Politically Incorrect Survey

I'm writing an academic paper on the Jow Forums Politically Incorrect page of Jow Forums, and I thought it would help to survey its members. This survey is not at all mandatory, and you are free to completely ignore it. However, I recommend that you answer these questions if you want this imageboard to be fairly and accurately represented in the document I am writing.

Preliminary questions (feel free to skip these):

1) Age
2) Sex at birth
3) Gender identity
4) Ethnicity
5) IQ (if known)
6) BMI (if known)

Political questions:

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
4) How did you find out about the TAC?
5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?

Thank you for your time in answering these questions.

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>Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
>however defined
Hmm...Are you suggesting Jow Forums has a definition of Jews that differs from the rest of society? That is classist!

Too many questions, people are likely to need multiple posts to respond and ain't many people got time for that shit
>1) Age - 25
>2) Sex at birth - Same as it is now, Male
>3) Gender identity - Enlightened
>4) Ethnicity - White Mutt
>5) IQ (if known) - ~130 to 140, never got tested
>6) BMI (if known) Fucking retarded metric. I am 17% bodyfat by impedence scan
>Political questions:
>1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
>2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
Cart in front of the mule retarded
>3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
Not in the least
>4) How did you find out about the TAC?
Jow Forums is the world's fastest news aggregator
>5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
I believe he had justification for his conclusion based on his assumptions. I do not agree with his assumptions
>6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
It's a schizophrenic movement that doesn't know what it is
>7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
Not that I know of
>8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
I'm anti-islamic
>9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
Not really. I'm not a violent person although I have considered what role I would take in such a conflict


>10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
Yes, all evidence points tot his conclusion, even our own governments.
>11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
Sure. I even respect the right of conquest.
>12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
Extremely. Jewish nepotism is a very real phenomenon
>13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
I'm friend's with a jew. He's my legal contact. He thinks I'm a danger to society for owning more than three guns. We play board games.
>14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?
No I have not, I've focused on what I can do for myself with mental health. Physical health is the first step, along with meditation and introspection.




You're not even allowed on this site

>akshullay reply8ng to a datamining thred.
What a faggot

>giving data mining a bland response matters in any way

>Gender identity
Yes, hello fellows Jow Forumsack I am here to share my real results with you and encourage other Jow Forumsacks to do the same for the good of racism. MAGA guys! haha

1) 27
2) male
3) mail
4) American
5) 148
6) Is a little chubby an option

Political Questions
1) Did not vote in the most recent election
2) They are too strict, not in background checks but in what can and cannot be owned
3) No, if the people were armed they could have defended themselves
4) A group chat with memes
5) It was a horrific shooting, and no he was not justified
6) I don't give a damn, believe what you will
7) No
8) No
9) No
10) Yes, it will happen eventually
11) If Israel can hold it, then yes
12) Yes, to many people say Jewish people hold too much power
13) Yes, as a child a Jewish person molested me, so I kicked them and ran away.
14) I did see a psychologist, they agree on my point of view now

>Male, there are two genders
>High (Engineering student)
>1. I voted for Doug Ford
>2. Too strict
>3. No
>4. Jow Forums
>5. I understand why he did it, it was justified
>6. Fascism is dumb, the smartest people should run things within the constraint of their own people (i.e. don't be traitorous scum like progressives)
>8. I've felt hatred towards other races and my own race as an initial reaction to progressive propaganda, but I no longer hate them I simply don't want to share work/life with them. Liberal women and feminists piss me off, but I don't hate women in general.
>9. Yes, I hate fags and trannies and other sexual deviants. I would ignore them if they stayed in the bedroom, but I will never willingly tolerate them openly brandishing their destructive lifestyle.
>10. Yes, this will happen during my lifetime if we don't do anything. The numbers speak for themselves.
>11. Yes and no. We should stop helping Israel, but I don't believe in "rights" except those you create for yourself. The more rights shitskins and progressives gain, the more rights we lose so "rights" is obviously code for cultural imperialism.
>12. Yes, and they should all go to Israel.
>13. No, I have never spoken to a Jew.
>14. No, this is one of the solutions capitalism provides that actually disgusts me. Why is our society so broken that family, friends, and community cannot provide an ear and shoulder?

>1) Age
>2) Sex at birth
>3) Gender identity
>4) Ethnicity
>5) IQ (if known)
>6) BMI (if known)
Political questions:

>1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
didn't vote

>2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
Guns should be easier to obtain in blue states. Training course, psych evaluation should be required nationally.

