by U.K.

UK lads are fucked, they're PAYING for their own genocide!

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're now terrorists for being pro-white.

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...and pay to protect your invaders/replacement.


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>more speech restrictions for whitey
based brentcellerationism

All terrorism is CIA, either encouraged or directly carried out

the jews went full nuts in the last month!

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What a disgraceful country. Pure slaves up there.

When are you brits going to organize get some yeelo vests ? for Christs sake do Something you are running out of time. Yor Government is the terrorist

>UK police set up a competitive scoreboard so we can pit white terrorism against regular terrorism

First terror alert with a martial law declaration wins

It's fucking uncanny. From what I understand, he wanted to exacerbate things primarily in Australia and New Zealand, but this shit has metastasized to the rest of the world or so it seems. So basically, not only has he achieved what he set out to do, but also actually succeeded in successfully worsening Left's totalitarianism in other Western countries as well. This is seemingly going to have a much more substantial, long-lasting impact than anybody could've predicted. I'm sort of glad I live in a predominantly white shithole, Jesus Christ, this is beginning to look really fucking sinister. Those dystopian fucks are actually doing exactly what he wanted them to do and a lot more than he ever imagined. Blimey.

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This. You Anglos just continue taking it up the ass when it's utterly blatant, utterly obvious that your government is completely against you.


>50 yr old stabs 16 yr old

so, the nig tries to rob an older guy,
they struggle, he offs the nigger
other people around call him racist
he's now a terrorist on death row

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>it's utterly blatant, utterly obvious that your government is completely against you
Hasn't it been like super fucking obvious for a decade or more? I think people of the UK are simply disoriented, don't know where to go or what to do with their rage, they are afraid of getting arrested and are just not ready to kick off a revolution, Frenchies seem a lot closer to changing something. Something substantial has to happen in the UK, but with the kind of media and the kind of censorship you've got it's gonna be difficult.

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Same regarding being on the margins of it all. Honestly, I'm kinda scared that this will culminate in a holy war and that I won't be able to participate.

I like to think I didn't get born to offend God by my inaction, yet what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm actually starting to think fighting liberalism, nigers, muslims and above all white traitors is a religious duty imposed by a God who is beyond books, religion and so on.

The way these rats scuttle about makes me think Sir Brendan might've been mentioned in some prophecy or something, I dunno.

How is the migrant crisis going? Have those shitskins left you already or are there some left? I would hate to see your country get thrashed by a horde of niggers, Croatia is so fucking beautiful.

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Is this top Clown World? A sandnigger blows up a Tube every other Thursday while screaming Allah buttfuck, and the government response is to treat their native Britons who take issue with that as hostile extremists? Why do they even have a royal family at this point?

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As far as I know there's no immigrants here at all. I've never seen one. Dunno how the situation is in Zagreb, since I'm from Dalmatia.

Idea: completely disarm the threat level by having far right groups vow to murder people only when the threat level is low, causing it to be either erratic or always high, making it useless.

Good. Slav pride and all, take care and stay safe, Croat bro. I've washed my balls and gonna hit the sack now, good night everybody.

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Rinse your rifles lads

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is that a metaphor of penis?

The founders of the US would be considered terrorists. All is going as it should be.

>starts issuing far right terrorism
So islamic terorism is far left? What an clown that journo is

It's coded language they use to condition normies.

They're gonna find out. Eventually there will be a race war, and we've always came out on top. UK Niggerlovers will be hung. Will be a good day

stop watching porn

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>online gloating is now an offence

And the acceleration continues...

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fuck off United Islamic Kingdom
>all these terrorist attacks by muslims
>all these rapes
>all of these grooming gangs
>no police protection out to help protect kids, christian churches
>one angry fucktard
there is no fucking way anyone can read this shit and actually believe the UK is not completely muslim controlled right now

Uk police are pathetic disgusting pieces of shit.

Imagine what a dozen more Brenton’s could accomplish?

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dont want to get raped by shitskins = white-supremacist...lol

He wants to exasterbate things everywhere. He mainly talks about NZ, Sweden, France and the US in the manifesto.

For each country he says
Talks about edda being killed
Main thing that pushes him to the edge, terrorist attack happen while he's there, sees non white majority everywhere he goes, then sees WW1 graves and thinks it was all for nothing
He talks about how even nz has a lot of non white immigrants, how doing the attack there will bring more exposure and that NZ gun owners will put up no resistence to gun grabbing
This is the main country he was trying to accelerate change in (though wants to radicalise whites everywhere ultimately). Believes gun grabbing the USA would lead to balkanisation which he felt was necessary for multicultural ideas to be put to rest globally.

When was the last far right terrorist attack in the UK? I'm honestly curious

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After Brexit happens there will be blood on your streets

Wagies on suicide watch

I think the NZ shoot did some kind of high level magic...

He's never been here. He's a fucking loon

I heard that Croatia was effectively the EU's chief cocksucker of Eastern Europe and parts of it had started being colonized. Have I been memed?

God damn the strayan did it

The key difference between this attack and any others, which he explicitly notes in the manifesto, is the attack in of itself furthers his cause. He isn't trying to create any awareness of his beliefs and says it doesn't matter if anyone reads the manifesto. Merely doing the shooting will cause the changes he wants to happen, which he was completely right about, the world is reacting exactly as he expect which is what he wanted.

Literally never. IRA wasn't right wing, they're filthy leftist garbage. This is entirely in response to Christchurch and, as usual with the UK, is just the politicians jumping on a bandwagon to look like they're doing something.

>we da IRA now boys

So is this like those stupid UK police chatrooms that we fuck with? Can we endlessly bombard the UK with right wing terror threats so that their alert system triggers like every 10 minutes? I just want them to live under constant stress.

