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you too hans, you'll go down with us, but the difference is you won't be getting up

Ok m9.

>Pretty sure we've come out on top of all other hardships our Great country has faced.
>Pretty sure Germany will come down and burn with us, but wont recover like us.

Long story short we dont give a fuck

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9 days? Has the extension been denied?

You overestimate your importance to us.


Says the dude who needs a license to watch TV and isn't allowed to carry a butter knife in his own yard.

Awh you base your arguments on memes thats cute lol.

I dont pay for a tv licence because i dont watch the bbc and i own several firearms ranging from .22 calibre to 7.62mm, buuuuut if you want to keep saying these things to feel better about your local mohammed breeding with your fraulein then feel free to kraut, I'm not gonna stop you

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absolutely this. How misinformation spreads...

there are no real germans left, sad.

>higher percentage of muslims
>lower percentage of whites
>SIGNIFICANTLY lower safety index
If I were you I'd get a gun, too.

i'll be pretty comfy here hans

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most of europe is more cucked than the is uk

Learn English, pleb.

Thanks. Self determination is awesome.

Lol nice cope chummy friend man.

I absolutely adore that you bought up personal armaments and then backtracked significantly, kind of similar to how you chaps attempted a crack at Russia eh? Lol

>I absolutely adore that you bought up personal armaments and then backtracked significantly,
What are you talking about exactly?

You anglos and niggers killed them all

>you cant even carry a butter knife
>id get a gun too if i were you

Basically accepted the fact we can own firearms rather than disputing it. Anything else you need me to spell out for you?

>Be EU
>Fuck over multiple British industries by imposing quotas
>See industries are now declining
>Pump money into the now declining industries
>Shill how good the EU is for "keeping the industries alive"

Yea ok

Attached: Brexitpolice.jpg (541x960, 75K)

Explain? I'm assuming its about the brexit farce, right?

Of course you can own firearms, so can we. I really don't get your point. However that doesn't change the fact that a butter knife is classified as an offensive weapon in your country.

I once witnessed a man get spilled by a butter knife

bicycle wheels and car stereos are classified as offensive weapons.

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I can taste your fear from here, German.

That was literally a meme because of an overzealous Judge that interpreted the law to mean any item with a blade.

The EU seems to have a problem with curvy bananas and candlestick length.. so whats your point?

is that a car radio?

Ignore Hans He is still jelly from you kicking his ass and coming to help the UK.
Like you will come to help the UKs trade and both laugh at Europe burning together.


Debatable but sure

What if your gubbermint pussies out and stays? or asks for another referendum? Are you ready to burn things flat?

>anglo saxon stonghold after brexit
>v4 slav reich after EU falls
>putin-xi russia china empire
>trump bolsanaro americas empire
>meanwhile germany is cucked for eternity after EU collapse and is long forgotten

Who here getting /comfy/

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likewise< enjoy your economic downfall AND shitskin ragheads

But you have more shitskins then we do...

thanks to you faggots, we have about 5% same as you, but we are leaving, you faggots are not

we will enjoy watching your german empire crumble in the coming years from without

as an irish american i approve this only as a means to unite ireland.


Show your flag Mohammed.Enjoy your daily terrorist attacks and refugees raping your women.

lol, I'm in Northern Ireland, a taig by the way, Ireland will never be united in my lifetime. Less than half of catholics would vote for a united ireland, every poll ever taken has shown.

You mean windfall

oh no whatever shall we do with the £100,000,000,000+ worth of trade deals REMOVED from the EU. whatever shall we do with all those FANTASTIC WTO trade deals we can make setting our own taxes/tariffs. but hey, you enjoy those incoming tax hikes and devaluation of the euro hahaha

Take a long look at this pic Fritz.
The millman, while whistling, is going about his day without a care in the world.
ymYou sent everything you had at us, flattened whole areas of iur cities. We whistled, and carried on regardless.
Enjoy the massive increase in your EU membership bill, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
Meanwhile, I'll be here, trading with the rest of the world..
while cheerfully whistling, obviously.

Attached: London milkman 1940.jpg (1600x1243, 392K)

You overestimate your importance to anyone

Get cucked Britfag. You still salty about our violent, full Amexit 220 years ago?

May hasn't asked for one. But since her 3rd attempt at getting her shitty deal through was blocked, she is basically now asking for "a 2 month extension with the option of a longer extension if needed" for no real reason. Many EU leaders are asking what the extension is for and are saying they wont give one without a good reason.

Realistically they have no reason to refuse an extension because they keep being paid by the UK while the UK is in the EU. But maybe they're just sick of this whole Brexit thing and want the UK out as soon as possible to continue with other shit they have planned.

Hardly, most Brits agreed with the 'No taxation without representation' argument; from both sides of the pond.

>he enslaved himself to Oligarchs who tell him he is free, then infected Europe
I mean the latter part is something to be salty over for sure

>Less than half of catholics would vote for a united ireland
why is this?



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Don't you have some Greek debts to pay off Hans?

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Almost, the EU have said they REALLY don't want us adverb the elections start, because they know that Brexit is more important to them, to us, and to everyone involved. The elections would be sub headline news.

Because the Republic is a shithole with high tax rates, you have to pay for your healthcare, you have to pay to get your bin emptied, you have to pay to go to a recycling centre. Most of Northern Ireland's economy is public sector, the British gov. spends a ridiculous amount of money here, if the south took over, they could never afford to keep paying at that rate, unemployment would go through the roof.
Also, Unionists would undoubtedly restart the civil war. A united ireland is a long, long, long way off.

Any anons in the midlands want to meet-up for a drink on the 29th to celebrate British independence?

God Bless EUrabia!

we're gonna make the french look like babies you fucking piece of shit

Seems like you haven't looked at Germany growth numbers lately. German car industry is going to shit and the Eurozone economy will follow. Can't wait for your failed political project to fall for good.