I'm writing an academic paper on the Jow Forums Politically Incorrect page of Jow Forums, and I thought it would help to survey its members. This survey is not at all mandatory, and you are free to completely ignore it. However, I recommend that you answer these questions if you want this imageboard to be fairly and accurately represented in the document I am writing.
Preliminary questions (feel free to skip these):
1) Age
2) Sex at birth
3) Gender identity
4) Ethnicity
5) IQ (if known)
6) BMI (if known)
Political questions:
1) If you voted for a political party in your country's most recent election, for which party did you vote?
2) What is your opinion on your country's gun ownership laws?
3) Did the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch (hereafter referred to as "TAC") influence your opinion on gun ownership? If so, how?
4) How did you find out about the TAC?
5) What are your genuine feelings about the TAC? Do you feel the terrorist was justified in his actions?
6) What are your opinions on the modern Fascist movement?
7) Do you have any friends or family who is sympathetic to the modern Fascist movement or who supported the TAC?
8) Have you ever felt anger directed toward a protected characteristic, such as race or sex?
9) Have you ever had aggressive thoughts directed toward a protected characteristic?
10) Many people on Politically Correct contend that white people, however defined, will one day be a minority in historically white countries. Do you personally hold this view?
11) Do you believe that Israel has a right to maintain its current borders?
12) Do you believe Jewish people, however defined, are overrepresented in positions of authority or power?
13) Have you ever had an altercation with a Jewish person? If so, how did it unfold?
14) Have you ever sought counseling from a licensed psychologist? If so, did it influence your beliefs in any way?
Thank you for your time in answering these questions.