So how are you guys enjoying the book?
New Based Ben Book
Why would anybody need to read this book if they already own a bible and know all this shit?
We're gonna be making fun of this book for a while.
(((Ben Shapiro)))
I think I'll pass.
This book is for somebody who bought Jordan Peterson's book and thought it wasn't jewish enough
>We Are All Brothers and Sisters. We are not enemies if we share a common cause. And our common cause is a civilization replete with purpose, both communal and individual, a civilization that celebrates both individual and communal capacity. If we fight alongside one another rather than against one another, we are stronger. But we can only be stronger when we pull in the same direction, and when we share the same vision.
What a maroon!
Wrong or right side of history lol such a bugman thing to say. Too many comic books and capeshit movies have turned these people into mindless NPC subhumans who view everything in a black/white childlike mindset. Easily moldable by the Jew, they’re nothing more than soulless golem waiting for a new opinion to be given them in the form of another entertainment segment.
Sounds like "Enlightenment Good, Democracy Good" to me
Ben Shapiro is a fucking commie, I'm a chapter into the book and I can smell it.
Probably not as homoerotic as his other book.