>3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
2nd amendment must be protected

>4) How did you find out about the TAC?
Jow Forums

>5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
It's a natural, long-overdue response to Islamic terrorism in Western countries and inaction of politicians in the face of it. Killing children is never justified.
>6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
No idea who the fuck they are
>7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
No, officer

>8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
I have anger towards individuals who invented the term protected characteristic. Fuck em. Also, muslims. Fuck em too

9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
No, officer, of course not.

>10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
Yes, it is inevitable based on current trends and to be prevented at all costs (at least until we are able to completely control our own genome).

>11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
Yes. As well as right to annex any disputed territory.

>12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
Yes, whether it's due to higher IQs, better education, nepotism, or more likely all 3, this fact cannot be denied. However, conspiracy theories are (mostly) bullshit.

>13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
Am jew.

>14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?



I voted for the centre left wing party who are currently in opposition


I mainly agree with them.




Jow Forums told me


Boeing corruption and greed killed 157 people a few days before. I regret both occurances but they don't surprise me.


Such a thing barely exists other than in the vivid imagination of Antifa. Fascism was a 1930s movement.




No. Being angry with an abstract concept such as race is illogical.


I have aggressive thoughts about certain people, but not on the basis that they share such a characteristic.


Of course I do. It is self evident that will be so if current migration and birth rates continue.


Israel should adhere to the peace agreements it signed in the 90s, which means leaving the West Bank, so no.


In some fields in some countries, then statistically, yes, they are. If the process that put them there was entirely meritocratic then I don't care though.


Yes. I regularly denounce Israeli colonialism and racism in the West Bank, some Jews think that is antisemitism, others agree with me. Such discussions are usually heated.



This is just a libtard looking to confirm his pet theory that Jow Forums is populated with fat mentally unstable antisemites. (((They))), on the other hand already know everything about you, so from the standpoint of data mining, it has not bearing whether you'll reply.

>145 IQ
>gives all personal data to a data miner
The irony is too much

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Why do people fill this out?


Nice try FBI.

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They are backup shills to make it look like people are falling for it

Grow up. Unstructured data is almost useless.

A fake glownigger! Cool!

Who are you writing it for? Where can I read it later?
You're likely lying. Sage

1) 35
2) Male
3) Male
4) Human, not subhuman
5) 400lbs
1) Hillary
2) We need access to nukes by the 2A
3) No. Fuck Muslims and fuck you.
4) I am on Jow Forums dipshit
5) I couldn't care less. Killcount is still in their favor historically.
6) Fuck
7) You
8) I'm
9) Done
10) Reading
11) Your
12) Questions.
13) (You)
14) Cunt

I see no relevance in collecting this specific data other than turning it in to the FBI. Nice try faggot

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1) Age: 24
2) Sex at birth: Male
3) Gender identity: I love pussy
4) Ethnicity: White
5) IQ (if known): My IQ was tested by my school district when I was 8 years old and I was told it was 140
6) BMI (if known): I should work out more.

Political questions:

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?: Republican
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?: No.
4) How did you find out about the TAC?: first heard the news on Jow Forums

This could be interesting right...

1 30
2 Sex at Birth? Male
3 Male

(there is no such thing as Transgender btw it is a lie)
4 White
5 ...no idea we shall say 110
6 No idea

Political questions

1 Not gunna tell you

2 They are way too restrictive Gun laws help Criminals not citizens...
3 It was a False flag
4 Media + this site
5 See three - It was a false Flag
6 .....I fell we are getting leading questions here you know...Look it up its a thing...
7 ....And again...
10 Yes look up demographics ...you won't but look up demographics...

11 Complex not a simple answer too many factors
12 Possibly
13 No
14 - They where very politically left wing

You morons actually gave information to a data research centre. Fucking Jow Forumstards

>140 IQ
>Hands all identifiable information to the authorities
I wouldn't be so sure about that bub

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I would bet money btw that this guy is connected to the 5 eyes esp since this is political and he is from New Zealand...


