Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Chinaman

Pack it up boys. It’s over

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I don't like Shapiro but he's right in this case.

>abortion on demand
>not mandatory for niggers

This is lame.

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>shapiro attacking yang
i wonder why

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Send me a link to yang's site where he says that

Ben Shapiro is hypocrite at best and a pathological liar at worst. Probably both.

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Yang came out hard for Israel when the Ohmar thing happened already.

Communist China = Israel

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you think killing babies is okay?

"Babies must be killed the correct way. With drone strikes" - Lil' Ben Shapiro

yang is also redpilled on the circumcision question

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Yes. If they're diseased, ugly, poor or exist from rape.

>minorities statistically have the highest abortion rates
>somehow Jow Forums lets this Jew brainwash into thinking this is bad

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Abortion isn’t murder. You cannot murder embryos because they have no interest in survival. Much in the same way that a sculpture has no interest in being destroyed

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Ben Shapiro ANALLY rapes Andrew Yang epic style.

if they are not white, yes.
It's the birthrates after all that determine the faith of the west.

No, it's the only thing he's redpilled on.
Not also. ONLY.

Who said I was for drone strikes you retard?

>Leaf wants to kill babies
No wonder your country is such a shithole. You people somehow manage to be less moral than Americans. When God's wrath wipes out America he'll be sure to spare a few pockets but when he comes for Canada he's taking it all

A ching chong is an answer to the kikes? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it. Israel and American Jews will have a holocaust level mental breakdown over the mere mention of it. As it it, you don't need to even be President to do anything about it. I guarantee you he hasn't lifted a fucking finger on the issue.

life starts at conception my Jewish friend and/or roastie

define interest.

>Let's enable thottery by letting whores never take responsibility for their actions.

Make abortion illegal and if anybody gets pregnant they MUST get married no matter what

Literally every single thing the rightwing stands for.

>“It’s sort of pushed on parents in many situations,” Yang said, describing pressure to circumcise a child as a “cultural onus” imposed on families.

Yang fucked up when he criticized circumcision and our subservience to Israel. Now it's personal.

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Why does China vote against Israel at the UN every time? China is not anywhere near Zionist retard.

making abortions illegal would replace whites virtually overnight. i understand that you are a cuckservative disgusted by the christchurch shooting but don't you understand we will get more of that if you ban abortions?

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>they have no interest in survival
So what about newborns? The fact that they're helpless and need to be cared for, and would die without said care, somehow means that babies aren't "interested" in continuing to live?
Gee, that doesn't sound sociopathic at all.

>abortion on demand
How is Ben Shapiro not laughed off the stage. Conservatives are so cringy.


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This sounds like a pretty kosher belief to me, pal

Pursuit of one’s perceived benefit. For instance rabbits run from foxes because they have an interest in not being eaten

At least circumcise the fetus before you kill it.

They have the interest, they are just unable to pursue it alone

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Fuck this stupid ass chink. People are the problem and they always will be.

>decriminalize opiates

I’m in


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This is how you kill the weak minded

fucking based Synagogue of Satan worshipper

You know. I heard a similar argument from buddhist-niggers one time. They would fish and throw the fish on the shore to suffocate and die.

The conclusion being no bad karma would come because they didnt technically kill the fish.

Stupid nigger logic always finds a way to surface and cover its own ass

>muh baby
Fuck off kike get paid

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God I hate (((Shapiro))) He pretends to be a genius level IQ debate master using cringy one liners and the same rehearsed and memorized facts roastie e-celebs use for conservative beta bux

Going to heaven & pleasing Yahweh is all that matters to christcucks.

As a yang supporter I respect ben shapiro for even acknowledging him. I don't care if you own them in discussion but at least give him the platform to speak, same can't be said for other media outlets.

you sin by clinging to mortal things, in this case your race. Taking life without justification is pure evil, if you can't even reject that practice then your priorities are out of whack.

Case for abortions:

>be nigger
>can't get abortion on demand because it's illegal now
>have 0 idea how to actually perform or find an underground abortion
>move to another city while your 4+ nigglets pop out the 4 girls you fucked (1 White girl) and proceed to be unable to raise them with a strong male figure on their own leading to them gravitating towards gangs and crime since women don't know how to discipline kids
>do this until you're the majority race so you can get even more gibs from Whitey

Damn wanged by Shapiro

>Jew vs Chink

The battle of the 21st century begins

Don’t give these people your time. Abunch of accelerationists or shills.

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Many such cases. Sad.

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Naggers do this anyway, their internal murder rate keeps them in check anyway