Why do you think there will ever be a semi automatic rifle ban in America...

Why do you think there will ever be a semi automatic rifle ban in America? It would be impossible and dangerous to enforce even for just a few states
They can't ban the AR, the most they can do is another sort of AWB. There are just too many guns and too many people who would be against it.
Can they ban all AR derivatives? It seems like until small arms technology improves there will always be non obsolescent small arms available to Americans

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banning the sale of scary guns is a defacto ban. In a few generations, it will be gone aside from the few guys who held onto theirs and collectors hoarding them. This was not the intent of the 2nd amendment, arms are stated as a right because theyre supposed to be used to kill a corrupt government.
See the machine gun ban.

Muskets and cannons were state of the art technology at that time, what makes ars any different?

They will probably pass some variation of an AWB once some random shooting happens again and like the AWB, people will work around it. The government's dumb but they're not dumb enough to think going door to door asking people to turn in their guns will end in anything than a shitload of mini-Waco's.

I think a sales ban is likely in the near-to-medium term. I think a ex-post-facto "buyback" ban is unlikely. Going door to door is basically not ever going to happen.

The second amendment is really hard to get around, which is why states like CA (and the left-wing circuit courts) try to keep their laws from reaching the Supreme Court level

We are starting to see a coalescence of anti-gun thought around the idea that the second amendment is an impenetrable obstacle to gun control objectives. In the long term, this may be dangerous as they attempt a constitutional convention. (Right now, such a convention would backfire explosively. Looking at the makeup of state legislatures, you'd be more likely to get an amendment banning abortion) But in the shorter term, it radicalizes "fudds," hunters, and normie-americans who see gun rights (even with "common sense gun control") as intrinsically American

Pelosi already said it. The next democrat president is going to completely bypass congress and declare an emergency on gun violence. Because fuck the constitution, right?

They're not going to go door-to-door. There will be a generous amnesty period in which firearms can be turned in with absolutely no repercussions to you or your family. Afterwards, when the ban is in place, people found in violation will face large fines and jail time. Freezing of assets and property seizures will also be employed. Make gun ownership less profitable and comfortable than the alternative and you will have almost 100% compliance. Tell me I'm wrong.

US gun owners can abide by a lot but not a semi auto ban.

>arms are stated as a right
Don't forget that they believed that right was given by God himself, that no man has any right in disarming the people.

They will the ban the sale of them

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Looking at Yanggang here

This was done after the prohibition era, when the US looked more like contemporary Mexico and people were desperate for a stop to the violence. Now we see relative peace in everyday life with a 'functional' police and justice system, a ban would be much more difficult to legislate, let alone implement.

They will ban the sale/transfer of semi-auto firearms not the the guns themselves. It means that if you already have a semi-auto rifle/gun you won't be able to sell it or give it to someone and when you'll die the government will take it.

If you don't already have a semi-auto firearms you'll be fucked cause it will be impossible to legally obtain one.

If they try, someone might think its a good idea to organize a series of high profile murders using bolt action/non-semi guns as a means to mitigate disarment of we the people

states will continue banning them with ballot referendums (red/purple states) or via the legislature (blue states) until the issue is forced at SCOTUS, assuming they ever decide to hear a relevant case

if SCOTUS strikes them down, the states will ignore the ruling as they've done with DC v Heller, and/or implement different restrictions to achieve the same goal which will take another 20 years to resolve in the courts

repeat forever

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I hope that 3D printing (polymer and metal) and others home manufacturing methods will be sufficiently developed and affordable in the next 5-10 years (i mean you can already make your own guns at home but not with the same quality and precision than an industrially manufactured one).
Then a gun ban would just be impossible to implement. And banning the informations and knowledge is even more impossible.

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No they wont. And even if they would, they can't. It's bluster for the base and to scare Trump away from his constitutionally-supported mandate to issue an EO on immigration, a territory fully within the purview of the executive.

An EO banning firearms would not be constitutional and they know it

This, so much fucking this. They’re not going to go door to door collecting your funs, atleast not yet. They will instead ban the sale of these firearms, thus disarming future generations. And with their propaganda running full time on CNN and other news, our children (and even adults) are already brainwashed and even people from other countries are hugely anti gun

And yes the next president will declare a national emergency on guns. And it doesn’t matter who it is, even Yang will do this (he’s a HUGE gungrabber)

If we’re going to do something, we need to do it now, before it’s too late...

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An EO on guns has no constitutional precedent and, more importantly, would be preposterously unpopular

Tyranny by a Thousand Cuts. Grabbers know they are playing the long game.

>And yes the next president will declare a national emergency on guns.

Yeah the next election is bound to be rediculously polarizing. And the next president is going to declare a national emergency against a civil right? This is what accelerationists are hoping for.

Don't think for a second they won't be coming for those as well. People joke but the narrative is already there. They are not hunting rifles, they're dangerous sniper rifles capable of accurate fire from distances of hundreds of meters and which can easily defeat police body armor.

