What happens here? I saw on the news that they called it a "white supremacist" hotbed

What happens here? I saw on the news that they called it a "white supremacist" hotbed

Attached: Idaho.jpg (660x530, 36K)

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Mormons part 2. Electric bugaboo

In more rural areas, at a slightly higher rate than other places, but I wouldn't call it a hotbed. Most people live in the Boise area, which actually leans pretty left compared to the overall redness of the state.


Attached: Idaho map (japanese).jpg (2000x2923, 1.24M)

Attached: sandpoint.jpg (1800x800, 501K)

A lot of fucking Hispanics and Californians

Attached: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.jpg (1549x1037, 711K)

A boring landlocked shithole with lots of poor white niggers and hillbillies sucks ass and breeds retards you say?

Attached: 1549430219796.png (500x595, 181K)

Not quite

Attached: idaho politics.png (866x587, 39K)

nothing, stay away

Attached: Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah (2007).jpg (2432x1539, 765K)

Attached: Idaho wildlands map.jpg (1711x2500, 1.18M)

I've lived in Idaho my entire life, over 30 years, and sadly I've never met a white supremacist.

sure thing shit skin

based boise

Sorry about your gay dump of a state.

what state are you from?

I've spent like two months around Bonners Ferry and whatever the town with the bigass lake and I met a couple dozen just going about my business. And someone left leaflets on my windshield a few times.

Maybe try getting out of potato Idaho and going to badass Idaho.

this, northern Idaho is far better than southern

It’s a White ethnostate. Every day I’m blown away at the sheer amount of Whites in this world. It’s like anime irl.

Muslims in Boise are free to rape children while the local government and media help them cover it up. Why are there Muslims in Idaho at all? Guess it's not weirder than Muslims in New Zealand.

Californian here, I'll be moving to Idaho this summer, which area is most 'redpilled'

This is a map of excellent quality


Attached: Idaho Ecological Regions map.jpg (1368x2000, 769K)

No you're not

It's not by accident.

im only a few hours drive away from coeur d'alene and i couldnt agree more

Oddly enough, Idaho has a seaport.

>whatever the town with the bigass lake
I dunno mate I just google maps'd it and this is one of the first things I saw.

Attached: never ends.png (1021x534, 1.13M)

Fucking weeaboos


Attached: 013ae769-bc8a-46dd-b900-53861dcb872c_750x422.jpg (750x422, 64K)

Its like there were an unpopular group of the already unpopular Mormons so they moved North, found a better place to live, and didn't tell the popular Mormons about it.

Looks like businesses there up their marketing and "assimilation" efforts.

Attached: uncle chang.png (1147x677, 1.34M)


I dont remember any mormons but theres a lot of hutterites

Can I move to northern idaho if I'm from utah? I'm white btw.
No I'm not mormon.

I like seeing this. Shows they know that they are not in their home and they know it.

Go to Boise

Dont buy the propaganda, it's fucking infested with mudshits

been noticing more Asians...

Why? It's just more phony bullshit. You know they're full of it and just saying things to make money.
Though yeah I guess it's better than diversity going awol because they see themselves as untouchable.

I'm kidding, goys, Jow Forumsacks are welcome in North Idaho.

It's basically an all white paradise and we need more based right wing nut jobs to counteract the calofornicucks show can't seem to stay where they are

Sorry, bro, I brought my Asian waifu and Hapa kids here. We fit in breddy gud tho I think

You da ho


I just moved here last year after applying for and being grant asylum as an Oregonian refugee after the CaliCommiecucks stormed my home with bike locks and empty wine bottles they inevitably sucked down on their way to storming my state. Idaho is a beautiful state - absolutely incredible - but still not my home that was once beautiful Oregon for over 25+ years. Unfortunately I can't go back, I can never go back. The CaliCommiecucks destroyed everything I had ever known. If it weren't for Idaho I just don't know man... I don't know if I'd be here today if not for god damn Idaho.

Attached: california_is_a_gulag_with_good_weather_bumper_sticker-rd990b3dc2aea4ffaaea577e3b4b531be_v9wht_8byvr (307x307, 15K)

>20 posts
>nobody mentions the influx of muslim and africans "refugees" that obama relocated to remote parts of idaho

It's a big secret apparently


I can see my office in this photo.

I almost never even see an American nigger where I am.

Also, rural idahoans will probably purge the sand niggers pretty soon.

Only because of the fucking spics, niggers, and recently a Californian cool wine aunt invasion. Downtown isn't the way it used to be.

