This post is inspired by the post “Seattle is Dying”.
There are two kinds of homeless people. Severely mentally ill, and drug addicts who don’t want to get it together.
The mentally ill should be locked away and forced to take their meds. Institutions were eliminated all in the name of restoring rights to the mentally ill. If they won’t accept treatment, LOCK THEM AWAY. I don’t want to see them shitting up my streets.
Why is this so hard?
Stop Homelessness
I agree, the mentally ill should be put into asylums.
Blame Reagan. You can't just toss out insane people who were previously homeless and expect them to make a life for themselves
I'm with you, but don't forget
>who pays for it?
You do, omae.
I am OP, and I take meds for bipolar.
If they won’t take the meds, LOCK THEM UP.
True, but Reagan has been dead for many years.
Okay and who decides when someone is mentally ill enough to be locked away?
Do you see how this is problematic? You need to think harder if you want to actually construct a useful suggestion worth considering, nigga
A judge once said “ I can’t describe what pornography is, but I know it when I see it”
The court.
>2020, Trump rules being white mental illness
So physicians have no say in the matter? You niggers are already fucking it up.
There are shelters out there, but they don’t want to stay in shelters because they don’t want the rules and don’t want to have to listen to the Jesus bullshit.
If you are on the street, you are a problem.
We should not tolerate it, as if it could happen to any of us.
Any of us could experience a financial wipeout, but we would not be sleeping on the sidewalk.
A jury of their peers?
A physician is appointed to a person in a trial, dingus.
Move out of the city, faggot.
That’s Berkeley city hall.
About 3blocks from there. There’s a homeless shelter.
We have lenin and hummel statues, denim and downies, foodies and townies, junkies and jet city pizza. What did you expect
A jury of their peers. I'd rather someone be locked up and under 24-7 medical care with a nurse on the ward instead of the street shitters in California, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Colorado Springs, Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, Detroit...pretty much wherever there are a lot of niggers and wetbacks.
Why should I have to move out of the city.
Remove the trash that makes the city objectionable.
y create rules to lock Jow Forums users away legally. think harder
The gen x punks washed ashore in the forest. The day of the tentacle is the nuclear river sewage day were all waiting for when the dams break and the snake shifts
Mulch all the homeless into crop fertilizer.
I'd adopt a policy of "compassion with an iron fist". I'd roll out a red carpet of opportunities for people to get their lives back on track, simple housing, a job ect. If they relapsed or broke important rules they would be executed. The motivation is to not die. You can either chose to be a pos, or die. The choice is yours. You will not be allowed to be a drain on society. voteforme.jpg
I like this idea more than I should. It conflicts with my libertarian/ancap thoughts but it seems like this would do better for society.
t. former drunk that turned life around, but imma white person so there weren't programs
Except giving the government the power to decide who lives and dies...
"I'm sorry sir, it seems you are to be lethally injected now for losing you job after not affirming Xir's gender properly."