Are we fucked? This sounds like a great way to fuel a full societal collapse

Are we fucked? This sounds like a great way to fuel a full societal collapse.

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They lowered it to 18 so Vietnam war draftees could vote.
Do you see a draft? Raise it back to 21 - or higher like 40 to 50.

It should definitely be 21 years old. There is no way 18 year olds are developed enough to make that decision or handle that kind of responsibility.

This is because you're a Socialist thinker brainwashed by liberal university Institutions until you are self sufficient.

Liberal politicians will "back" anything they think will win them brownie points.

Moraless monsters.

Need to be 25 to rent a car. Just sayin

Why not 14? Why not 10? Why not just bar white men from voting?

Your brain is not fully developed until age 25.
Also to vote you used to have to sign up for the draft. Even longer ago still you had to own land. Both of these should be reinstated.

35 year old landowners.

>Why not just bar white men from voting?
Oh you wait.

Yes, bring the pewdiepie army earlier, cunt. It'll work just fine kek

>Lower voting age to 16
>Many zoomers vote conservative either because being edgy and contrarian is cool or genuine redpill.
>R wins in landslide next election
>Dems claim election was rigged and that the youth are being brainwashed.

They will do whatever dumbfuck ideas to get back in power, and it will keep backfiring. Fucking fat faggot Cenk Uygurs handlers own the Democrats now lmao.

I'm still more in favor that you don't get the right to vote without either military service or at least taking the same citizenship test and oath that an immigrant would

Lower the voting age to the age of consent in mexico, it's for democracy

>zero knowledge of taxes, economics, sociology, neuroscience, law
>allowed to vote
If anything the duty to vote(voting was NEVER a right in the US) should be much more limited. Most people do not understand law or taxes, and those two subjects are vital to being able to vote in a way that could be considered responsible.

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I'm ok with this, but only if they return to a whites-only vote.

>Most people do not understand law or taxes, and those two subjects are vital to being able to vote in a way that could be considered responsible.
Law and taxes affect everyone, so everyone should have a say in the form of a vote, is the counter argument.

Voting age in Canada is 18.

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If you change it to landowners monopolies will buy the land

And I counter that votes by retards and children would also affect everyone and thus should not take place.
Me - 2
Them - 1
I win by the numbers.

Not if you set checks to prevent that kind of manipulation. I actually had the same idea as that user like 1 month ago. But not 35 years old. Just any landowner over 18 (most 18 year olds cannot afford land until at least their mid 20s anyways). It suggests some form of responsibility to buy and own land.

Really bad idea considering people's brains aren't even fully developed until about 25 or so.

Well then they should be able to drink, drive, buy firearms, and join the military at 16. In fact if they can vote, they should be allowed to enter into contracts such as auto loans or a residential lease. Parental responsibility should then end at 16, as well as mandatory schooling.

Kek. At this rate they actually will. They’ll consider men a danger to free and equal society(ironically) and somehow get it through.

This is sinister honestly. She knows just how retarded teenagers are. Everyone who isn’t a teenager themselves knows how retarded their world view was at that age and despite that she backs it. I would increase the voting age in fact.

>surprise when someone even more right-wing gets elected and uses his presidential power to the fullest, BTFO everything left-wing, removing all liberal and left-wing power forever
>but how did this happen?

"16 year olds pay taxes!!! And the are allowed to drive!!!"

So now we push legislation to lower the age to 16 to purchase weapons, gamble, buy cigarettes since 16 year olds are so responsible

This. Simply, if you’re too young to be considered LEGALLY RESPOSNIBLE AS AN ADULT then you’re not fucking voting.

Is he going the wrong way on a one way street

Minorities have more kids than whites. Of course they want this.

This. Why isn’t this being talked about here? Is this whole place shills now?

Good point, but retards defined by what rule?

(and children defined at what age?)

35 year old land white male land owners of good standing in the community. In the UK you loose your right to vote if you ever declare bankruptcy which is a idea.

I have an even better idea - get rid of democracy and implement National Socialism.

Attached: National_Socialism_is_better.jpg (1920x1080, 633K)

>loose your right to vote if you ever declare bankruptcy
this + allow people to declare bankruptcy on student loans = no progressive ever votes again

that's after the fall

Arent those different categories? Was I wrong to think voting was compatible with national socialism?

Zoomers are racist as fuck, believe me, they are against mass migration more than any other generation, bitch is so out of this world that shes literally fucking her entire party up.

