Japan has two choice

>Japan has two choice
>Accept immigrants or make a child

guess what I gonna choose? I will accept immigrants.
Our girls don't want me ;_;

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Other urls found in this thread:


琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言 Humanity Declaration 広島・長崎 Hiroshima・Nagasaki 731部隊 Unit731 鳴梁海戦 Battle of Myeongnyang 真珠湾 Pearl Harbor 神風攻撃隊 Kamikaze 慰安婦 Comfort women 戦争犯罪 War crime 南京大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre ダグラス・マッカーサー Douglas MacArthur 憲法第9条 Article 9 of the Constitution 関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺 Kanto Massacre 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 枢軸国 Axis powers マニラ大虐殺 Manila massacre 東條英機 Hideki Tojo 太平洋戦争 Pacific War 倭寇 Wokou 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ) 戦犯裕仁 Hirohito 戦犯国 War criminals country 部落問題Burakumin 夜這いYobai 竹島Dokdo/Takeshima 尖閣諸島Senkaku Islands/Diaoyudao Qundao 千島列島 Kuril Islands バッキー Bakky Visual Planning 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人Murder of Junko Furuta 援助交際 Enjo kosai 痴漢 Chikan、 Japino、唐行きさん Karayuki-san、 琉球独立、 アイヌ独立、任那日本府廃棄、 百済、 白村江の戦い、 文禄・慶長の役、独立、主権回復、佐川一政、 食人、 人肉、 いじめ、亀甲船、牟田口廉也、 インパール作戦 、第二次世界大戦、敗亡、敗戦、用薬須知続編、人中黄



You see, that's the problem...

Women today have too much choice, AND ARE ALSO KNOWN FOR BEING INDECISIVE.

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I have no idea why they don't just do what Hitler did and offer state-backed financial incentives for couples to marry and have kids.


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>guess what I gonna choose? I will accept immigrants.

Go fuck a cheap prostitute in Yoshiwara for 10,000 yen, then stop thinking like a fucking incel and talk to your parents about setting up an omiai to find you an arranged trad marriage partner.

Oh yeah, nevermind, there's no fucking way you're really Japanese, just another larper.

Men and women are incredibly naive here

OP is a copypasta by the way you dumb faggots, stop replying

Why the fuck does English teacher make this thread everyday?

You know most japs on Jow Forums actually speak normal english?
It's fucking retarded that you think they speak in this fucked way
It's like if every Russian poster suddenly typing with Z's and V's for no reason

Like think about it more than once, notice how no other countries do this fucked way of typing aside from japanese english teachers making the same fucking immigration thread everyday

Fuck man

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You need to go back home, Daniel.

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How do I become an english teacher on Japan?

just move there

This nigger posts this thread every fucking day

Sage and hide

>english teacher on Japan

Sorry brainlet, I don’t think you’re cut out for it.

It's fucking 7:54am in the morning.
I doubt a jap wrote this on their morning commute to work.
Fuck off proxyfag

H-hey uhh, Docter Murdoch. Maybe it's time we cut our losses and start plowing the rice fields.

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Or allow their birthrates and population to level out to where it should naturally be. Oh noes! What will happen to our (((economy))) if we don't keep growing infinitely on a finite planet?!?! Make babby, produce tax slave, NOW!

Lol fuck off you white pig leech, Japan is fine and healthy.

I have no idea what that is, but I'm sure as hell not clicking on it.

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calm down, rice dick.

>Doesn't know what Murdoch Murdoch is
>Afriad of clicking a Youtube link
You have to go back

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... Im a bit new. Jow Forums has a similar copy pasta but it's information on the tienen square massacre. It supposedly blocks the thread from Chinese servers, but what is this for and why?

>Either you give my shitty third-rate YT channel views or I'll call you a redditor
Get a load of this faggot.

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Everyone that uses Jow Forums knows what Murdoch Murdoch is Newfag. Don't post here until you've lurked for at least a year.

Engrish ticher

Based and redpilled, don’t let any immigrants in Japan

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>The chinese propaganda machine has been vanquished

How qualified do I have to be to move to japan?

There's a 3erd option
>Artificial wombs & genetic engineering

You just have to be white. Nips are pathetic white worshipers. They should learn from France that their tourism industry is going to collapse if they get overrun with whaito piggus, Arabs, or Chinks.

>on japan
Sorry lad.

I accept our new yellow overlords

>blessed post
Based Jap

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>How do I become an english teacher on Japan?
>on japan
you don't

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Peak levels? Peak levels.

>Japan has two choice
>Accept immigrants or make a child
Is there any rationale to this meme they're pushing? Wouldn't a smaller population have smaller economic requirements, thus a smaller workforce isn't such a bad thing?
I only completed up to HS econ, can someone who isn't a brainlet explain?

Ok now someone give me an actual answer.
I can’t write “white” on an application and expect it to pass.

I could take over japan with a bb gun because of how cucked nips are

NO! we need you
The Jew fears the Samurai
At least have the decency to Kamikaze your self into some kikes.

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No, Japan has a 3rd choice, robots. You all seem to be doing pretty well with that.

Nips do have a choice on which immigrants to accept. Anyone except Niggers, Muslim(arabs) or Chinks. You let any of those 3 groups and your Jap culture goes Sayanara