New To Infosec

Hey Jow Forumstards

I'm just joining and getting into infosec.

How does that make you feel, a vagina is coming to take over your neckbeard incel industry and there is nothing you can do about it?

I already know none of you can do shit except say MEAN WORDS on screen. I already have talked to and have socially engineered several different 'Hard Core' Hackers. HAHAHAHAHA

Lose some weight faggots and follow me : )

Attached: Aimee.jpg (750x999, 99K)

>nazi memeflag

100% bait

So why do you sound like a freshman boy trying to troll?

Well women are generally incompetent so you can try I guess. Also if this is not bait, no wonder you're so angry.

Infosec vagina, you say...

STFU until you learn to code, bitch.

>Lose some weight
Look in the mirror you ugly cunt.


You’re going to struggle, but will be carried the whole way until this diversity shit blows over.

>short tongue
>mole in cleavage
>chubby arms
3/10, did not fap.