Proof That the Arrest Of "Tarrant" Was Filmed The Day Before

Arrest of "Brenton Tarrant" filmed by

>"Nathan Camus"
>Supposed 10 year old YT channel just recently made uploads
>affiliated with "TeamHateGrip"
>He published(made public his video on the 14th) his video March 14th (NZST)
>The shooting occurred March 15th ((NZST)
>He uploaded March 14th YT counts publish date based on the time zone specific to the area of the world it is uploaded not based on some universal North American applied time

>"Nathan Camus" is a Spook
>Booz Allen, Virginia, D.C. Based

>Nathan Robert Camus in the video has a clear distinct "stoner" American accent, travels internationally working for crisis acting linked spook outfit "Booz Allen"-heavily ZOG


Sloppy Job CIA-Mossad Sloppy Job

Attached: fakedarrest.jpg (395x654, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No one here is interested in retarded conspiracies. New Zelanders are united against the evils of white supremacy

Nice try Moshe

Attached: FDDF2341-219C-4DE3-BDC8-2D64F244EF25.jpg (828x817, 191K)

I hope Erdogan and Putin assassinate Benjamin Netanyahu

good, you guys should commit mass suicide so that the natives can finally have their island back

well said!

this, sometimes i just don't get POL.

>Small area
>small in terms of community
>Jow Forums Jow Forums hours 12-16pm NZST
>Odds of the first post being a true Kiwiw

Sloppy Job Mossad

Attached: NZBLOCKAGE.jpg (1093x866, 123K)

>no one here is interested in retarded conspiracies
lol what?

Attached: 1552875780698.jpg (540x304, 18K)

>BTW I've confirmed everything I posted in the article he has these fake faggot "social profiles" is 28-21 years old is the video he speaks you can hear his accent coming quite clear not a native Kiwi is a loser type but has the funds for international travel...via BOOZZZZ ALLEN

Sloopy Job CIA-Mossad

Attached: BOOZALLEN.jpg (1529x832, 124K)