Blacks think every white man is a molester, but they will defend this creep to the ends of the earth. Why? These two jigs at work were griping the other day about Leaving Neverland, and they think it's some conspiracy by the blue-eyed devils.
Why do niggers think Michael Jackson is innocent?
Blacks think every criminal that’s apart of their race is innocent. It’s mostly to take the piss out of whitey for “oppressing them”
They all think R Kelly is guilty, but that's because hi victims were all black.
Cosby/MJ/OJ had white victims, so therefore, the whites just HAVE to be lying.
Most people think MJ is innocent, only ones that don't are jews. Are you a jew OP?
Because of the people caught/admitting to lying about his alleged crimes
pic related
Literally all the evidence suggests innocence, OP.
MJ was based as fuck and wasn't a devil worshiper. That's why they tried to ruin his career.
That’s not how the law works. Evidence doesn’t suggest innocence. Lack of evidence suggests not guilty. There is no “innocence” in proceedings, just not guilty. There is a difference.
And the evidence does suggest guilt. If a kid can describe what your dick looks like even to the location of a mole, I’d like you to tell me how that isn’t damning evidence.
All of that aside, nobody disputes him sleeping in the same room as kids.
MJ was innocent. He pissed off the wrong kikes. God thought Michael was so pure and innocent he removed his niggeredness and made him white