Fudds, GOP cucks, moderates, Dems in purple states, hell even establishment Dems would lose their shit if a president tried to push a unilateral firearms ban over congress. It's electoral suicide

lol not at this point they wouldn't. full disarmament is the eventual goal now, they're done pretending, and anyone who dissents is ostracized

t. changed my voter registration from D to I recently

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>Viewing Yang as a legitimate candidate
I'm literally loling at your life right now familiabillia
But yeah, isn't there suppose to be a couple of gun shit going to be heard by SCOTUS this year?

To be fair, it has become a problem because part of a regulated militia is self-regulation, and we have lost commom decency somewhere along the line. People are getting increasingly dumber, when in reality, we should be getting more civil as access to education increases, we're more divided than ever, and the vast pool of arms makes it too easy for a dysfunctional individual to act out...

And that's the real scary part, red flag laws are already working on targeting the "dysfunctional" members of society, but that puts the state at liberty of deciding who is safe, and who's a threat... the public is being brainwashed into believing dissenting opinions such as nationalism, or right wing ideology are inherently racist, to the point where a white guy in a MAGA hat will be publicly labeled a Nazi. Instead of regulating guns, the state will regulate us, based on a social credit system, and you can bet using websites like Jow Forums, racist language, or propagating nationalistic ideology will be a red flag, circumventing due process.

I don’t like Yang but literally every “alt-right” and Jow Forumstard has a hard on for him.
You gotta remember it was these guys who memed Trump into presidency

>Then a gun ban would just be impossible to implement.
Beeaking news: gunngrabbers alter the GCA to define a "firearm" as both the lower receiver and the barrel, requiring a serial, NICS check, etc. for both while screaming "Hold my beer!"

Trump already set the precedent for a unilateral Executive ban on firearms with the bumpstock ban.

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B-buh muh thousand dollars.

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There's one thing that both parties love equally: pussying out on their principle objectives as soon as they obtain an iota of power.
They want disarmament, but there are still enough white men still in the party to do it "the right way"

Those party demographics are rapidly changing, of course

I'm sorry but these guys had zero actual effect on the election. Pepe did not get Trump elected. Widespread disillusionment with the system and prevailing socio-political conditions is what got him elected

The left couldn’t give two shits about the constitution or natural rights, user.

I'm sorry, but if you really don't think the alt right was instrumental in Trump's RNC nomination, you're out of your mind. There's a reason his speechwriters work low key memery into his public addresses.

true but 5 of the 9 people on the supreme court do

It'll be 5 out of 14-18 under the next Democrat administration.

SCOTUS is just there to give you false hope. They're not going to hear any gun cases.

what people forget is at the time of the Second Amendment private citizens own goddamn warships. Imagine buying your own functional warship today. Yes, they owned cannons back then but we can't own the same artillery as the military.

They'll come for the bolt actions next. And the repeating shotguns and revolvers. Never make the mistake of assuming their plan isn't complete disarmament.

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The constitution can be amended, most Americans would be pacified if they got to keep their guns under a closed registry like the machine gun ban. There was no revolution, people want liberty but they certainly don't want death, give them just enough freedom and they'll overlook a mountain of tyranny, a generational slow-boil means each successive generation is willing to give up more so long as they have theirs

It was done after a botched assassination attempt on FDR. The machine gun ban was after an attempted assassination on Reagan.

Don’t be stupid, the attempted assaination attenp on Reagan was with a handgun, retard

Do you guys get off on blackpilling, does it make your dicks hard to imagine getting crushed under a bootheel, to imagine losing but retaining your "principles?"

When I say "sufficiently developed and affordable 3D printing and others home manufacturing methods" I mean for EVERY firearm part and not only the lower.

The dream is to be able to make every firearm and component you want in your living room.

>want a AR15 / AK / Scar / Glock
>download the file and start the machine
>gun is being autonomously made in the next room while fapping to trap-riding-a-horse-dildo-porn
>cum all over the computer
>go in the kitchen to make coffee after the fap
>*drinks coffee*
>coffe collected by fucking Guatemalan shitskins payed $0.5 per day actually tastes delicious
>gun is ready and just asks to be lubed and finger fucked

Though the barrel would be a difficult piece to manufacture.

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>Why do you think there will ever be a semi automatic rifle ban in America?
well if jews can actively and publicly declare their intent to wipe out white people by demographics and invalidate the entire idea of a nation state and borders that has existed since all of human history. if they can destroy the one thing that makes a country a country.

and you dont think flooding the western world the jews have infected with tens of millions of 85 IQ dark skinned people to vote away the rights of the whites for decades will ever change things?

we got 2 decades tops until they rebuild the temple of solomon.

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of course. We'll have single shot shotguns and bolt actions that hold a single round.

Reagan was a Fudd. He railed against the AK and even supported the Clinton AWB. Typical Republican president.

They want you to realize how bad it's going to get and they want you mad about it. They're doing you a service.

>ywn have a surplus battleship and two destroyers in your private dock on the Alabama coast
>ywn old artillery systems from Desert Storm sitting in your weapons depot
>no R-73s rigged to your private jet
>no surplus soviet mortars, shells, or RPGs

Why even live.