There was no income tax when voting rights were granted only to property owners. Most countries charged tariffs, sales-tax and property taxes so it made sense to link voting rights to owning property under those circumstances. Now that the Income Tax is the most important source of income for the treasury it would probably make more sense to link (federal) voting rights to a minimal amount of taxes paid instead of owning property. A 16-year-old kid that drops out and works full-time is more deserving of a vote than a college-student that may or may not work part-time or someone who is idle but owns property.

Get your free gibs somewhere else, you fucking stormnigger. Free markets or death.

We had the right idea when the country was founded. White men, age 25+, owning land.

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Fucked either way really. The voting demographics are irreversible at this point. There's no coming back.

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This is a gateway to pedophilia normalization. The younger they can make adult decisions, the easier it is to let them do other adult things.

You know this means they'd stuff every retarded teenager in the public school system into voting booths and praiseis it as "giving everyone a voice". We don't need morons that don't understand anything voting. Make voting age 25 and limit one vote per married couple.

earned this one user, have a (you).

>Military service
Maybe 50 years ago. Now? No way Jose.

It should be 25. The brain isn't fully developed until this point.

Not like voting even matters.

Hmm, but there are still retards in this category, yes?

This bitch is senile. She can't even speak. She's the speaker of the house too

At this point I feel like I should just enage in white taqiyyah and support lefist bullshit like this for the sake of accelerationsim.

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I would support this only if the age of consent is lowered to 16
If you have the ability to vote, you have the ability to sign contracts, be tried as an adult, and have sex

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Statecraft is dead, only appealing to the LCD for votes is left.

In case there are any liberals out there who think the Democratic Party cares about anything other than power. But I guess this sticks it to the [white] man so "And that's a good thing!"

>t. retard

She doesn't want to lower it to 0 years old though does she. Wonder why.

>sign up for the draft
Yes good idea.

>own land.
Owning land is an interesting concept to push, but in today's society too large a population base doesn't own any land anymore; I mean it's' not like they're making more of it. Many people wind up renting because the cost of land is so expensive where they are, then ultimately in their 30s+ they move somewhere they can own land or buy a house because their income has increased and is stabilized. This doesn't mean during their 20's, especially late 20's they aren't capable of making large scale decisions for the future- or even be /ourguys/.

I think make it a minimum age of 21, and eventually 26.

Not many. Here's the thing. To own a home and land and keep it requires some ability to plan and think ahead. Business owners are also included in this. But corporations are not included. Individual biological people.

Voting was a duty, like serving on a jury. It wasn't a right. And it was based on merit.

good. if children want to vote, we should lower child labor age to 14 and end school after 8 years.

This communist enabled the decay of california and helped JONESTOWN ASSEMBLE.

Drivers licence, voting and sexual relations all forbidden until the age of 21.

Because she wants to murder 0 year olds

Except we have this weird age-of-majority-but-not-really at 18 because you can't drink or carry until 21.

Yes user that she does, she wants to murder them and not give them a vote. Fucked up aren't they.

The brain doesn't even finish developing until 24 on average. Raise it to 25 and make it taxpayer only. You'll never have another democrat president again.

voting to net tax payers only is best still i think
This would disable government employees

This is good. Liberals don't have kids or are having abortions thinking it's "brave" or a right of passage. Meanwhile Republicans are breeding way more. 16yr olds are far more likely to vote with their parents. This will ensure the US and white race.

>I approve

Are you concerned about losing the input of people who are outside the ownership class? If only the ownership classes are picking the rulers, won't the rulers only cater to them?

The free market sells your nation for cheap foreign labor and reduces culture to souvenirs.

This will be awesome to watch on TV, from my secret hideout, which is bomb proof. Fuck you humanity, you wen't super wrong when you made non-whites and jews. Burn it all down.

this bitch is I N S A N E

>voting age lowered because draftees had an extremely valid complaint "why do we get to be forcibly conscripted to die for the jews without representation?"
>Pelosi: ayo we could lower the voting age to 16
16 year olds confirmed for being drafted to fight for the ZOG in the upcoming world war

Voting should be for land owners and tax payers.

This, I voted greens and labor when I was 18.


Democracy was a mistake


Sure but give them all of the other obligations/perks of an adult.
>Trialed as an adult along with jail time. Not bullshit juvie punishments/slaps on the wrist.
>Be tossed into the credit system + ability to sign up for loans/credit cards (that'l go over well) + legally viable for collections.
>Federal age of consent lowered so they can get creeped on by old dudes no problem.
>Tobacco and firearms readily available as well to purchase + carry.
>Access to titty bars/adult entertainment.
If you're going to do something you might as well do it right. They need to whole package or none at all.

They have to sponsor some retarded shit to get the republicans back in power, that's how it works. Because they are allies.

People who were born after 9/11 are 18, this is interesting.

Liberals raise the age on everything except consent and voting.