>the one that promised me the most free stuff
>dey need to stop da crimes
>wipipo bad
>all wipipo bad
>nazis be wite pippo so dey bad
>i feel angry about wytpippo all da time
>nah theres always mor wippo than balck
>they dem jews in da desert that wippo hate, ya
>i dun no any jews
>only because i needed to in order to qualify for da gibs


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1) 16
2) F
3) F
4) Kike
5) 767897 it's Semitic to say otherwise
6) about 20

Political shit
1) doesn't matter we run both
2) the goy shouldn't have guns but I should
3) I should have more guns, every non-kike should have less
4) the jews did it
5) as long as the jews come out on top!
6) Jews run the world all I care about
7) Jews Jews Jews
8) If they aren't Jewish they should be exterminated like the goy they are
9) Nope, Jews are the only real people on the planet
10) Only after we kill them all
11) It has the right to own the world, god's people after all
12) nope, we need more kikes in office
13) never us kikes are great
14) I don't take advice from goy

I hope this helps

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5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?: It was a horrible tragedy and I feel very bad for all the victims. I watched the video and it made me sick. I feel there are some on this board who may have similar beliefs as the gunman, however I am not apt to as they say "throw the baby out with the bathwater." The corporate media, per capita, has still done much more harm in its misrepresentation of reality than one man with a rifle can ever do. Currently, my methods of finding the news and forming my own personal perspective are unlikely to change because at this moment in time, if I were to rely on more socially acceptable formats as apposed to the "alt-right"(stupid, non self-identitarian, label used to slander) web-sphere, my resulting view on current events would be distorted. Once you open the door to the truth, you can't just shut it.
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?:
Well Donald Trump is called a Fascist, so I have to say overblown. It's socially acceptable to be communist, that's my beef in regards to the left-right dichotomy. Facist and Communist should be seen in the same light.

7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?: Of course I don't, the true bonafide white nationalists are less than 1% of the white population. Yet the media will tell you that all white people should somehow feel responsible for this one persons actions. In reality, White people are in general kinda-sorta the least racist people there are, in my opinion. Although I'm sure many disagree, but the past few years have really forced me to pay attention to things in regards to race, considering you see shit on twitter all the time like "kill all white people!" If you live in an area like I do with many many "minorities" as they are called, you are actually the outsider being white in many cases. Hell, even rich white people look down on "white trash" in the same way that other races do. Yet those same other races are very irritated when the losers of their race are brought up. The culture is fucked, but I'm actually a believer that it's overblown and will pass.
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?: Protected by whom? "Lions don't loose sleep over the opinions of sheep" -Flatbush Zombies.
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?:
Again, protected by whom?
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?:
It's not personally a priority on my list of issues. I care about the content of ones character. There's good and bad in all races. I don't wish for there to be anything resembling an ethno-state.

matt furie is a dumb nigger

1.) 32
2.) Male
3.) Same fucking thing, cracker
4.) Black Hebrew Israelite
5.) 80
6.) Idk what that shit is
Pol qna
1.) Nation of Islam
2.) Whitey needs to stop shooting shit up
3.) Man, fuck I know
4.) My dad
5.) white people shooting shit are a bad thing





idk 5,8 180, stock build with a little gut

republican, but fuck voting

too strict

i hope they ban guns


based and redpilled, accelerationism is the only way

prolly a bunch of glowniggers, leaderless resistance is the best plan for now




yes, but it’s a good thing, the remaining whites will be fanatics

no, i hope Iran nukes them


yes, started shit at my job, so i told him to go fuck himself

only been to marriage counselor for my parents, and she was pretty fucking cool, called my drunk nutjob of a mother out and helped me work on my anger, plus she had big tits

does it really matter? we’re already all on a list and a good bit of posters are prolly gonna be partyvanned or dornered in the future.

>11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
Nobody knows what the hell to do about Israel. I'm definitely not an expert on Israel and the Middle East, but I will say, they are surrounded by enemies who wish to bomb them off the face of the Earth. It's not good. I don't want Israel to receive special treatment per say, I just don't want to see world war 3. If some one knows how to defuse the ticking time bomb of the Middle East, I'm all ears.
>12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
I have no authority to speak about "The Jews" I stray from the anti-jew stuff on this board. Mostly just looking for a more in depth perspective on current events.
>13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
No, I've never seen someone wearing a yamaka in a street-brawl.
>14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?
I did attend therapy once for 5-6 sessions because it's a pretty normal thing to do now-a-days after a time when I had just gone through a very tragic and stressful experience in life. It was a complete waste of time, peace of mind comes from within. All-in-all said tragic experience was the catalyst for tremendous personal growth and the only thing that therapy helped me to realize is that it's an act of narcissism and won't bring my loved one back. If there is a higher power, I believe that God helps those that help themselves. It's the same idea as "karma", reaping what you sew... so on. I'm blessed with many likeminded people in my life but those I know who are my age who are in "therapy" mostly just can't figure out how to put one foot in front of the other and are helpless in the world. The therapy, in my opinion, re-enforces this rather than gives a solution.