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>most Americans would be pacified if they got to keep their guns under a closed registry

Go to any gun shop in America today and you'll hear the boomer clientele say as much. I'd venture to say most would be just fine with such an arrangement. "I got mine" is all they care about. Most of them would sit back in their easy chair laughing and uttering "serves 'em right" when watching Fox News and watching fellow Americans dragged from their homes and shot dead in the streets for falling afoul of the new registry.

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I'm madder than any of you faggots. My blood boils with rage, rage against these people who hate me, who want be broke, dead, my children raped and brainwashed, who think its funny. I'm furious about things you don't even know about yet.

But unlike you I'm not crawling into a hole to die in peace, convinced I'm doomed. I'm angry and that's how I know I'll win

We're being realistic about it. Unless there are fundamental changes in the next several years, the future is a nightmarish hell scape. You can either acknowledge what's at stake and do what you can to avert it, or be an ignorant fucktard and do nothing, thus letting the enemy win an easy victory.

Good. The blackpillers are doing their job. You're supposed to be mad. Your civil rights are being taken from you.

It’s tragic that we abide by any laws to begin with.

No they aren't. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Ironic destroying the Western world is still destroying the Western world. Little faggots.

>the entire idea of a nation state and borders that has existed since all of human history

>watching fellow Americans dragged from their homes and shot dead in the streets for falling afoul of the new registry.
I honestly think this is what we have to look forward to in the next decade.

If you’re so angry, why aren’t you doing anything? You can’t just wait around waiting for them to ‘come and take it’ as it’s already been proven they’re not going to do that and instead ban the sale of them. Things are only going to get worse. You have to do something now

But not you, right?
Hint: le epic blackpill represents suicide.

6 millions times this

You can't overrule an explicit right granted by the Constitution with an EO. Nobody's stupid enough to try that.

It’s just a reminder that public opinion is constantly waning and waxing. This is one of my foundational points when arguing against the right to vote. With voting, power is put into the very same waning and waxing hands. Also people will vote how they’re told. However social media and MSM tell them to vote.

I’m not a leftfag and I don’t believe in natural rights. I’ll expand on this if you’d like

Spare me the fashy spergout pls

Nobody here likes Yang, he is being shilled by outsiders. Nice try. Yang is a gun grabbing faggot.

I tend to avoid Jow Forums but who or what is this Yang?

Okay :^(

Nobody important, don't worry about it.

A Democrat politician with the single strategy of paying people to shill him on Jow Forums and reddit. He tries to hide from the fact that he believes in the normal Democrat stuff, like how guns and white people are bad. Yang is a fag.

Dem 2020 Presidential candidate who's platform is unironically monthy $1k in NEETbux and UK style gun control.

When did I say Jow Forums liked Yang?

those fucking stone age injuns dont count
they didnt even have a written language so they count as pre history

even nomadic peoples of the steppe had home bases and borders and cities
the only nation of people to exist without borders or a state was the jews and even then they had a nation state idea they all pledged themselves to and once the parasites got power they carved that nation state out of palestine

Yes this is true but I'm pretty sure there has never been an amendment from the bill of rights that has been stripped. But I am open to being educated if I'm wrong. The bill of rights, amendments 1-10, we're specifically drafted and ratified as a compromise between the state's and more importantly the landed gentry and the commoners. It specifically details what the government can't infringe on and is built around what natural rights the king had been trampling on before the revolution. It's not some convoluted legal argument to say that if a political party were to try to strip them of water them down, mind you there probably is an argument for expanding them depending on circumstances, then that government will have shown themselves to be illegitimate by the very act of going after the bill of rights. After all, they are individual right enumerated and protected and even if a small majority, or politically connected minority, were to do that then they would no longer have the consent of the people.

Put the second aside for a moment and imagine either party trying to strip or amend any of the others and it becomes obvious that by the very act they show themselves to be illegitimate. Again, not some convoluted legalese.

You disingenuous faggot, no one is falling for your shilling. Yang will lose.

Even more,
Personally i think the dems will go after it, in some way but I'm not convinced you'll get some civil war out of it. At best it will be a medium bowl with a handful of states not complying, look to Alaska and their anti fed law.

Personally what worries me the most is how even moderate dems have lost their mind and are out for blood and have dropped any pretense of civility or playing by the rules within the system. It's not just Twitter sjws talking about stacking the SCOTUS and/or impeaching trumps picks. Or getting rid of the EC. Several presidential candidates have either outright endorsed those positions or signalled support for them.

If the dems manage to gain a majority and pass one or both of those, along with an ASH and amnesty, then you really might get an organized force going against the feds. Afterall, that shi t would permanently silence republicans and moderates in the heartland. I suspect you would see the tea party on steroids with a handful of governors finding way to tuck over the feds. Such as closing interstates or military bases or something. Idk, I just think that has a much greater potential.

>Natalie Mars

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Ya, the end result of all these mass shootings will just be an increase in jobs for armed gaurds. In the end it’s justification for companies to have their own private armies.

I wish they wouldn't piss on corpses and do trophy photos... it's just kind of sleazy and low-brow behaviour. I realize military guys aren't the cream of the crop, but this should be discouraged and frowned upon as disgraceful.

Like this guy should get the cold shoulder from all his friends for such monkey-like behaviour.