Should Hawaii be a state?

To all my fellow American lads, should Hawaii be a state? Or should it begiven sovereignty? The way i see it, we should give hawaii sovereignty or make it a US territory. Lots of hawaiians seem to identify more as hawaiians than Americans and retain their own cultural identity distinctfrom american culture.

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Most HI'ans are pointless people but a lot of them are brainwashed to hate whites and America (even tho their primary exploiters--because they are dumb and easily exploited--are the nips followed by the chinks). Like most dumb-dumb "indigenous folk" they hate whites over other groups who would never ever grant them the rights and privileges they enjoy now

Hawaii is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States, having received statehood on August 21, 1959

I was thinking we could nix hawaii as a state and then divine California into northern and southern cali in order to maintain the 50 stars on our flag

I don't think it's natural though. Mapuches/Araucanos here never really hated whites or mestizos that were at war against them until leftists started brainwashing them and imposing their voice in the 90s and 00s. Retarded grandpas at social media didn't help much neither.

So my guess it's that something similar happened with hawaiians and their views of USA.

I live in Alaska and I hate Hawaii but I want to see us as brothers in arms for independence

No, Hawaiians are island niggers and chinks infest the rest of the island.

I could get behind Alaskan independence too. I don't think it makes sense for us as a country to have these states separated from our landmass.

no but it was majority white at the time it became a state.

Geography isn't so much the problem as is cultural differences and the fact that the other states shit on us all the time. The American colonists didn't overthrow England, they just separated from it when they started being ripped off.

The Jones Act needs to go, among many other things we didn't get a choice in.

inb4 honkey foh fooley azz this aint bout no poltics no mo this here a bootleg andrew anglin fan fourm so move tf on somewhere wit yo mayo n butter sandwhich built azz

It should be a prefecture.

Hawaii should be independent. We annexed it is the first place by having a bunch of people immigrate, then overthrow the monarchy in a coup, then vote for annexation.

It should be made sovereign

Yeah, similar to what the Brits did in northern ireland/Ulster. Import foreigners and change the culture

>it should be sovereign
>give it to china
yeah, great idea, you dumb faggots

Good point. I think we should make it a US territory. Would make sense since all our other Pacific island holdings are US territories (samoa, Guam, etc). Although hawaiians would get really butthurt over that proposal probably since they would lose the benefits of statehood but not have full sovereignty

Yeah, good point. Just like Micronesia, Samoa, Fiji, Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, or Tonga.

Puerto Rico and Hawaii should be their own countries. America doesn't need them.

Yes, they definitely need us more than we need them. Although hawaii could thrive independently on its tourist market alone

fuck you trying to give away rightful conquered American soil
if only the US has chose to annex and cleanse Cuba and most of Mexico
such wasted opportunity

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Based Polk. Underrated.

We conquered it like pussies though. Dominated the market and then staged a coup to overthrow the monarchy when it was threatening our financial interests. The overthrow wasn't even staged by our government, but by market barons. Honestly just makes us look bad at this point

>retain their own cultural identity
Diversity is our BOTTOM TEXT

We could have had Newfoundland too
the American empire could have been so big
>using capitalism to its fullest is bad
fuck off you commie faggot

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Hawaii should be 100% ethnically cleansed and replaced with whites
Rename it ham land

No you retard.
Hawaii is useless and the only reason it isn't just nuked is the US Navy and their autistic reeing of
>Muh ports
Hawaii serves literally zero purpose aside from the naval base.
Otherwise it's too expensive to justify, since pretty much everything has to be flown or shipped in there.

We should nuke it from space.

Fuck you. I'm from Maui and tourism is a multibillion industry. This place drives more tourism than your lousy ass wheatfield gridmines

Show flag comrade.
The only way out of the US is via violent revolution. You're with us until death. While states cannot put in restrictions regarding state to state immigration, they can use state and local residency laws to discourage too many outsiders from coming in. That's reality.

Hawaii is basically New Zealand right

Maybe you'll be worth more than your beaches some day

Kek, you're the dude that fetishizes over "muh american empire" but probably also bitches about us keeping troops in Afghanistan and Syria. Can't have your cake and eat it too, moron. Your empire mentality is what drives illegal immigrants across our borders in record numbers, gets us involved in oil wars and makes the rest of the world view us as fat arrogant consumerists. Good job

>Hawaii is basically New Zealand right
No. New Zealand has sheep.
Hawaii has fat tourists, a military base, and lots of weed and homeless people.

hawaii has the best weed in the fucking world.

I can bitch about it because we don't own Afghanistan or Syria
If we put troops there to conquer and colonize, I'd be all for it. I'm not in support of fighting other people's wars for them

Our wheatfields produce more capital in a day than your whole tourist economy produces in a year

I'm in Hawaii right now on business in Waikiki, tell me what to do.

>tell me what to do.
Pretend to be Elvis

If we put troops there to conquer and colonize? We already tried that in Iraq, it failed horribly. We essentially set the post Hussein Iraqi government up to be a US client state and it was a complete failure. Wasted trillions of dollars and allowed Iraq to become an extremist hotbed. Please study the history of American foreign policy more before popping off with your edgy imperialism arguments.

I wanna move to Chicken Island! Spend the rest of my days there.

Attached: rooster-at-hanalei-lookout.jpg (800x532, 297K)

Go to China town and find the hottest trap possible. Post pics then get him arrested for possession

shut up mauinigger
oahu gang 4 life

Don't advocate for establishing a capitalist global empire and then winge about mass immigration, military involvement, multiculturalism, etc. Those are natural consequences of what you're proposing

>If we put troops there to conquer and colonize? We already tried that in Iraq, it failed horribly
lol, no we didn't
We tried to half ass letting Hussein be in charge because we hoped he might be a little more pro USA and anti Iran
How is that in any way the same as conquering and colonizing?
I think you might be retarded.
You probably think Russian trolls "influencing" the US election means Russia conquered the US

Hawaii deserves it less than Puerto Rico even.

>Don't advocate for establishing a capitalist global empire and then winge about mass immigration, military involvement, multiculturalism, etc. Those are natural consequences of what you're proposing
Only when not combined with colonization, which is what I was advocating.

Overthrowing a government, occupying the territory with your military, seeking to seize natural resources, replacing the country's government with a puppet government meant to emulate that of your own state. That is colonialism retard. And look where it's gotten us.

You don't get to leave. We established this in 1861.

It's gotten us everything west of the Appalachian Mountains. Actually, it got us the 13 colonies in the first place.
If you don't want the fruits of that labor, move back to the tiny island off the coast of Europe

It had it's time and place but now it just mires us in foreign conflicts and wastes trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. We have enough territory and capital, no need to keep trying to force the rest of the world into our system

I'm not advocating for Hawaiian-led secession, I'm proposing that we downgrade them to a US territory or grant them full sovereignty.

Big Island seems nice

Sell it to China.

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