>1) Republican/Libertarian
>2) we have too many and they dont count anyway because they are in contravention of USC 2A; press the matter and die
>3) one more example of how gun law gun free zones do not work
>4) intarwebs
>5) Muslims needed it they were starting to doubt the lefy line about them being brown victims. no one was asked if they wanted their country flooded with shitskins so yeah he is justified.
>6) it can get fucked. i'm an anarchist.
>7) about 50 or so
>8) only because of the protections themselves. i say niggerfaggot not because i hate either niggers or faggots but because some faggot nigger said i cant. what a wrong ass mofof.
>9) define aggressive thoughts.
>10) Math is a view?
>11) i give israel no thought except when i see jews jewing here then i give israel grief for not reigning in their lil shits
>12) math is a belief?
>13) before i knew what a jew was i had one try to get me fired for being blonde/blue, claimed i hit him. so i hit him after that. he quit.
>14) had to multiple times for gov stuff. i'm certified sane nigger.

>1) Age - 19
>2) Sex at birth - male
>4) Ethnicity - Berber
>5) IQ - tested 138
>6) don't know, 185 meters, 75 Kgs

Political questions:

>1) Afek Tounes, center right secular party
>2) prime example of failed gun control. the most restrictive gun laws and that didn't stop terrorist from getting them
>3) no
>4) Jow Forums
>5) I don't like Muslims one bit, I feel indifferent. Muslims kill each other all the time in mosques and places of worship. couldn't care less
>6) Fascism is a meme ideology
>7) they are all muslims so...
>8) jews
>9) yes
>10) that's a fact
>11) no fuck israel
>12) that's a demonstrable fact
>13) I've never seen a Jew IRL but damn I hate them so much
>14) yes when I was 10 because I had autism

1. I did not
2. Too strict
3. No
4. Through friends
5. I think he committed evil but his feelings are reasonable
6. Fascism is mostly supported by faggots who are not capable of running their own lives, so they seek to worship the cock of a better man/political leader
7. My mother is sympathetic to the modern fascist movement
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. I think in some nations that is already going to happen unless it is specifically prevented, ex Germany
11. No
12. In certain nations
13. Yes, it was a normal stranger-to-stranger interaction
14. No

>the authorities

Please. I'm just trying to be sane here. Only the guilty have something to hide.

20, male, 142, don't know my BMI but I'm fit, Romanian (not the gypsy kind, I'm white)

1) Didn't vote;

2) Don't give a shit about guns, they are incredibly hard to procure here anyway, and they are not a pressing problem. I do believe that the mass populations shouldn't have access to weaponry, though;

3) It didn't in any way;

4) the internet;

5) I am genuinely indifferent towards the TAC. The initiative was good, but I feel like the actions committed will only further alienate us from the masses;

6) It's a meme;

7) Not to my knowledge;

8) Not particularly;

9) On the odd occasion, yeah;

10) You mean incorrect. If nothing changes, yes, we will eventually become a minority;

11) It certainly does, however it shouldn't be hypocritical about it and encourage us through various proxies to take refugees in. Any sovereign country has this right;

12) Yes;

13) Never did;

14) I had to in my teenage years. It didn't change my opinion on anything in any way and it ended in two diagnoses which I still take treatment for nowadays.

1) Soon to be 26
2) Male
3) Male
4) Paternally white German. Maternally white Polish. Born in America.
5) Unknown
6) Unknown

1) Republican
2) Guns are here because the people who make and sell them, as well as the people who politically benefit off of their existance, want to make money. Guns seem silly and unnecessary to me unless you're a backwater type who hunts or lives near threatening individuals, in which case you deserve to own a gun that doesn't exceed the necessary level of firepower.
3) No.
4) The news.
5) I'm glad those shitskins got slaughtered. I'm sick and tired of people shedding crocodile tears over nonwhites for political and monetary assurances. I'm not Muslim, and therefore have no reason to feel anything for them by default, man woman or child.
6) I don't know enough about it to know if it holds the white race's best interests in the long run.
7) Not to my knowledge, no.
8) Yes. White men have historically been the most powerful and important, as a white man I should benefit from that legacy.
9) I think and feel aggressively, but I lack a death wish. I keep them to myself and behave civil.
10) Yes, if the current trends don't change. No matter how you decorate or tame mankind, we are about conquest. We slaughtered the Neanderthals; and those who feel threatened by whites will slaughter us, through soft power.
11) I don't care for Israel, but as long as it gives Jews a place to live away from where they don't belong, keep it.
12) I wouldn't know firsthand. It's worrisome though. For example, I feel Christianity as a concept has made Europe a byproduct of Jewish influence. I threw down Christianity years ago because I hated the heaven/hell fear, nowadays I look upon it as a Jewish invention that shouldn't exist in Europe, regardless of the perceived "benefits."
13) Never.
14) I saw two different therapists years apart, for unrelated reasons. To my memory I never discussed my political emotions.

