Any Europeans wanna move to America?

America has been subject to the spic and Asiatic hordes so much.
Furthermore, most of the Europeans who emigrate here tend to vote Democrat.

So come here guys! We need more Republican voters.

But bring your sister along or something (if she's based and not some left-wing patsy), we don't wanna turn it into a sausagefest.

Attached: demographic shift.jpg (625x600, 86K)

I'd move there, but fuck going through all that shit for a green card

its pretty easy for a white guy, and a German moreso, to get a green card

whoops, easy for a Belgian too

Really? I assumed this shit taking months. All you hear is how fucked the system is because you're being flooded

yeah, but certain nationalities get in way easier. especially now with the Trump administration

It takes time but I think you can work and start building a social network while you wait. Marriage is super quick if you aren't already married. But the point is you can escape failing European BS and feel free. I know it's not appreciated but as soon as you get here, find a nigger free zone, it will feel so much better just not having to think about that shit every day. You can ge a gun, make friends and go shooting, spend twice as much to drink out good beer instead of the shit that gives you the runs.

Also if you are old and have kids set them up to exchange student here. Europeans always love this place and you can help your kids not marry muslims. We give your kids to big, fat white families cause nogs don't sign up for this shit. Kids treated well, get to enjoy a culture where shit like homecoming still matters, we don't arrest people for spoons and shit, and if they don't stay here they bring back that comfy American shit to Rurope and start questionable by why they feel safe riding a bus in America but they have to take prep before riding a Euro bus.

Your visa system doesnt like white males, so unless you want to marry me I likely wont get in.

Marry my sister

no, Trump's in charge now