>going to badass Idaho.
Panhandle Idaho confirmed for Best Idaho

It's a great state. My coworkers openly used the word nigger with each other and would always talk about illegals taking over our country. It's kind of like Jow Forums-lite in real life

better than all the mexicans coming here for construction jobs I hate seeing all the damn apartment buildings being built its going to bring in lower income fucks from libtard states the roads with traffic already suck will only get worse sense they allow all the mormon companies from Utah to build these shit apartment complexes and dont make them widen the roads.

I drive past it almost daily. So comfy here user. So so comfy.

I hope so potato frend, I can't take much more of this. The Koreans were one thing, the Bosnians another, but the sand niggers who can't even speak enough English to understand they need a photo ID to buy cigarettes... it's too fucking far.

I live in Idaho and work in Spokane and it's pretty similar in my office. We have some leftists though so we have to keep it quiet.

cursed state

Attached: The Owyhee Face, Jump Creek Canyon, Idaho.jpg (1664x1189, 1.12M)

Where are the Koreans? Not many where I am.

Why is Boise so fucked up?

Attached: citydesk_refugeecapitol_hb.jpg (1280x960, 285K)

Meh place isnt that good. But the people are nice.

>illegals taking over our country
Does it really matter if they're legal or not?
Your masters tell you foreign invasion is cultural enrichment and that makes it okay?

Are you near Boise? I haven't seen many spics up here

because women have rights

Because it's a somewhere and everywhere is fucked up.

I can go a week str8 out and about and not see a nignog out here user

yeah ada county area

Same thing happened to me around 20 years ago, moved out here. Would have probably killed myself out there the way Oregon has become. A damn shame. Montana will probably be white flight part 2 for me if it gets much browner here.
I have faith in the survivalists storming back into the main cities though.

Kootenai here

A mormon neighborhood I lived in Meridian basically became coopted by Korean protestants around 2005, if you look you'll find their churches. Very nice people.


good county bud. Kootenai rocks

i think it'll be a few years here for me before i finish the journey to MT, intended to move there but took a job in ID

I wasn't going to mention that area. It's terrible and sucks and stuff.

Realistically, how long until (((they))) start going after the Amish? People forget about them, but the white race isn't going anywhere so long as they're around

Sorry friend.

>mormon companies from Utah to build these shit apartment complexes
Can confirm it's pretty shit.
t. living in a new construction apartment in utah county that has so much crap about it.
Shit is wired wrong, floor is uneven at parts, it's all "agreeable grey" or some shit. Everything just seems as cheaply put together as possible and still expensive and the guy who showed me the place out right lied during his pitch (like the missionaries lulz).
Really rough around the edges and all the other construction I see in the area is being performed by ugly brown people speaking spanish.

Used to live in western Montana it's pretty dope but Missoula is cucked bad

nice might make a trip up there this summer depends if family comes and visits or not...

Ada land owners, also beware the Chinese whales buying property. It has already begun here and a lot of the low income housing expansion is directly tied to this Chink buyout.

i was trying to move to missoula - is it all browned out with turbans or just white guilt cucks? i used to live in portland so cant be any worse than there

Best Montana escape strategy?

I did some volunteer work at a girl scout camp in the middle of the woods near Coeur d'Alene. It's a beautiful area and I plan to move there someday. Florida is lost.

Also I saw some Ayylmaos at night over the lake once. Most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Love it here. If you see me out with my half breeds drop me a white power OK and I'll buy you a beer

It’ll soon become suburban Santa Clara.

just wait til the government starts forcing amish communities to accept refugees. lmao the refugees would feel right at home

Go to where theres the most snow. Nignogs can't deal.

a lot of elitist software devs who get drunk. the rest are 80's kids that wanted to go punk, but couldn't.

The Chinese bought Idaho?

i live in kootenai county - went to walmart on sunday and saw two black dudes with fine af white chicks not together

The libtard Whites are terrible. Pulled our kids out of public school there. They keep bringing more and more refugees all the time.

I don't understand the question sorry

property prices have been going up people that have lived here are getting pissed as property taxes are going up the county officials dont care they just want more money

Ayy sorry please

Sandpoint built large low income housing complexes a couple years back. It unsurprisingly has brought us more diversity. Mainly just old Californians here though.


that's japanese obviously

Attached: Kalispell, Montana (2016).jpg (2520x1680, 1.22M)

My wife gets nasty looks a lot around here, I can't imagine what it's like to be a nog haha

Not enough snow. I'm talking like Libby.