1) 35
2) the same as now
3) Attack Helicopter
4) mutt
5) 147
6) 24
Political questions:
1) Never voted formally, i draw dicks on ballot to avoid a fine
2) Don't give a shit
3) No
4) Jow Forums
5) I understand and sympathize with some of his motivations, i don't agree with his actions
6) larping faggots mostly
7) no
8) Every day
9) Every day
10) Yes
11) Yes
12) Yes
13) No
14) No

make a form with all of these questions, lazy ass

You're a big nig

You realize none of these anons are posting genuine data? lmfao

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Preliminary questions (feel free to skip these):

1) Age Hitler did nothing wrong
2) Sex at birth Hitler did nothing wrong
3) Gender identityHitler did nothing wrong
4) EthnicityHitler did nothing wrong
5) IQ (if known)Hitler did nothing wrong
6) BMI (if known)Hitler did nothing wrong

Political questions:

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
Hitler did nothing wrong
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownershiplaws?
Hitler did nothing wrong
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
Hitler did nothing wrong
4) How did you find out about the TAC?
Hitler did nothing wrong
5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC?
Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
Hitler did nothing wrong
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
Hitler did nothing wrong
7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
Hitler did nothing wrong
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
Hitler did nothing wrong
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts
directed toward a protected characteristic?
Hitler did nothing wrong
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
Hitler did nothing wrong
11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
Hitler did nothing wrong
12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
Hitler did nothing wrong
13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
Hitler did nothing wrong

1. 21
2. Male
3. Fuck you
4. Scottish
5. Not tested, probably around 120
6. 19
1. Conservative
2. They're alright as they are now
3. No
4. Jow Forums
5. He was completely justified and I agree with 95% of his manifesto
6. Based
7. A few people at my university, and a few family friends
8. No
9. No
10. If nothing changes, yes, but I don't think nothing will change
11. Yes, but we have no business helping them do it
12. Yes, that's a fact
13. No
14. No


1) Age
2) Sex at birth
3) Gender identity
4) Ethnicity
5) IQ (if known)
6) BMI (if known)
Idk; I'm fat. What does it matter?
Political questions:

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
>Voted (mostly) republican
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
>best I know of, though the left is continuing their slow encroachment on our right to bear arms
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
4) How did you find out about the TAC?
>Jow Forums lol
5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
>I'm not going to get myself all wound up when something bad happens on the other side of the world, but the guy was a dumb fucking brainlet. We need to get Muslims out of western nations, and killing a bunch of random Muslims makes people view them as victims, not invaders. Remember, to lefties/normies being a victim is the most socially uplifting thing than can happen to a person. Instead of making lowering their social standing he raised it, and now dumb NPCs are more likely to support the soft Islamic invasion of their countries because doing so will make them appear virtuous and raise their own social standings. Dumb fuck accomplished the opposite of what he intended.
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
I oppose fascism but I fear the seemingly endless tide of Marxism will eventually make Fascism appear attractive by comparison, causing it to be adopted more widely when people realize their Democracies have failed them. The pendulum always swings back: the further left you pull it, the further right the course-correction will be.

Attached: 1460562168774.png (824x542, 202K)

7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
>If nothing is done, that is current trend.
11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
>No, it should stop stealing land from neighboring countries,and give back the land they already stole. What Israel does is so Chad-tier that I might admire them if we weren't the Shabbos goys backing them up.
12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
>It is a measurable fact that they are
13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?
>I have sought and recieved counceling but it has not effected my views in any way.

) 19
>2) Female
>3) Still Female
>4) American
>5) 112ish
>6) No idea, lol, but im about 120 pounds

>1) I didn't vote
>2) shall not be infringed.
>3) no.
>4) I found the recording of the stream.
>5) I'm sad about the innocents being murdered. I'm not surprised that a reactionary madman would attack a mosque.
>6) the fringe Jow Forums fashwave? I think it's stupid.
>7) yes.
>8) nope.
>9) no
>10) I would need to see more hard information regarding demographic trends first. I wouldn't trust this board as far as I could throw it.
>11) yes.
>12) no?
>13) Dont think so, lol.
>14) yes and yes. I now consider most "psychiatrists" as fake, pretentious, and pretenders.

