Jews running the NAACP until 2002. (Seriously provide a link.)

You seem to be some kind of nigger defender. Arguing that niggers don't actually run the NAACP and would be harmless without Jews.

Actually, reparations will make niggers worse, more uppity, and more entitled than ever before. They'll demand more gibs than ever. We'll have to give a 5th reparations payment after niggers blow the first 4 payments.

Giving niggers reparations= Regaining white self-determination.


Anyway, Little is happy with an otherwise diverse, colorful country, as long as we get rid of Jews.

you're just ignorant of history.

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I know Jews had a heavy involvement in the civil rights movement. However, it is not true that every single NAACP president until 2002 was a Jew.

Here is Walter White, their leader at the time of Brown v Board. He was not a Jew. If you can believe it or not, he self-identified as a black man. (He was 5/32 black and 27/32 white according to Wiki.)

Attached: download.jpg (151x186, 6K)

You'd rather that money be wasted on a hostile foreign sand nigger nation rather than wasting it on US citizens?

Niggers shouldn't be US citizens. The entire 14th Amendment should be repealed. (Not just anchor baby citizenship but also nigger citizenship.)

And frankly reparations are bad for more than the mere monetary cost. It's basically conceding that niggers are poor because of the effects of slavery, segregation and redlining; completely ignoring the role that niggers had in selling themselves into slavery (in fact, under some reparations plans, Nigerian immigrants who have slave trading ancestors would seemingly get reparations), ignoring the thousands of white Union soldiers who died to free their lazy nigger asses, and ignoring the gazillions we spend to incarcerate niggers and give them welfare every year. It's also ignoring the fact that Irish, Italian, Chinese and Native American people faced plenty of oppression in the US. (The Chinese and Amerinds explicitly at the hands of the US government.) Paying money to some far away kike nation is a lot less personally insulting than nigger reparations.

Are you retarded? Even extremely poor blacks were polite and civilized before (((feminism))) destroyed the concepts of paternal authority, corporal discipline, and social christianity.

Christianity is a fucking extension of Judaism. I think that their avid Christianity probably is part of why niggers are bad, although they've been avid Christians ever since the days of slavery.

That money could be spent on US front holes and divorce lawyers for American roasties, and it would still be better spent than giving it to Israel.

You know which way the wind is blowing. You should leave before it happens again.

Blacks have always been horrible. They were marginally better in Jim Crow days since whites kept them a little under control.

I never said aid to Israel is a good idea.

However, I would rather burn tax money than spend a single cent on nigger reparations.

Seriously, suggesting nigger reparations should be an imprisonable offense. It shouldn't be considered free speech under the First Amendment.

I wish you were that passionate about reparations paid to foreign countries.

Then how come all the crime statistics correlate with everything I wrote, and don’t correlate with anything you wrote? Sure, there’s a chance my explanation could be wrong, but there’s no chance yours could be right.

It would be entirely different if he were advocating cutting aid to Israel, and spending that aid money on something useful. Or else cutting taxes and simply allowing the aid to Israel to stay in taxpayer's pockets.

Put he's advocating getting rid of aid to Israel so we can instead spend it on something even worse.

You keep saying that giving the money to US citizens is worse than giving it to a hostile foreign nation and I'm failing to understand this logic. I must be retarded or something.

Free blacks had a very high crime rate even in pre-Civil War times. It's a cuckservative myth that black people became criminals in the 1965-1970 period.

Read this article, for example.

Here's the link to the article. Forgot to provide it in my last post.

Giving aid to Israel is stupid, but it doesn't really harm the US beyond the price tag.

Reparations to niggers is bad for reasons beyond the price tag. It'll make them more uppity and entitled than ever before, and scream racism more than ever before. And it'll cause them to demand more reparations after they blow one reparations payment after another.

He's a pro-white advocate who wants to work woth other gentile groups against the jews. What's wrong with that? He's also the only candidate out there naming the jew. If you're pro-white it's pretty much imperative that you support Little at this point.

Little Patrick! We used to call him little Patty in high school. He was caught in a cheerleaders uniform sucking cock at the homecoming game, and was turned in to the office by Mr. Goldsteinberg.

Jew detected.

Yes. Mr. Goldsteinberg was a jew.
Great job detective.