Racists BTFO by female leadership

Racists BTFO by female leadership

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It's all so tiresome.

>woman "leader" immediately surrenders to the invading culture when pressured
like pottery

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What would the Romans have done to her?

Pick only one.

That's not leadership, that's playing your cards right. What the fuck else is she going to do?

Fucking faggots.


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Thank god he didn't shoot up a burger joint or she would have cosplayed as ronald mcdonald.

Not doing any of the things she's done so far would be a good start.

She isn't going to drop a cent on those funeral expenses. She is going to make the tax payers pick up the tab like the bleeding hearted liberal scum she is.

fuck you mischling

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Why do women do this

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>list of ideologue bullshit

It's crazy how people can't even see their own bias.

>That is leadership
No that is surrender see

Women are weak and will submit to invaders because they're inferior to men

Not selling out and betraying your culture by wearing a hijab, isn't she a feminist or some shit?

This isn't actually a bait, just a geniune stupid thread.

>That's not leadership, that's playing your cards right. What the fuck else is she going to do?
Exactly. She isn't a leader. She's a sell out treasonous whore.

Who knows. Even muslims know it is bull shit pandering. It makes your country look weak when the head of state bows to foriegn pressure.

That's an insult to islam. She should be victim-splaining in a burqa instead.

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>does not know women are forced to wear against their will.

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Prime example why plebbit should be banned

Have you seen her makeup application? She's literally Ronald McHammad.


What sort of cultural appropriation be this? Does she paint her face like a Maori on Halloween?

Women love to play dress up, how do you not know this?

I think to show solidarity she needs to wear the veil from now on and only speak when her husband allows. This will teach those pesky right wingers a lesson

Can't wait for when we stop this little experiment of having women leaders. It was funny and cute at first but it's about time to tell them to fuck off.

>wearing a patriarchal symbol of oppression that blames victims of their own rape and isn't even part of the actual religion
>while muslim women are dying overseas for daring to not wear it

so beautiful she is covering the funeral costs of the 500 deceased

What a treasonous cunt. She deserves the noose


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Reminder she was the leader of a socialist youth group once.

Giving it away must be the best drug

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I am honestly getting more and more depressed. What is it with white people and submission to foreign cultures? You would never see a muslim in the middle east wearing a cross or showing sympathy toward whites.

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NZ is cucked and fucked

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Why do none of these memes say that she's "personally covering the costs"?

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At least then there might have been a purpose for all that roastie meet.

Have her raped by dogs for treason.

>dat upvote

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Not all...

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what 500 ? TARRANT killed 5000 Muslims

why isnt she making dinner and sucking hubbys cock?

That anglo face with this fake mourn expression. So fucking punchable.


In a world with whites only our selflessness would be our best feature. We would live in a peaceful utopia.

who is this?


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Submission of a nation without evening fighting. The West has grown far too weak as of late

Based Pen

Looks like that conservative French candidate

A Zionist controlled opposition shill, relatively low competence. Her lover is Algerian Jew Louis Valet.

That is leadership.

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Yes but did she donate her entire salary?



Every single time.....

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has ONE SINGLE white family victim of terrorism EVER gotten reparations?

a war is coming, boys. not even joking

And the great thing is, one of BT's goals was draining the coffers of NZ through things like his trial and the cost of his incarceration. Add the bill for the gibs for muzzies, and he's succeeding in that beyond his expectations. Even if you conceptualize him as the bad guy in this scenario, Ardern is *still* capitulating and giving the terrorist what he wants.

Marine Le Pen

She gave out some free shit and wore a rag on her head and that makes her a good leader?

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Probably throw her from the tarpeian rock

ACC covers the funeral costs (up to $10,000) for anyone who dies in NZ due to an event of this type. It's nothing special.
Showing up on a head towel, which is a sign of submission in Islam, is fucking retarded, specially on a nation's prime minister.

Who is the worse leader, the one that pays for funeral costs or the one that pays for the attack?

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If that's leadership I look forward to the barbarians at the gates.

Dude, just count your blessings you don't have Trudeau as a leader. He has a different costume every day of the week.

>he doesn’t get it
If you kill your enemies, they win.

>virtue signaling makes you a "true" leader

Lol, you set the bar pretty low there. Personally, I'd rather my leader do what's right, not what makes them look "good".

>muslims would behead this bitch for this stupid shit
you know maybe Islam isn't all that bad

Hell yeah dude. Fuck gays and women. Worship Islam. Vote Democrat.

BTW, why does *she* have a big dick under her dress?

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String her on a cross

Jesus, look at the gob on that. She's a face like somebody's farted.

a drag in a rag

Trudeau is irrelevant, once he's gone we'll replace him with another Con cuck (boomers will see to it) and after that we'll have a Poo or a woman and we'll just repeat this meaningless shitlib cycle until Canada is a progressive authoritarian colony of Asia.

The issue is our fucking culture, our people. We're suicidally altruistic and painfully naive.

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it's a man baby

Jerking off rn to imagining ardern sodomizing my asshole with her massive cock

Laying it on thick! Silly cow!

>give away money that isn't yours to people that didn't earn it

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So leadership = being as much of a beta cuck submissive bitch as you can be even by female standards. Fascinating.

That isn't a dick, thats a gun and you can see the outline of it. She knows whats out there, she knows that the only thing that will save her.

michelle obama packs too.

i wonder why they have guns since guns are just evil things that kill innocent people of color???

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can someone give me a bunch of money to give away and virtue signal with so i can be a leader too?

did she really put the trash bag on her head?
did she really do it after the massacre?

It only proves how it's a joke tbqh

I'm about to puke, "she was so brave to wear the hijab", "she a hero for not speaking his name".
I'm literally sick.

Apparently, leading people to their collapse is a form of leadership i guess.

No, it is one of those things that trannys use to hide their dick. You can see the strings over the thighs. It failed because she had a hardon.

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Cool it with the Anti-Americanism

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ballsy in the good way, not in the michelle obama way

So she's going to hike her dress up over her waist to get to her pistol?

>wore a hijab
Isn't this that cultural appropriation shit tumblr whines about? She isn't apart of their culture or even in the religion.

6 million dead in one afternoon

truly a sign of the times

Automated weapons should have been banned much sooner in new zealand, why wait for a shooting to do it, do they need the emotional outburst?

lmao norway bringing the bantz