Fuck off OP, die in a fire.

1) Age
I identify my self as a 6 y/o toddler
2) Sex at birth
3) Gender identity
All of them at the same time
4) Ethnicity
5) IQ (if known)
over 9000
6) BMI (if known)
over 9000

Political questions:

1) The faggot party
2) I am made of guns
3) Yes, I want more guns now seems fun to shoot people
4) I didnt
5) I feel moist
6) Yes
7) You are my family
8) Yes I would fuck the skulls of my dead enemies
9) Oh yes
10) Niggers are gross
11) Is rael is real?
12) Jews are smelly
13) Yes we had sex after wards
14) Psycoplogist are evil satanist so yes

Don't listen to these nimwits who say they have an IQ of 140+, That puts them in the 99th percentile in terms of intelligence. Would you really believe that?

Southern (anglo)
No idea

Too restrictive
Yes, made me realise how precious it is
A friend
First time I've been happy in years,I hope more invaders die.
Too vague
Yes, all of my siblings and close friends
Rephrase this in a heterosexual way and I'll answer it
Too vague
Yes, it's already a reality in my home state and probably the entire US
No, but I've never met one that wasn't a piece of shit
Yes. It helped me work through some shit and clarified my beliefs. It didn't do what shit like you think it does lmao.

Niggers tongue my anus

Why are women so retarded? Stop writing and get in my basement.

Attached: 1552837972557.jpg (695x504, 109K)

>This survey is not at all mandatory,
Yeah because I'm going to do what you said, faggot.

Open borders for Israel


God if this isn't glowing I don't know what the fuck is!

1) Age : You're a faggot
2) Sex at birth : You're a faggot
3) Gender identity : You're a faggot
4) Ethnicity : You're a faggot
5) IQ (if known) : You're a faggot
6) BMI (if known) : You're a faggot

Political questions:

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote? : You're a faggot

2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws? : You're a faggot

3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?: You're a faggot

4) How did you find out about the TAC? : You're a faggot

5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions? : You're a faggot

6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement? : You're a faggot

7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC? : You're a faggot

8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex? : You're a faggot

9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic? : You're a faggot

10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view? : You're a faggot

11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?: You're a MASSIVE faggot

12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power? : You tell me Faggot

13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?: I dropped a penny and watched them swarm it like flys on shit.

14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way? I don't need counseling I need you to swallow molten lead you faggot.

Hope I was helpful, mine on!

Attached: 1552003739258.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>This survey is not at all mandatory
Say what? I'm not forced to take your survey? Well gee fren, thanks for being so forthcoming about that.

>IQ 82
Niggers :(

Attached: glow.jpg (241x209, 4K)

I'll indulge you. You fucking faggot.

> 1) Age


> 2) Sex at birth

Same as it is now. Female. inb4 tits or gtfo

> 3) Gender identity

Not mentally ill.

> 4) Ethnicity

Irish-Metis (Native American)

> 5) IQ (if known)

120 range ish.

> 6) BMI (if known)


Political questions:

> 1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?

Permanent resident, can't vote yet.

> 2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?

All gun laws are unconstitutional and an affront to human liberty.

> 3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?

4) Internet, like anyone else.

5. More of these are going to happen so long as nothing is done about political Islam.

6) I don't give a fuck about larpers.

7) Ask them.

8) Anyone who says they haven't is lying to themselves.

9) See above.

10) This isn't a view so much as a statistical reality.

11) Of course!

12) I don't give a fuck.

13) I know like, three. lol Never had a problem

14) Psychology is pseudoscience.

1) Age
2) Sex at birth
3) Gender identity
4) Ethnicity
6) BMI (if known)
>I'm 6'1 and 150lbs. Don't know what that means.

1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
>I vote libertarian.
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
>I don't know what they are. I just shoot guns whenever I go home to the farm. Don't need them in the city.
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
4) How did you find out about the TAC?
>This site.
5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
>It's never justified to attack civilians.
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
>I don't support fascism of any kind.
7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
>Isn't that the same as above?
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
>It's not a contention, it's just math.
11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
>Everyone has the right to protect their home.
12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are over-represented in positions of authority or power?
>I don't really pay attention to that stuff.
13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
>I've only ever seen them on television.
14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?