Finsbury Park mosque attack and before that Thomas mair shot an MP dead

how did you gets that picture of me?

Their cunt of a PM is going to the EU to try and delay it lol

Not through a vote, but a civil war due to racial tensions and/or gun grabbing

>Main thing that pushes him to the edge
In Paris region, most populated, 80% of newborns are non-white. 80%.
It's madness. We have already been replaced.

Almost like there was just a mass shooting or something

the left is trying to force a narrative where the onoy violence in society is from "redneck" "white racists"
Nothing else exists according to them. Islamic terrorism? never happened according to them.

They want to label all divergent opinions and statements as 'terrorism' in the future.

The totalitarian states are coming.

The West is done.

No Muslim rape gang warning.

Britbongs how does it feel to be a second class citizen in your own country? Serious question, I know we are headed that way, no need to play who is more cucked.

Do you really feel like you have a strong bond of brotherhood with ALL of your fellow Americans? As in, you feel like you have shared values, a shared past and a shared future?

If the answer to that question is no, and I can't see how it could be anything else, then yeah, we could balkanize tomorrow. We're not held together by a common vision, we're held together by centralized power, and we'll split the second that some large entity isn't pressing us into conformity.

They're bowing to Saudis (and other oil-arabs) on one side and Jews on the other. They've been on their knees for decades now.
Their power is just a facade, it's a pawn country.

>issues threat levels warning against right-wing terrorism
You can't make this shit up.

You guys are nowhere near as fucked as the UK is. Sure, your coasts are shit, but they will never ever do a nation wide gun and/or free speech ban. Wouldn't be surprised if a handful of states do it though.

Is it true that the only 3 conscripted groups in Britain are 2 Islamic groups (lol have so many muzzies you have to ban them twice) and National Action?

Fuck this, I'm leaving this shithole country. Where should I emigrate to?

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loicenses for shitposting
god save the qween

Im wondering to

Now I got the place for you.

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US if you can. Can shitpost to your hearts content

Switzerland if you can't

>Fuck this, I'm leaving this shithole country. Where should I emigrate to?
Was going to go NZ, but my shitposting will be problematic little tiny bit

Balkanization is THE only chance for European Americans to stand their ground and actually win


Im not surprised so many French people are coming here.

We will see France, a thousand year old nation, completely implode in our lifetimes. Crazy isn't it.

america too, read the manifesto


Nope, the cocksucker is bosnia and theyre having some big problems while croats keep the border safe

It feels like half your country is here already, so might as well come over lad

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>US if you can. Can shitpost to your hearts content
Shithole, been 10 years ago and nigroes nearly jacked my hire car, whites (in LA already were in minority), I would rather stay put, than jewSA
>Switzerland if you can't
Expensive shithole, everything is owned by jews, no well paid jobs etc... They also speak foreign

All the rowdy ones came to America

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>It feels like half your country is here already, so might as well come over lad
Thanks user
Kiwies are welcome to a pint at my local too

Some 50 year old whitey stabbed a teenage moslem the other day, as it was "racially motivated" it's being treated as terror.

me: i got a loicense for this post!
officer: what do you mean by this one?

>been 10 years ago and nigroes nearly jacked my hire car
America is huge. No need to live in an urban shithole

Things across the West are developing into incredibly sinister plots and actions. We have had several incidents here in the UK. A turk shot up a tram in Utrecht whilst Urk is under seige from Moroccans. Erdogan is trying to rile up Muslims and Turks to cause shit in Europe. Social laws across the Anglosphere are becoming incredibly totalitarian. The Islamic world is openly blaming Israel for NZ who fired 100 rockets into Gaza.

The tinder box that has been building up for decades has been ignited.

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> Ireland related

he was implying its full of pakis

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Our country is too big for racial tensions and state governments are already challenge the Federal sides
Why should I care about every American? I live in a good community with a good job. There are hoodrats and hooligans in the poor districts, but animal control takes care of them. I have good prospects ahead my families are thriving. Whatever is happening in distant is not my problem. You should always prioritize Family and Community before People
You act like those niggers trying to start East vs West Coast shit while they're hundreds of miles apart
If you're well off in funds (doubt it), then move to the US. Opportunity is bountiful here as long as you're determined. If you're just scraping by, then try Poland or Hungary.

No, you were reported for gloating over the mass murder of innocent civilians

Depends what you count as terrorism. Last summer was pretty tense, kebab shops were smashed up and people rioted over TR.

>Whatever is happening in distant is not my problem.
This is nigger tier logic. Every action has multiple stage consequences. You only looking at 1-2 stages tops, but long-term reward is always better than a short-term pleasure

Meanwhile the French are dropping manure from a truck into Macron's office. Anglos are absolute cucks!

You can still expell them by force

an Anglo just wasted 50 dune coons you stupid monkey.

why not just start ripping things apart then if you're all considered to be irrevocable terrorists by the people you pay taxes to among other bullshit constituency fees?

Just one Anglo! Should be thousands at this point.

That's insane. This shit makes me sick.

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Don't live in LA. Seriously, you choose one of the few shittiest places in the country when California is larger than Germany itself. You have 49 other states (don't choose Chicago or San Fransisco next lol)

Yes, totally crazy the government would increasingly start to protect Snyagogues and Mosques after they have been attacked by mass murderers. "Dystopian and insane" are the words that come to mind.

I'll just leave these here 1/2

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"other incidents, including online gloating"


better not "gloat" online about dead muslims, lads.

>"do yew hav a glaowtin' loicense?"


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>in LA
Move to Texas. Move to Texas immediately.

If only Mosley was still around, he could save the UK from this mess.

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