I feel a lot of problems people have with multiculturalism stem from ignorance

Western society had a hard road to get where it is now. The hardest road was replacing tribal shit with law shit. We can't throw away all this law shit to go back to tribal shit. We need to evolve into whatever comes after law shit though because our laws have started to become burdensome.

Basically my point is our legal systems formed not because niggers were robbing whitey but because whitey was robbing whitey.

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You gullible piece of shit

>I feel a lot of problems
Disregarded. lmao.

>We need to evolve into whatever comes after
if you blindly "evolve" in whatever direction suggested to you, you won't

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Evolution isn't directed, this is basic bitch science 101, idiot.

I am talking about the kind of evolution from Iphone 1 to X my dude. Not Darwin shit.

Fuck your optics

>I feel

stop, do a 360 and moonwalk right back to where you came from.

>>Ignore demographics
>>Ignore crime rates
>>Ignore terrorism
>>Ignore voting patterns
>>Ignore IQ testing
>>Ignore cultural differences
>>Ignore corporations
>>Ignore media monopolies
>>Ignore history
>>Ignore hatred towards whites
>>Accept destruction


Apple phones are shit and you smell like a toilet

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