USA is dead

How fucking weak this country must be now if it agrees to talk with Russia about fate of some country in South America, as if Monroe Doctrine didn't exist. If USA is too weak to bring pro-American order to Venezuela, how could it be strong enough to defend Poland from Russia, considering the fact that we are placed on different continent, and distance from Washington to Warsaw is bigger than distance from Warsaw to Beijing?

Attached: USA today.jpg (1024x691, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_2017.png

Well, why doesn't poland do it?

If Russia sends some soldiers and weapon to Venezuela, America should destroy all this weapon and kill all Russian soldiers, as well as kill Maduro and install some puppet in Venezuela. And after doing this all, USA could sit with Russia to the debate-table and talk about solutions for the region. But when USA decides to talk to Russia before doing this, it means that USA is too weak and too bankrupt to defend Monroe Doctrine. It automatically means that NATO is dead for real and Poland must take care of itself without looking in direction of the USA

>defend Poland from Russia
We aren't germany

I'd prefer if we just bombed poland instead.

You are too weak for this

Trump is just dumb my Polish user. The key thing in foreign relations is the appearance of impartiality, of a faux democratic order in which agreeance has been reached between nations and a plurality exists and not an autocracy of homogenous unilateral foreign policy. We aren't dictators after all. Obviously the real question is should US expend the blood and capital to do something. Monroe Doctrine is an ignored element of US diplomacy for the most part, sadly. I blame Russia, I think their "interventions" in the Soviet era were entirely to promote a questionable state of compliance. Russian faggotry knows no bounds. I wish we could get Polish master race to say something but alas you guys don't want to say shit about whether we should do something making me question whether you are in fact all chickenshit protoniggers.

$87 Mil for Muslims in West Virginia.

>How fucking weak this country must be
If you could be flown here, offered a job, and could become a citizen as soon as you arrived would you?

We could fuck Russia up so easily. But the truth is that Russia is not our true enemy so why would we. Oh I know, because our true enemy wants to distract us.

Honestly, a waste of perfectly fine bombs.
Nobody would be able to tell the difference before and after.

Russia and China share the same goal: removal of the USA from Eurasia. And they will support each other as long as this goal is not achieved. You can't persuade Russia to change its ways, as long as it sees that its current policy is effective and successful. USA is just bankrupt, that's why it tries to extort money from its allies now and is even too weak to punish Russia for its meddling in South America

USA looks like a third world country in comparison with Poland nowadays and i am not even kidding.

You're really good at this user.

Negative on that one. US military has been depleted over the years due to long term fighting in Middle East and lack of budget due to the end of the Cold War. In most recent wargames we lose against neer peer enemies like Russia and China due to how small are military is right now. We have the edge in quality of tech and gear and logistics but the Commies are mainly focused on defensive positions and their doctrine makes it hard for us to fight them. Therefore we as a nation have been restructuring our military to fight a near peer adversary instead of a bunch of Sandniggers in order to properly combat them.

And yet nobody is hopping your border to live in your paradise.

USA is too busy enforcing the mandatory chemical castration via hormone insertion to bother with boring things like security and diplomacy.

Only because they get free stuff in america at your expense.

>US military has been depleted over the years due to long term fighting in Middle East

Words of wisdom. It is really sad for me to see how the USA just lost global hegemony only because of 15 years of completely irrelevant Middle East assymetric warfare that resulted in burning 7 trillion dollar, and Russia/China developing their A2AD potentials in the meantime. Now the USA is fucked, because its navy/airforce can't go anywhere it wants as it used to be in period 1990-2008

>And yet nobody is hopping your border to live in your paradise.

You would be surprised, dumb negro,_2017.png

>to defend Pooland
You start the shit (always)- you get hit!

I don't trust Rand group's war games, they just want us to spend more on arms.

>USA is dead
That's the non-stop propaganda stream from the Kremlin every hour. Too bad the opposite is true. We just pretend Russia matters to prevent more slav-shits from showing up.

Attached: Russians at the beach.jpg (600x363, 57K)

>In most recent wargames we lose against neer peer enemies like Russia and China due to how small are military is right now.
This is a lie. The ONLY scenario where the US loses is
(1) Conventional War
(2) Overseas theater
In absolutely every other model the US wins by leaps and bounds.

Attached: frozen shit leak.jpg (630x420, 92K)

Russia and China dont want to attack your falling apart shithole, as American continent is completely irrelevant for ruling the world. They only want to remove USA from Eurasia. Thats the secret agreement between them, and they will always support each other to achieve this. You cant use China against Russia in this matter or Russia against China. Just like u couldnt use Third Reich against Soviet Union and the other way round, after they signed Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.

I don't think we can know the full details of the operations that are going on currently. We already have a huge embargo on them and they're eating garbage. Venezuela is right on our doorstep and Russia has leverage to make things more difficult for us without much cost to them. I think we're more worried about the situation in Venezuela getting worse and destabilizing neighboring countries. We're probably looking for any way we can apply further pressure before outright invasion and takeover. Maybe there aren't really any strong factions that can be mobilized militarily.

Our size has nothing to do with effectiveness. We're absolutely equipped to win a conventional war but not without immense loss. Asymmetrical wars are where we get bogged down (Vietnam,Iraq,Afghanistan).

You should worry, literal polack:
Germany stating that wants to leave NATO
Salvini's party making allegiance with Putin's party.
You should buy ticket to Rio.